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Public Speaking & Presentations - BusinessWeek
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Public Speaking & Presentations

March 19, 2008

Rally Your Troops Like Churchill

How you can borrow from the British politician's speaking skills to lift the spirits of managers, employees, and customers worried about today's economy.

March 14, 2008

How to Pitch Anything in Two Minutes

Communications coach Carmine Gallo discusses five simple tips for pitching a product, service, company—or yourself.

February 15, 2008

Communicating with Twentysomethings

Here are five ways to successfully engage with Gen Y, whose members want to add meaning to their lives and to the world.

February 08, 2008

In Praise of the Sound Bite

Our communications columnist explains why business owners should use this oft-criticized public speaking device to capture customers' attention and make a lasting impression.

February 01, 2008

Creating a Great Place to Work

Griffin Hospital created an award-winning work environment by honoring its commitment to open communication. Our columnist explains how.

January 25, 2008

Deliver a Presentation like Steve Jobs

Our communications coach breaks down the ace presenter's latest Macworld keynote. The result? A 10-part framework you can use to wow your own audience.

January 18, 2008

Hyundai's Happy Camper

At the Korean automaker's plant in Alabama, one tour guide is making a difference by spreading enthusiasm and goodwill about the brand.

January 09, 2008

Bringing Passion to Starbucks, Travelocity

Two companies are trying to take employee engagement and customer service to new levels. Your small business can learn a lot from them.

January 04, 2008

Your New Title: Chief Inspiration Officer

Every business needs a leader who can inspire all its stakeholders. Consider perfecting the language of motivation in 2008.

December 21, 2007

The Right Amount of Energy

How do you liven up your business presentations without seeming over the top? By weighing yourself on an energy scale.

December 14, 2007

Oprah's Favorite 'Favorite Thing'

To motivate your employees, try channeling the media mogul and communicate how much you appreciate them.

December 07, 2007

The Napkin Test

Why it's time to replace your company's bulky mission statement with a vision concise enough to fit on the back of a napkin.

November 21, 2007

The Secret Behind Trump's Success

The most successful entrepreneurs don't chase after money. They find their passion and follow it and let the money come to them.

November 07, 2007

How Joel Osteen Inspires Millions

Business leaders can learn a lot from the popular evangelist's uplifting style. Accentuating the hopeful empowers people to take action.

October 10, 2007

The Seven Secrets of Inspiring Leaders

Carmine Gallo's research reveals techniques common to the leaders who best know how to inspire their employees, investors, and customers.

September 21, 2007

Persuading Others to Share Your Vision

Tips from Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp for inspiring and leading others—to start with, you'll need to think big.

September 05, 2007

The Secret to Successful Webcasts

To make your company's videos more appealing to viewers, follow these tips from our columnist, a former television broadcast journalist.

August 08, 2007

YouTube Your Way to Better Speaking

The Google site is just one of many video resources public speakers can consult to learn from the world's best presenters.

July 23, 2007

From Homeless to Multimillionaire

Chris Gardner, the man whose rags-to-riches story inspired the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, explains how he harnessed his passion to turn his life around.

July 06, 2007

Steve Jobs' Greatest Presentation

Our communications coach mines Jobs' introduction of the iPhone to offer five lessons for making an unforgettable pitch.

June 20, 2007

Dealing with Angry Customers

How you handle mistakes and improve service could mean the difference between losing customers and keeping their business.

June 04, 2007

The 60-Second Pitch

At a contest to teach budding entrepreneurs how to sell their business ideas in a minute, competitors learn the value of speed—and magic.

May 23, 2007

Subject: 5 Ways to Improve E-mail

Rethinking how you and your business handle e-mail can mean increasing productivity and improving communication for all involved.

April 25, 2007

Rules for Making a Good Impression

Among the seven suggestions: Respond to e-mails within 24 hours. And don't use business cards as cues to bombard new contacts with pitches.

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