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Last week in Warcraft: October 6th - Oct 12th

Joystiq's MMO-addled sister site WoW Insider strives to bring you the most up-to-date news and information on the World of Warcraft every day. But for those of you who don't stop by on a daily basis, we've broken down the most interesting and exciting topics of the past week into bite-sized pieces for easier digestion. Don't play World of Warcraft? Never fear -- we'll return you to your regularly scheduled Joystiq programming right after this message.

Today's most horrific video: Final Fantasy Cosplay Lip-synching

In honor of the upcoming Halloween Holiday, we bring something cringe-inducing and nausea-causing: namely, cosplayers singing. Well, at least one of them is singing. The other one is lip-synching, complete with backup dancers. The only thing she's missing is a wind machine to toss her hair about in a sultry and sexy manner while she goes through the motions.

Well, you at least have to applaud their enthusiasm, and their willingness to make complete fools of themselves on the international internets. Plus, Rude actually looks fairly slick in his outfit, even if his acting skills make Pauly Shore look like Jude Law. And Cloud's sword looks, well ... authentic. We're just sayin'.

Anyhow, check out the vid. We hope you were scared because there are more to come as we countdown to Halloween. Don't say you weren't warned.

Assassin's Creed gameplay video in three parts

If you're anxiously expecting Altair to jump out of the shadows this holiday in Assassin's Creed, here's a little something to hold you over -- or make you foam at the mouth like you've been chewin' cyanide. The three-part gameplay video chronicles an assassination mission in Montferrat: the first video is the intro; the second part is filler; and the third part is the kill and attempted escape (parts two and three after the break).

Everything looks good until the third part when you see the combat. Sure, the cutscene killings look cool (a la Heavenly Sword), but the combat appears a bit slow and awkward (one guy fighting when there are ten other people standing around). As we learned during our hands-on time with the game, there won't be a demo for gamers to experience the "different" style of Assassin's Creed before its release. Eh, they've got a couple months to work out the combat kinks ... or longer.

Continue reading Assassin's Creed gameplay video in three parts

Sierra Online details upcoming PC, XBLA lineup

Vivendi Games' Sierra Online division has revealed a number of details concerning its lineup of XBLA and PC releases throughout the remainder of the year, including a number of previously announced titles as well as two new games, one where you get to shoot aliens (pictured) and another where you..well...play with bunnies. Earlier this year following the appointment of XBLA's former portfolio lead Ross Erickson to Sierra Online we predicted that the company had big plans for the downloadable space, and given the breadth of today's announcements that assumption looks more correct than ever.

The two new titles announced today include a particularly interesting sounding "third person retro-arcade shooter" called Aces of the Galaxy, where players man the turret of an AI-driven spaceship to shoot down waves of bad guys, and the strangely titled Boogie Bunnies, where players will match up colorful rabbits in a "match-three puzzle game." Both of these will arrive for both the PC and XBLA this winter.

In addition, Sierra confirmed that Wanako Studios' top-down XBLA shooter Assault Heroes will make the move to retail shelves and unspecified digital download services for the PC for $19.99 on October 23. The earlier acquired Latin American studio is also developing the hack-and-slash dungeon crawler Arkadian Warriors (formerly called Artemis Warriors), which will launch this fall from Sierra for the PC and over XBLA, though we hope that this time they'll manage to get multiplayer working from day one.

Continue reading Sierra Online details upcoming PC, XBLA lineup

Unreal Tournament 3 demo now available on PC, already benchmarked

Call of Duty 4 isn't the only high-profile PC demo launching today. Epic Games has released a demo Unreal Tournament 3. The 741 MB download, currently available at FilePlanet, features three maps (two deathmatch and one vehicle Capture the Flag): HeatRay, ShangriLa and Suspense.

Unsurprisingly, there are already performance benchmarks for the game over various gaming rigs, such as this lengthy piece from PC Perspective. The demo description still lists UT3 as coming in November, although the game's publisher Midway doesn't have nearly as much confidence in that release window.

Gallery: Unreal Tournament III

BioShock music list posted by Major Nelson

Still can't get the background tunes form BioShock out of your head? Well Major Nelson, courtesy of BioShock's Ken Levine, has posted the track list for the game (found after the break). As those who have played BioShock know, the music is as much a part of the game as anything else. And considering we'll never be able to listen to The Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker again without imagining the Sander Cohen masterpiece fight, the team at 2K Boston obviously did a great job in their musical selection for scenes within the game. Not since the use of Bach in Gyruss can we distinctly recall a classical piece being so memorably tied with a video game.

