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Cameron Diaz Wants Eco-Themed Message in 'Shrek 4' | NewsBusters.org
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Cameron Diaz Wants Eco-Themed Message in 'Shrek 4'

By Lynn Davidson | May 9, 2007 - 21:17 ET

msnbc Fred Brown/Getty Images

Kids and parents love the highly-successful series of “Shrek” movies, starring Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers and many others. “Shrek the Third” opens May 18, and that means the cast is on a promotional tour. Several cast members gave an interview to Michael Ordona for the Tribune Newspapers, which own the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times, and disclosed that “Shrek 4” might continue a relatively recent Hollywood trend.

The trend in children's movies has been propagandizing them, usually about environmental issues, and it looks like the the upcoming “Shrek 4” will be no different, especially if Diaz has anything to say about it.

Cameron Diaz wants “Shrek 4” to involve an eco-friendly story line about a threatened swamp environment. Fellow cast members Myers, Julie Andrews and Amy Poehler are also in the below interview excerpt where Diaz revealed her propagandist goal (emphasis mine):

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Q. Do you think being in a "Shrek" movie gives you a certain kind of "cred"?

Andrews : I've got grandkids. As they say in Variety, "I rate tall." I really do. "Granny's in 'Shrek.'"

Poehler: It was amazing, speaking as someone who's a freshman in the college of "Shrek." I was so pleased to be a part of something that will last forever and ever.

Diaz: [Audiences] really invest in it. They just love this film. I love it when parents are always, "This is Fiona." And kids look at me like [makes a face of total bewilderment].

Andrews: And don't think they're not going to be impressed by the messages.

Q. I wonder if they might in the future slip in other issues -- curbing dragon emissions. ...

Diaz: That's something I've been on Jeffrey's ear about, that the swamp possibly could be in danger.

Andrews: Why not? What better way to get a message across than with something that's so funny?

Diaz: Well, hopefully, there'll be a planet in four years.

Myers: You know, Jeffrey's bought a planet somewhere. I'm staying real close to Jeffrey, man. I wanna be on that rocket.

That's what we need, more propaganda in kiddie movies. Considering Diaz' past statements, maybe she's not the best person for the movie's producer and DreamWorks Animation CEO, Jeffrey Katzenberg, to rely on for advice about environmental issues.

Diaz starred in “Trippin',“ her eco-tourist “reality” show that was criticized by the right and greens for admiringly chattering on about the quaint ways of the third-world inhabitants who apparently, if you ignore the high infant mortality rate, low life expectancy and lack of education or medical care, they lead the lives that even an actress who makes $20 million a picture and owns several homes can envy.

She admired how the residents of an indigenous village in Bhutan lived so close to the perfection of a low-impact life (such as no transportation, running water or electricity) happily exclaiming that one of the poorest countries measures their wealth “not based on dollar amount but on gross national happiness.” That's easy to say when you need a financial advisor to manage your investments.

She then praised Bhutan for retaining 72 percent of its forests and for not cutting it down to grow silly stuff like crops for food, "That is so awesome. I like Bhutan...[it has] maintained a careful balance of Old World tradition and modern convenience." Again, glib words coming from a woman with a personal chef and a free Xbox.

After a visit to a remote Chilean village, she criticized the decadent American lifestyle, “It's kinda gotten out of hand how much convenience we think we need.” She probably said that right before texting her personal trainer on her BlackBerry to meet for a Jamba Juice later and then chartering a jet to fly her to her Hawaiian vacation home—all while listening to Sheryl Crow on her iPod...but it's OK, she shops at Whole Foods and drives a Prius when not chauffeured in a fleet of SUVs. Good thing she's around to advise Katzenberg on ecological issues. She's not a hypocrite, because, like, she really, really cares.

Two hilarious eviscerations of “Trippin' “ at Blackfive and Villainous Company from 2005.

Contact Lynn with tips or just to let her know what you think at-- tvisgoodforyou2 AT yahoo DOT com (replace the “AT” and “DOT” with a “&” and a “.” before emailing.

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A woman who could be replaced

A woman who could be replaced in any role by Paris Hilton should probably keep her political views to herself.

