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U.S. sanctions target Syria group

The Bush administration on Thursday announced it was imposing economic sanctions on four people it accused of helping with the flow of money, weapons, terrorists and other resources from Syria into Iraq.

Time.com: US Sends Ships to Mediterranean

The U.S. Navy is sending three ships to the eastern Mediterranean Sea in a show of strength during a period of tensions with Syria and political uncertainty in Lebanon

U.N. seeks help for 'desperate' Iraqi refugees

Some 2 million Iraqis have fled their country, most seeking refuge in Syria and Jordan, and another 2.4 million have been displaced inside Iraq, according to the United Nations.

U.S. extends sanctions against Syria, says it subverts Iraq efforts

The White House on Wednesday issued an order expanding sanctions against Syria, saying the nation's leaders have engaged in a pattern of violating human rights in their own country and harmed the peace and stability of other nations in the region, including Iraq.

Time.com: Syria: Who Needs Annapolis?

Syria convenes a conference of rejectionists demanding an end to peace talks with Israel

Time.com: Ancient Cemetery Unearthed in Syria

Archaeologists in northeast Syria have unearthed a 3rd century cemetery in the shape of a cross, the country's official news agency reported Wednesday

Time.com: Syria's Diplomatic Isolation Grows

France is the latest country to lose patience with Syria, the country that holds the key to ending Lebanon's political impasse

Time.com: A New Player in the Middle East

Lebanon's pro-Western and pro-Syrian alliances have settled on a compromise presidential candidate, Gen. Michel Suleiman. Can he help broker peace?

Buses take Iraqi refugees home from Syria

Convoys of buses carrying Iraqi refugees are heading from Damascus to Baghdad, marking the first time that some of the 1.5 million Iraqis who fled to Syria are returning home as part of an organized plan.

'Global apathy' to Iraqi refugees

Countries across the world are inadequately responding to the Iraqi refugee crisis, a human rights group said in a report Monday.

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