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Nintendo declares DS sales victory for 2007

With 20 days left before the Vogon construction fleet end us the end of 2007, Nintendo announced the Nintendo DS is the top-selling video game system of the year with 6 million sold in the US. According to the company's calculations, that's one sold every five seconds. In one of his last quotes as part of Nintendo, Bermuda-bound Nintendo exec. George Harrison says the success of the handheld is its appeal to core and casual gamers. He says the DS's momentum will continue to propel the company in 2008. According to Nintendo, the DS has increased sales in the US every year since its launch in Nov. 04.

Just to give a little perspective to how important the holiday season is to the industry, if the DS sold 6 million units this year, then it made 10% of those sales during Thanksgiving week. NPD data is expected this Thursday for the month of November and the numbers should be big. If the last few months have been any indication, it's going to be a good holiday for the industry in general.

Mass Effect amasses a million in sales

Never let it be said that lesbian sex scenes don't sell video games -- and epic space opera plots don't hurt either. Wysteria Lane's street-hardened Microsoft executive Jeff Bell reveals to GameDaily that Mass Effect has affected one million in global sales over the three weeks since launch. In the same breath Bell also said that Halo 3 has reached the five million sales mark.

There's still no word if the rest of the Mass Effect franchise will still be Microsoft exclusive, but with sales this strong we're pretty sure MS is going to try and keep Mass Effect all to itself. We'll see if some exclusivity money changes hands -- and if Sony decides not to partake in the process.

Nintendo DS sets new UK sales record

Even with the UK not celebrating Thanksgiving last week, the DS still broke sales records there. Coming off the news this morning that Nintendo saw amazing sales in the States last week, ChartTrack data says the DS sold 191,000 units in the UK. That is allegedly more than any other hardware format has achieved in a seven-day period.

The previous record was held by the PSP during its launch in Sept. of '05, where it sold 185,000 units. Oddly enough, there's no real explanation given for the DS surge. Any UK folks have an explanation?

Nintendo enjoys its biggest sales week ever in U.S., breaks record

It seems that Black Friday was very, very, very good to Nintendo, as both the DS Lite and the Wii performed quite impressively in the U.S. over the holiday week.

Nintendo has announced that it sold 653,000 DS Lites over the week of November 18-24, setting a new record for the portable, for Nintendo, and for the entire industry. The number of units moved is record-breaking, exceeding the industry's previous record, also held by Nintendo with the Game Boy Advance's sales during Thanksgiving 2005.

The Wii also performed quite admirably, selling 350,000 units, a number topped only by the console's launch week. No word on how these sales figures compare to Sony or Microsoft's, but it's not like it's a competition or anything, right?

Update: Specified sales figures as pertaining to the U.S., and clarified the record as industry-wide.

Read -- Nintendo Sales Go Through the Roof During Thanksgiving Week [GameDaily]
Read -- Nintendo Has Its Biggest Week Of Sales... Ever [Game|Life]

MapleStory holds in-game Black Friday sales

MapleStory is one of those "free" online worlds that earns its keep by charging users for in-game items (the same business model practiced by Habbo Hotel). So it's nice to hear that Nexon, the Korean company behind the MMO, is starting a tradition of offering Black Friday sales on the world's most popular items.

The sales will run from this Friday (you know, Black Friday), through Sunday, but only for short intervals at a time. In addition, special, rare items will be sold each day for one hour only. Check out the entire Black Friday sales schedule after the break. Happy Turkey Day, Maple citizens.

Continue reading MapleStory holds in-game Black Friday sales

Super Mario Galaxy soars with 500k units sold in US first week

Nintendo stated Super Mario Galaxy sold a half million units during its first week in the US. According to George "packing up his office" Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vp of marketing, Super Mario Galaxy has the strongest first week sales of any Mario game ever.

The critical acclaim would seem to say that Super Mario Galaxy deserves all the sales it's getting. We also know that Galaxy sold 250k units its first week in Japan. Oh Mario, you just know how to print money.

SCEA is 'very happy' with Ratchet & Clank sales

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction may have the second lowest first month sales of any game in the series with 74,500, but that hasn't stopped Sony from staying positive. "SCEA is very happy with the initial sales numbers of Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction," said a SCEA to 1UP. "In a crowded market of mature content, Ratchet is a fun, sophisticated alternative that truly showcases the power of the PS3."

Of course, its sunny disposition with regards to Ratchet isn't completely unfounded, there are, after all, many fewer PS3s on the market than PS2s. Also, ignore the imaginary 100,000 in first month sales barrier that 1UP is trying to conjure up, Heavenly Sword smashed that jazz back in September.

Sony: October strong month for "PlayStation brand"

Some companies would get discouraged after having their three systems come in fourth, fifth and sixth (out of six systems total) in the latest NPD sales report. Not Sony, though. According to a press release issued by the company, October was actually a great month for the "PlayStation brand." Some Sony-penned reasons why (and why we're not exactly that impressed with them):
  • Overall sales for the brand (PSP, PS2 and PS3 hardware and software) were up 39% since last October to $353.4 million (not bad... considering the PS3 wasn't out last October)
  • PSP sales were up 120% year-over-year from last October (amazing what a price drop and redesign will do)
  • The PS2 is still chugging along and "remains the best-selling gaming platform ever released" (that's right... none of the other systems have yet caught up to its five-year, 100-million-unit head start).
As for the PS3, Sony seems to be maintaining its message of "just wait until next month." According to the release, internal tracking puts sales of the system up 192% in the two weeks since the price drop, with 100,000 systems sold in the last week alone. Good news for Sony, surely, but not as good for the 121,000 people who bought the system at a higher price just last month. Sorry, fellas.