We're curious to see what musical selections 2K Boston will make for our return to Rapture. All we really want is some scene in BioShock 2 of Big Daddies dancing to David Bowie's Magic Dance from Labyrinth. Can't remember it? You'll find that after the break too.

Continue reading BioShock music list posted by Major Nelson

Call of Duty 4 demo now available on PC

There's no longer any reason to keep your sister off the phone so the lines won't be tied up: Duty has officially called, and it's offering a new demo for you to enjoy. You can track down the beefy, 1.4 gigglebyte Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare demo here, here or here.

Sure, it may only be one level from the single-player campaign, but hopefully it will be enough to get your through until the game is released on Nov. 5. Now, for the love of Mike, go tell Tracy she can call Dylan. They're having a hard time right now.

Portal transformed into a Flash game

There are only two groups of people reading this: People who haven't tried Portal yet, and people who have beaten it and desperately want more. (On the off, off chance you've only started Portal -- what are you doing? Stop reading the internet and go play more!) For the rest of you though, you may be able to find a couple of minutes of diversion (or solace) from Portal: The Flash Game.

Sure, this version may lack it's big brother's sense of humor and 3D graphics, but what is here actually manages to catch the Portal gameplay experience fairly well. Heck, the portals even sound the same. If you've just finished the brilliant game, this Flash outing might just bum you out more, like looking at pictures of an ex-boyfriend, or a recently-euthanized family pet. But we're more than grateful for the shot of methadone to help us kick our addiction.

[Thanks, BPMΩ]

Zero Punctuation hates on Tabula Rasa

If you've been paying attention to the Escapist's Zero Punctuation reviews, then you've caught on that the whole point is to listen to some British guy hate on a game for a few minutes (the exception being the Psychonauts review where he just hates on people who didn't buy it). The latest review from "Yahtzee" has him hating on Tabula Rasa. As Americans (or, at least, Escapist editors) seem to love listening to British accents getting all uppity and nit-pick on things in absurdest Monty Python-esque statements, this Tabula Rasa review (found after the break) is another entertaining stroll of Yahtzee's breathless rage.

Continue reading Zero Punctuation hates on Tabula Rasa

EA to acquire BioWare Corp. and Pandemic Studios

Monolithic publisher EA has today announced an agreement with Elevation Partners to purchase VG Holding Corp. -- a move which sees EA becoming the owner of both BioWare Corp. and Pandemic Studios. A shocking move to be certain, but one that should make complete sense to a publisher looking to strengthen its lineup of role-playing games and action titles. BioWare, currently finishing development on November's Microsoft-published Mass Effect, has proven itself to be one of the leading developers in the genre, and Pandemic Studios' Mercenaries franchise has shown an alarming propensity for blowing things up.

Closing January 2008, the purchase will cost EA up to $620 million in cash payment to the stockholders of VG Holding Corp., with another $155 million in equity going to "certain employees" of VG Holding Corp., "subject to time-based or performance-based vesting criteria." EA has also agreed to lend VG Holding Corp $35 million through the closing of the purchase. Ray Muzyka, Co-founder and CEO of BioWare Corp, thinks it's all money well spent. "This vision is consistent with BioWare's focus on crafting the highest quality story-driven games in the world," he says. "It will enable us to further the careers of the passionate, creative and hard working teams at BioWare Edmonton and BioWare Austin."

EA will hold a conference call later today to discuss the acquisition. Oh, and here are all the exclamation marks we wanted to put in the headline: !!!!!!!!!!

Rumor: Prince of Persia prequel trilogy incoming

After the Bungie/Microsoft split debacle, we're not going to discount anything out of hand, which is why we're bringing you this news of a rumored Prince of Persia prequel trilogy first reported by a blog called, and we're not making this up, "Surfer Girl Reviews Star Wars."

According to the site, which has displayed a couple of early images from the alleged game, Prince of Persia 4/0/Ghosts of the Past is supposed to be released in the latter half of next year. According to the author, "stylistically and gameplay-wise, the game has abandoned the dark edginess of the last two titles in favor a fantastical cross between The Sands of Time, Ico and Zelda." ... Wow. Now we really hope it's true.

[Via Gamespot]

Wideload Shorts' Cyclomite coming early 2008 via Instant Action

Wideload Games' new shorts division, appropriately titled Wideload Shorts and obviously using sex appeal to sell the brand (mmm, hippos) have announced that one of the first titles from the division, Cyclomite will debut early 2008 on InstantAction, a service developed by GarageGames where you play the game within your browser and against other gamers.

