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Pirates vs. Ninja Dodgeball: robot contenders profiled

When we initially heard about Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball, our first question was, "what about zombies and robots?" (Actually, we first wondered why pirates had top-billing, but that would've led to a long and pointless debate.) Fortunately, developer Blazing Lizard heard our cry and sent assurance that zombies and robots were, indeed, ready to fight.

Our sister site X3F has new, robotic pictures and concept art for the upcoming Xbox Live (and possibly PSN) title. Peruse the gallery below and enjoy robot profiles adjacent to the images.

Madden producer David Ortiz leaves EA Tiburon

big papi
The 'other' David Ortiz, the EA veteran who worked his way up the ranks to lead producer of Madden for Xbox 360 and PS3, has left EA Tiburon, reports 1UP. While inside sources cite "family reasons" for Ortiz's departure, rumor 'round the water cooler tells of a growing fracture between Ortiz and the mysterious inner workings of the studio. (We can totally see how ordering the peons to copy/paste game code from year to year could lead to, um, dissatisfaction.) "David's been a valuable part of our team at EA Tiburon, and we wish him the best," EA said in a statement.

Thankfully, one man's loss is another's gain, and Tiburon producer Phil Frazier will move into the batter's box, erm, take over as lead for Madden NFL 09 – Frazier most recently struck out as a developer for the ill-received NFL Tour.

NBA Ballers: Chosen One gets Chuck D, Just Blaze

It's been some time since Midway's announcement of the Xbox 360 and PS3 arcade basketball sequel NBA Ballers: Chosen One, something we had since written off as a delusion brought on by eating way too much holiday turkey. Today, however, the studio snapped us back to reality, confirming the title's existence by revealing that the game will include Public Enemy frontman Carlton Ridenhour (Codename: Chuck D) and hip hop music producer Justin Smith (Codename: Just Blaze) in "prominent roles." As an aside, the Joystiq staff really needs to put that order in for our codenames as well.

Chosen One, shipping this spring, will feature Chuck D as the game's announcer, while Just Blaze will produce the game's soundtrack, which interestingly will not include the typical mishmash of existing tracks. Instead, the game will include an instrumental track that will "interact with the gameplay, much like a cinematic score." While we doubt this means that we'll be takin' it to the hoop to melodies that push into a climactic epic crescendo, it's gratifying to see the game try to separate itself from the mire that was NBA Ballers: Phenom.

GameTrailers Super Bowl simulation also picks Patriots

You might have watched EA Sports' Madden '08 simulation for Super Bowl XLII when it surfaced a few days ago, where it was predicted that the Patriots would take home the Lombardi trophy by a narrow margin -- then again, you might have fallen asleep in the middle of that video, which was more or less a glorified gameplay montage, completely devoid of commentary and music.

Taking a cue from classic NFL films, GameTrailers recently performed their own Madden simulation of the Super Bowl, yielding similar, and much more watchable results. Our knowledge of the mechanics of football is limited, but basically, GameTrailers predicts that the Patriots will run the brown ball into the score zone more times than the Giants, winning with a score of 20 touchdowns to 10 touchdowns. They also predicted the entirety of Tom Petty's halftime show set list -- strangely enough, it is sans "Free Fallin'".

Skate outsells Tony Hawk 'nearly' 2 to 1

Electronic Arts might have found a contender for Tony Hawk's throne, as the publisher's skateboard title Skate enjoyed almost double the sales of the pro skater's latest. In yesterday's earning call report, EA reported, "on current generation systems, Skate outsold Tony Hawk [Proving Ground] nearly 2 to 1."

Although Skate had a one-month head start in both US and Europe, both titles were out long enough to be well-stocked for the crucial holiday season. While we're glad to have a quality competitor in the long-dominated skateboarding genre, we can only foresee a constant stream of bickering between the EA and Tony Hawk publisher Activision Blizzard at the Annual Giant Game Publishers Valentine's Day Dance.

Today's most retro recap video: Super Tecmo Bowl XLII

Exactly one year ago, the BBPS gang tried to use Tecmo Bowl to predict the Super Bowl champs. The game simulation picked the Bears (yeah, that was wrong). This year, Madden 08 picked Tom Brady's New England Patriots as the winning time for Super Bowl XLII, but what does Tecmo Bowl say? ArmChairGM ran the simulation.

We'll won't spoil the results (that link will), but you can watch the game in the two videos embedded after the break.

Continue reading Today's most retro recap video: Super Tecmo Bowl XLII

EA reveals 'Facebreaker,' a tooned-up Fight Night

Are you Ready 2 Rumble? "No," says EA's newly announced boxing game, Facebreaker. "But I do feature real-time facial deformation and a lighthearted approach to pugilistic pummeling! So really, I'm more like a Fight Night cel-out." According to the folks at 1UP, Facebreaker is being developed by EA Canada for release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii. Says EA's Peter Moore: "Arcade boxing takes me back to my roots in this industry, and this game signals our shift to adding more approachable fun to our product lineup."

Those approaching the fun will find an inevitably "colorful" cast of playable caricatures to choose from, including "Latin lover" Romeo and "an oversized Russian demolitions expert" called Molotov. If you'd prefer to have your own face broken, you can either integrate a personal photo via Game Face technology or simply wear your Tingle costume when buying the game from the store.

More Facebreaker details can be found in the March 2008 issue of EGM.

1080 degrees now boarding Virtual Console

Those expecting an avalanche of new arrivals on the Wii's Virtual Console need not be entirely disappointed, as this week's solitary title was buried in praise when it released in 1998. Snow surprise then to welcome the Nintendo 64's 1080° Snowboarding to the download service.

