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Updated Internet Business News - BusinessWeek
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Internet Business News

March 31, 2008

Google's Gamble

As investors fear falling ad revenue, the search giant pushes ahead with its bid to boost quality clicks.

March 28, 2008

How iTunes Subscriptions Could Succeed

Apple should take its digital music business a step further by creating a home audio system, complete with an iTunes subscription option.

March 27, 2008

Can Sprint's WiMax Alliance Last?

A partnership with Google, Comcast, and Time Warner—if it works—might finally enable the building of a next-generation wireless network.

March 26, 2008

Trends in Cybercensorship

A talk with an editor of Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering about the recent rise in Web censorship.

March 26, 2008

EBay on the Prowl

Its track record on acquisitions is mixed, but the e-commerce titan is about to go shopping again.

March 24, 2008

There's Gold in 'Reality Mining'

Data from the use of cell phones and other mobile devices yield patterns of movement that can help public agencies and businesses.

March 21, 2008

Smoothing the Way for Web Video

Live streaming video still has its fair share of hiccups, but the industry is working to ensure the supply of bandwidth keeps up with demand.

March 20, 2008

Unlimited Tunes from Apple? Not So Fast

Rumors of a new music service appear to be just that, but with iPod sales slowing and competition growing, now may be the time to pursue such a plan.

March 20, 2008

FCC Auction: 'The Big Get Bigger'

The wireless spectrum auction fails to pave the way for new competitors; instead, AT&T; and Verizon Wireless solidify their positions.

March 20, 2008

Open Questions for Verizon's Open Access

Developers and device makers get their first taste of what Verizon Wireless means when it promises to open its mobile network to "any device, any app".

March 18, 2008

Digging Deeper into Yahoo's Buzz

Sure, Yahoo's new service is already driving almost as much traffic to outside Web articles as Digg does. But how does that help Yahoo?.

March 18, 2008

Yahoo's Mixed Message

An optimistic announcement is meant to show the Internet portal doesn't need help from Google, News Corp., or AOL. Do shareholders buy it?.

March 13, 2008

SXSW: Not Much to Twitter About

Plenty has been said about my interview with Mark Zuckerberg. Maybe that's because there wasn't much else at the conference to talk about.

March 13, 2008

The iPod Touch: Apple's Sleeper Device

The new flagship of the iPod line could be the harbinger of new products that blur the line between computers and consumer electronics.

March 12, 2008

Ad Wars: Google's Green Light

The official marriage of search- and display-ad titans Google and DoubleClick may take a while to pay off, but it deals a blow to Microsoft now.

March 10, 2008

Facebook CEO Admits Missteps

At SXSW, Mark Zuckerberg says the social network has yet to achieve its grand ambition. Plus, the lesson of the Beacon controversy.

March 10, 2008

Mobile Ads: Slow to Take Off

Advertisers are shying away from mobile phones until they get clearer data on whether promotions on the small screen pay off.

March 07, 2008

Yahoo's New Appeal to Women

The Internet giant hopes to attract more women with a new content site that will incorporate user home pages and blogs.

March 03, 2008

Why Widgets Don't Work

Marketers are mistaken if they think these easy-to-forward applications will help them make deep inroads to the MySpace generation.

March 03, 2008

A Widget Mogul in Between Classes

Ankur Nagpal, a 19-year-old UC-Berkeley student, finds the keys to viral success and rakes in the cash on Facebook.

March 03, 2008

Building a Brand with Widgets

The customizable bits of software on Facebook and other social networking sites are the latest trend in viral marketing. But are widgets here to stay?.

February 29, 2008

Widgets: The Future of Online Ads

Look to the evolution of television advertising to understand the necessity of widgets in today's online world.

February 27, 2008

Google: Are Ad Concerns Overblown?

The number of ad clicks fell in January for Google and Yahoo. But how important are those click-through rates, anyway?.

February 25, 2008

Old Media Takes Aim at Web Goliaths

Four large newspaper owners are forming an online ad network called quadrantOne in hopes of competing with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL.

February 22, 2008

RIM: Growth Rules the Day

The BlackBerry maker is enrolling subscribers at an accelerating rate, but are service outages a sign Research In Motion is growing too fast?.

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  • Advances in Internet Filtering Internet filtering used to be about blocking URLs and email addresses. It was lacking in features and difficult to implement, but things have changed.

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