There really should be a &q

There really should be a "Sheryl Crowe Eco-Activism Award"

Albert, are you listening? You're into handing out your own self-styled "awards" to people you consider are suitably promoting your own variety of psycho-science,

- but none seem to named in the honor of those who bring the message to a new level of stupidity, to set a standard for which aspiring recipients could say, "No one could top that!"

I am sure when these celebs g

I am sure when these celebs go and visit these countries, they live like the indegenous people.  No running water, no electricity, no cooked food.  They really truly care though.  I wonder if she flew evil commercial airlines.  She wouldn't lower herself to 1st class.

I am suprised that in Shrek a

I am suprised that in Shrek a swamp is called a "swamp".  Over the last few years  "mosquito infested swamps" have had good PR and renamed "wetlands." Now don't get me wrong, I am not against wetlands / swamps- they serve a purpose in nature and we need to make sure we preserve many.  But I really wish some of these eco types would try to spend a night in a warm swamp.  When they come out anemic the next morning from the mosqitoes they might have a new, more realistic sense of reality.

Back home (Louisiana), they'r

Back home (Louisiana), they're called Bayous.  That's pronounced bye-you just in case you're special.

Wish they would just entertain

My kids love Shrek, they should just leave it a funny movie that lets you forget about the problems of the world. I find it funny that actors and actresses usually get to the top by not espousing their political views. It is also quite comical that those with the most "conveniences" talk about how great those without it are.



Hope is not a course of action.

I'll be satisfied that she's

I'll be satisfied that she's done her part to save Mother Gaia by her never getting a yeast infection.

Rochester, Minnesota: A Fem_Leftist City!

There must be some rule in Ho

There must be some rule in Hollywood that every freaking movie HAS to have liberal indoctoration included. Even stuff like X-Men and Harry Potter has to have a damned left-wing message. Has anyone ever heard of just pure entertainment anymore?

It seems to me the lefties in Hollywood have stopped becoming human beings and have mutated into walking idealogues. To them, their whole existence is politics. 

I know a couple of blondes sm

I know a couple of blondes smarter then this girl.

1.  Our resident blonde here at NB

2.  My neighbors’ golden retriever.

 "Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne


Hey AF50,I like the company i

Hey AF50,

I like the company in which you placed me.

I'd prefer your neighbor's golden retriever over Cameron Diaz any day. :)

Same tired formula.  Has bee

Same tired formula.  Has been actor/actress who could not even finish high school, makes political rants to make sure she stays on the A list with her liberal friends when they pass out the jobs.    Yes the same person who taught our children that sperm on someone's hair instead of hair gel was funny and being a slut was the norm.

Hollywood knows nothing about

Hollywood knows nothing about the climate; why would they.

They are brainwashed people who believe what they are told to believe; to stay employed.  That is all!

It has always been like tha

It has always been like that with the celebrities, and they publically mock the hicks who continue to buy their garbage anyway (a "hick" is anyone with a residence east of Palm Springs).

Albert, though, invests a lot to be one of the glitterati. (I wonder if they secretly sneer at him behind his back?)

Albert and his manager had a lot of fascination with these people when they had temporary residence in Washington. I think part of Albert's motivation all along has been to become A-list, instead getting washed off as a B-listed sycophant of A-list

This coming from the blithe

This coming from the blithering idiot that claimed 'If you want rape to become legal, vote for George Bush'.....

If her acting career does tank, I'll bet NASA will take her back...

Too many wildly intelligent actors...not enough Rocket Scientists.......

Now, this might sting just a little bit.....

Carmen Diaz is pathetic...alw

Carmen Diaz is pathetic...always has been.

Brain-dead nobody.

Except to what was the basketball players name that had the colored hair and wore the wedding dress?

They really belonged together.

If I have the two mixed up with someone else, they still belong together.

Perfect match.

Ummm...you might be thinkin

Ummm...you might be thinking of Carmen Electra.....about the same calibre in the brains dept......I believe she is also on leave from her NASA post.....to do Taco Bell commercials.....

Now, this might sting just a little bit.....

Big B... I am roaring with la

Big B...

I am roaring with laughter here!

You are sooooo right!

In all respects by the way.... ...thanks I needed that!

Was the basketball players name Rodney or something, I cannot believe I am having a mind block on him, but then again I am glad of it too.

...too lazy to look it up, and don't care that much either to do so....lol again.