Yes, we did just write "snow surprise."
  • 1080° Snowboarding (N64, 1-2 Players, 1000 Wii Points): Though the game's title once tricked us into thinking we'd be racing down the lava-covered slopes of an active volcano, we thaw the errors of our ways once we picked up on the persistent presence of ice and a constant need to perform tricks. It's been one of our favorites ever since, even though things went downhill since 2003's Gamecube sequel.

Fan-made Charles Barkley RPG sees full release

You've read the fan fiction. You've speculated on the endless message board threads. You've played the demo over and over and over. Now, the day you've been waiting for is finally here. The full release of Tales of Game's Barkley: Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden is now available for download.

We hope you've cleared the rest of your 2008, because the epic story of post-cyberpocalypse Neo New York in the wake of the great B-Ball purge of 2041 threatens to own the entirety of your existence for some time. We can't wait to find out the true nature of the chaos dunk and discover what the press release calls "a cavalcade of easter eggs, ranging from the mysterious to the unique." Hopefully by the time we're done finding them all, we'll be nearing the release of the implied second chapter of "the Hoopz Barkley SaGa." Hit the download link and check out the below trailer while you join us in waiting with bated breath.

Continue reading Fan-made Charles Barkley RPG sees full release

SNK revisits well, returns with 16-game compilation for PS2, PSP

We honestly believe that when it comes to SNK, they believe that nostalgia is job one. Why else would the company continue to keep one foot rooted in the past by re-releasing countless compilations of old releases in lieu of anything truly new? Not that there is anything wrong with that. The company has forgotten more about making fun games than most newcomers will ever know, polygons or not.

On that note, SNK's latest trip back in time comes care of an impressive collection of 16 different SNK faves, which skirt across the surface of the company's storied history like flat stone. Set for release for both the PlayStation 2 and PSP sometime during the first half of this year, the not-so-creatively dubbed SNK Arcade Classics: Volume 1 will include a bevy of early-gen fighters, such as the first World Heroes, Art of Fighting, and Samurai Shodown titles, as well as Fatal Fury, King of the Monsters, and King of Fighters '94. Beyond fighting games, however, SNK has put together a rather eclectic mix from other genres, with action titles like Top Hunter, Last Resort, Shock Troopers, Sengoku, and Burning Fight, as well as sports entries Baseball Stars 2, Neo Turf Masters, and Super Sidekicks 3. And of course, where would any SNK tribute be without the original Metal Slug and Magician Lord? Nowhere, that's where, so it's a good thing it includes those as well.

Not a bad salvo for the first volume, which has us already wondering what games should make the cut for what we hope will be a second collection soon to follow. What SNK greats would you like to see make a return?

[Via press release]

FIFA Street 3 demo now on Xbox Live

We'd imagine that the FIFA Street series isn't particularly popular with true soccer fans, if only because their tea doilies can often be irreversibly soiled by putting them on the street or nearby benches. And for the rest of us, the players would probably need to smash their teacups on said street and jam one of the resulting shards in an opponent's eye before we'd be able to muster any interest. So, where does that leave FIFA Street 3? Well, if it's going to win anyone over it's badly in need of a demo, something it received on Xbox Live today.

Will the third iteration of the game strike a balance between being boring enough for fans of soccer while not being so boring as to make the rest of us pine for the excitement of riding the bus? Only the demo will tell.

EGM editor Dan Hsu talks about 'blackball' editorial

Earlier this week we saw an editorial from Electronic Gaming Monthly Editor-in-chief Dan "Shoe" Hsu calling out Sony's sport division, the Mortal Kombat team and Ubisoft for purportedly blackballing the magazine. GameDaily's Media Coverage feature, written by Joystiq's Kyle Orland, talks with Hsu about the editorial to extract more insight into his decision to publish the editorial.

Hsu clarifies that these incidents are not common, despite the perception one might get from all the media around it. In talking about Ubisoft specifically, Hsu points out two previews for Assassin's Creed, which discussed worrisome design flaws. He also notes that Capcom had at one point in the magazine's history pulled support and have since become a prominent advertiser again.

Our favorite line comes at the end of the piece. Said Hsu, "I'd drag EGM down with me or quit before we compromise our integrity." You hear that, EGM writers who value paychecks over integrity? Get out while you still can!

Curt Schilling leaving baseball for game development

Curt Schilling's love affair with games, particularly of the MMO persuasion, is no secret. In late 2006, he took this commitment to the next level, founding Green Monster Games (now 38 Studios) and pledging to support his staff with competitive benefits. Now he's putting game development right up there with family, telling GameTap, "After baseball, I will do nothing except be a father, husband and run this company."

Codenamed Copernicus, Schilling's MMO is still in "concept phase" – tentatively dated for late 2010 – but it's one part of a mega-IP aimed at saturating multiple entertainment markets, including film, TV, books, comics, and action figures. With fantasy novelist R.A. Salvatore and Todd MacFarlane on board as creative partners, Schilling's ambitious project is more than just a pipe dream. As for baseball, the fabled pitcher doesn't plan to leave the sport behind entirely after his final season. "[I will be] intimately involved in making a baseball game ... I will be a part of a company doing a sports game [some day]."

NFL Tour demo kicked through Xbox Live uprights

The NFL season is winding to a close, and things are getting pretty exciting. But it's also getting tortuously serious. What if you got into football not for stats and paydays but just the sheer fun of the game? What if you simply want to run fast on a wall with streaks behind you and do The Worm? For you, friend, for you -- there is NFL Tour.

A new demo of the game has just been dropped onto Xbox Live for your turbo-juking, casual dressing enjoyment. Speaking as big fans of NFL Blitz, we're looking forward to giving another arcade-style pigskin game a whirl. But we're more interested in hearing what you think. Share your thoughts right after the break.

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