In Cyclomite, players control a multi-colored ring whose purpose is to catch meteors as the storm of space rock tries to destroy the universe as we know it. 1UP has a preview of the game.

The game is being dubbed the "premier" title from Wideload Shorts in the press release, though it also states later that the studio will "release its first game in late 2007," so we guess premier means the first project they begun developing. No word on what that other title is. Wideload has stated it will support handheld, cell and online game platforms.

[Via Press Release]

Fez teaser trailer bends dimensions

Indie game designer Phil Fish has pulled the pixelated, two-dimensional tarp away to reveal his latest project, Fez, an apparent platformer that blends an old-school look with with a new twist, the ability to shift the character's environment to make some obstacles easier to overcome.

The two-dimension to three-dimensional shifting gimmick doesn't seem quite as revolutionary with games like Crush and Super Paper Mario already on the market, but we still have to admit that we're intrigued to see where Fish will take it.

[Via TIGSource]

Gametap Thursday: Evil kitties in space and an undead typing tutor

Not a single bad thing will be said about Wing Commander II and edutainment classic Typing of the Dead's addition to GameTap this week. Wing Commander II is a fantastic example of grand storytelling outside of the adventure genre back in the early '90s. Has the game held up purrr-fectly over the years? No. But the Kilrathi as antagonists are still awesome and we pray that someday EA will bring back a real Wing Commander game with the Kilrathi in top form. GameTap also brings Typing of the Dead to subscribers this week, and if in this day and age you still don't know how to type properly, TotD will help you greatly. Typing of the Dead is the ultimate in edutainment -- well, next to Number Munchers. New subscriber games this week are:
  • Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi (PC) - Kittie's got claws. The Kilrathi destroy the TCS Tiger's Claw (the carrier from the first game) and after much backstory it's time to come back and euthanize some evil space cats. A big story and solid gameplay make it sad to see what has happened to the franchise in the last ten years. This is real Wing Commander.
  • Typing of the Dead (PC) - Demons. Zombies. Creatures. Typing. It's all in there and it works really well. Now we just need that sequel.
  • F-22 Lightening 3 (PC) - A flight simulator where you pilot an F-22. But why would you do that when you've got space cats and a galaxy to save in Wing Commander?
After the break we have GameTap's updated list of free games. Like we said last week, we're now bolding the new free titles entering rotation. Of course, the week after we say that, it appears the list is identical to last week. No bolding for you. So go ahead and play some Ghosts N' Goblins (not to be confused with Ghouls N' Ghosts which is subscriber only) and finish off Hitman: Codename 47 while you still can for free.

Continue reading Gametap Thursday: Evil kitties in space and an undead typing tutor

Metareview: The Orange Box (PC, Xbox 360)

Valve may have the most deficient understanding of episodic gaming EVAR(!), but they are masters of smoke and mirrors marketing. Valve made us completely lose focus on Half-Life 2: Episode 2 being in The Orange Box (YAY!) by bundling so much gaming goodness in the package, that instead of us cracking jokes about their episodic incompetence, we end up calling The Orange Box the gaming value of the year -- 'cause it is with Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Sure, if you've played Half-Life 2 on your PC it might not be such a fantastic value, but for console owners (minus those that played Half-Life 2 on the original Xbox) this is their first go at HL2 and its episodes.
  • GameTap (100/100): "If your PC isn't quite up to snuff, the Xbox 360 version is a good substitute. Occasional framerate hitches, plus one minor gaffe with the gamepad (weapon selection) are the only things dragging down the 360 version. That, and it has freaking 99 Achievements spread across all five games. Due to the delay of the PS3 version, we haven't played it yet, but we'll update you when we do."
  • Team Xbox (96/100): "So, is The Orange Box the best bargain in gaming? While there might be longer games (Oblivion, for example) or games that pack more titles onto a single disc (any of the 'classic' compilations), this is a near-perfect blend of varied games. ... Although this is undeniably one of the must-own games for the Xbox 360, we have a few questions. Will we be getting Episode Three over Xbox Live? And where's our Counter-Strike: Source?"
  • IGN (95/100): "There's nothing else available on any console like The Orange Box. Though you could argue that Half-Life 2 is old news by now, there are still four components of the Box brand new to consoles. That so much great content is offered at the standard single-game price is astonishing ... And all on one disc. While Portal and TF2 may not be strong enough to stand on their own, coupled with the Half-Life titles, The Orange Box really is one of the best games ever released."

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