Microsoft trumpets strong October sales

Despite dropping back to third place in overall hardware sales for October, Microsoft isn't crying too much over the latest NPD sales report. Why not? Well, a press release issued by the company lists plenty of reasons, including:
  • Higher overall sales ($354 million in hardware and software combined) than the competition ($246 million for Wii, $116 million for PS3)
  • New-gen software revenue ($162 million) that beat the Wii and PS3 combined ($90 million for Wii, $48 million for PS3)
  • Halo 3 is still the best-selling game in the country, with 434,000 units sold in October
  • The Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero III proved the most popular, with 383,000 units in sales
The press release also includes the somewhat misleading claim that "PS3 and Wii combined had one third party title in the top ten console title list for the month, while Xbox 360 weighed in with two." While technically true, if you include the PS2, Sony's system wins with three games* in the top ten, and if you include first-party games, the Wii wins with four top-tenners. It's like saying your baseball team has the best left-handed pitchers born on Thursdays in February -- interesting, but kind of meaningless when you really look at it.

* Including both bundled and standalone versions of Guitar Hero III

World of Warcraft hits 9.3 million subscribers

Like a burning crusade marching across the planet, World of Warcraft continues to expand with a population of 9.3 million subscribers. In late July, Blizzard announced that WoW reached the 9 million subscriber mark. All this player retention is fantastic for the game, but World of Warcraft is still an anomaly in the commercial MMORPG genre. If Lord of the Rings Online is in the number two spot like Turbine claims, they have yet to announce even hitting one million subscribers (they cover it smoothly by saying they have four million characters). Although, in all fairness, LotRO hasn't expanded into Asia yet -- that's where the real MMO money is.

Blizzard's parent company Vivendi continues to reap the financial rewards of WoW's success as their sales continue to rise. With such massive retention rates on an MMO, we can only imagine what happens when Wrath of the Lich King, the next expansion for WoW, releases sometime next year.

[Via Massively]

Sony: PS3 sales increased dramatically, won't reflect in NPD

Sony's CEO Howard Stringer is giving a little tease about Sony's current PS3 sales numbers before NPD lays down the law later today with the October data. Stringer says that in the two weeks prior to Nov. 11, they sold 100,000 units per week. However, the NPD group will only reflect data for the month of October, which saw the PS3 selling between 30K and 40K per week, according to Stringer. Sales only expectedly jumped after the introduction of the 40GB model on Nov. 2.

Stringer admits to all the difficulties the PS3 has found in the last year, telling the Associate Press, "Obviously, we've taken so much heat over the year on PS3 ... Finally, the turning point has been passed." Although it's probably still too early to say that, at least Sony seems to be on the right path -- good thing everyone's sales go up during the holidays.

[Via GameDaily]

NPD to continue providing monthly console sales data

Ladies and gentlemen, our long national nightmare is finally over. After nearly six long days living in mortal terror that NPD would no longer be releasing its monthly console sales reports, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. GameDaily is reporting that the big three console manufacturers have all signed on to allow the monthly drip of sweet, fanboy-fueling data that has become a morphine-like addiction for the game media.

The next drop of data is set to drip this Thursday, Nov. 15, easing the pain for just a little longer. For those of you who just can't wait that long for your fix, try to ease the cravings with some predictions from Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter. Oh, precious data ... never scare us like that again.

Xbox 360 outsold PS3 in Japan last week

Kiss your loved ones, hug your friends, because if this keeps up we've reached the end of days -- the Xbox 360 outsold the PlayStation 3 last week in Japan. We'll break down all the numbers in our weekly Japanese hardware sales post later today. For now (while we pack our towels), the Xbox 360 sold 17,673 fueled by (raise an eyebrow) Namco Bandai's Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, which debuted at the #2 spot behind Super Mario Galaxy.

The PS3 sold 17,434 units compared to Xbox 360's 17,673, a slight 200 unit separation. But to just give an idea how dramatic the increase in sales was, the previous week Xbox 360 only sold 3,718 units, increasing its sales almost five fold. Repent while you still can.

Wii and PS3 sales gap shrinking in Japan

The PS3 appears to be slowly shrinking the sales gap between itself and the Wii in Japan. During October the Wii sold 110,415 units and the PS3 came in with 47,183 -- a narrowing 2-to-1 margin. In September the PS3 closed to a 3-to-1 margin from its of 6-to-1 margin in June.

It appears that Sony's alterations to the PS3 are helping to sell more units. Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 just sits around with his hands in his pockets, kicking sand, selling 18,717 units in October, and asking why the Japanese don't like him.

GameStop's world takeover continues with 5,000th store

The GameStop juggernaut just keeps on rolling along. No sooner do they report record quarterly profits than they triumphantly declare the opening of their milestone 5,000th store in Jackson, CA. For reference, the 16-country international chain is now nearing Wal-Mart levels of ubiquity (and yes, we know GameStops are a lot smaller than Wal-marts, but still). Don't worry, though, the store still comes up short against Starbucks' 12,000+ locations or McDonalds' 31,000 restaurants.

With remaining competitors like GameCrazy facing major financial problems, will it be long before GameStop is the only game-focused retail chain around?

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