Windows Internet Explorer uses the character set specified for a document to determine how to translate the bytes in the document into characters on the screen or on paper. By default, Internet Explorer uses the character set specified in the HTTP content type returned by the server to determine this translation. If this parameter is not given, Internet Explorer uses the character set specified by the meta element in the document. It uses the user's preferences if no meta element is specified.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"
CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=windows-1251">
The following table contains information about the character sets supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, and it includes the following information.
CharsetFriendlyName | Preferred Charset Label | Aliases | IE Ver | Min OS | CodePage | FamilyCodePage |
Arabic (ASMO 708) | ASMO-708 | | IE5 | Win95 | 708 | 1256 |
Arabic (DOS) | DOS-720 | | IE5 | Win95 | 720 | 1256 |
Arabic (ISO) | iso-8859-6 | arabic, csISOLatinArabic, ECMA-114, ISO_8859-6, ISO_8859-6:1987, iso-ir-127 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28596 | 1256 |
Arabic (Mac) | x-mac-arabic | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10004 | 1256 |
Arabic (Windows) | windows-1256 | cp1256 | IE5 | Win95 | 1256 | 1256 |
Baltic (DOS) | ibm775 | CP500 | IE5 | Win2000 | 775 | 1257 |
Baltic (ISO) | iso-8859-4 | csISOLatin4, ISO_8859-4, ISO_8859-4:1988, iso-ir-110, l4, latin4 | IE5 | Win95 | 28594 | 1257 |
Baltic (Windows) | windows-1257 | | IE5 | Win95 | 1257 | 1257 |
Central European (DOS) | ibm852 | cp852 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 852 | 1250 |
Central European (ISO) | iso-8859-2 | csISOLatin2, iso_8859-2, iso_8859-2:1987, iso8859-2, iso-ir-101, l2, latin2 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28592 | 1250 |
Central European (Mac) | x-mac-ce | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10029 | 1250 |
Central European (Windows) | windows-1250 | x-cp1250 | IE5 | Win95 | 1250 | 1250 |
Chinese Simplified (EUC) | EUC-CN | x-euc-cn | IE5 | Win2000 | 51936 | 936 |
Chinese Simplified (GB2312) | gb2312 | chinese, CN-GB, csGB2312, csGB231280, csISO58GB231280, GB_2312-80, GB231280, GB2312-80, GBK, iso-ir-58 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 936 | 936 |
Chinese Simplified (HZ) | hz-gb-2312 | | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 52936 | 936 |
Chinese Simplified (Mac) | x-mac-chinesesimp | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10008 | 936 |
Chinese Traditional (Big5) | big5 | cn-big5, csbig5, x-x-big5 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 950 | 950 |
Chinese Traditional (CNS) | x-Chinese-CNS | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20000 | 950 |
Chinese Traditional (Eten) | x-Chinese-Eten | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20002 | 950 |
Chinese Traditional (Mac) | x-mac-chinesetrad | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10002 | 950 |
Cyrillic (DOS) | cp866 | ibm866 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 866 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (ISO) | iso-8859-5 | csISOLatin5, csISOLatinCyrillic, cyrillic, ISO_8859-5, ISO_8859-5:1988, iso-ir-144, l5 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28595 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (KOI8-R) | koi8-r | csKOI8R, koi, koi8, koi8r | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 20866 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (KOI8-U) | koi8-u | koi8-ru | IE5 | Win95 | 21866 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (Mac) | x-mac-cyrillic | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10007 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (Windows) | windows-1251 | x-cp1251 | IE5 | Win95 | 1251 | 1251 |
Europa | x-Europa | | IE5 | n.a. | 29001 | 1252 |
German (IA5) | x-IA5-German | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20106 | 1252 |
Greek (DOS) | ibm737 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 737 | 1253 |
Greek (ISO) | iso-8859-7 | csISOLatinGreek, ECMA-118, ELOT_928, greek, greek8, ISO_8859-7, ISO_8859-7:1987, iso-ir-126 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28597 | 1253 |
Greek (Mac) | x-mac-greek | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10006 | 1253 |
Greek (Windows) | windows-1253 | | IE5 | Win95 | 1253 | 1253 |
Greek, Modern (DOS) | ibm869 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 869 | 1253 |
Hebrew (DOS) | DOS-862 | | IE5 | Win95 | 862 | 1255 |
Hebrew (ISO-Logical) | iso-8859-8-i | logical | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 38598 | 1255 |
Hebrew (ISO-Visual) | iso-8859-8 | csISOLatinHebrew, hebrew, ISO_8859-8, ISO_8859-8:1988, ISO-8859-8, iso-ir-138, visual | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28598 | 1255 |
Hebrew (Mac) | x-mac-hebrew | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10005 | 1255 |
Hebrew (Windows) | windows-1255 | ISO_8859-8-I, ISO-8859-8, visual | IE5 | Win95 | 1255 | 1255 |
IBM EBCDIC (Arabic) | x-EBCDIC-Arabic | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20420 | 1256 |
IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian) | x-EBCDIC-CyrillicRussian | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20880 | 1251 |
IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian) | x-EBCDIC-CyrillicSerbianBulgarian | | IE5 | Win2000 | 21025 | 1251 |
IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway) | x-EBCDIC-DenmarkNorway | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20277 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro) | x-ebcdic-denmarknorway-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1142 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden) | x-EBCDIC-FinlandSweden | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20278 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro) | x-ebcdic-finlandsweden-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1143 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro) | x-ebcdic-finlandsweden-euro | X-EBCDIC-France | IE5 | Win2000 | 1143 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro) | x-ebcdic-france-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1147 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Germany) | x-EBCDIC-Germany | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20273 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro) | x-ebcdic-germany-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1141 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern) | x-EBCDIC-GreekModern | | IE5 | Win2000 | 875 | 1253 |
IBM EBCDIC (Greek) | x-EBCDIC-Greek | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20423 | 1253 |
IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew) | x-EBCDIC-Hebrew | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20424 | 1255 |
IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic) | x-EBCDIC-Icelandic | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20871 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro) | x-ebcdic-icelandic-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1149 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro) | x-ebcdic-international-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1148 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Italy) | x-EBCDIC-Italy | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20280 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Italy-Euro) | x-ebcdic-italy-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1144 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese Katakana) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseAndKana | | IE5 | Win2000 | 50930 | 932 |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese-Latin) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseAndJapaneseLatin | | IE5 | Win2000 | 50939 | 932 |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and US-Canada) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseAndUSCanada | | IE5 | Win2000 | 50931 | 932 |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseKatakana | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20290 | 932 |
IBM EBCDIC (Korean and Korean Extended) | x-EBCDIC-KoreanAndKoreanExtended | | IE5 | Win2000 | 50933 | 949 |
IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended) | x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20833 | 949 |
IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2) | CP870 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 870 | 1250 |
IBM EBCDIC (Simplified Chinese) | x-EBCDIC-SimplifiedChinese | | IE5 | Win2000 | 50935 | 936 |
IBM EBCDIC (Spain) | X-EBCDIC-Spain | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20284 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro) | x-ebcdic-spain-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1145 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (Thai) | x-EBCDIC-Thai | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20838 | 874 |
IBM EBCDIC (Traditional Chinese) | x-EBCDIC-TraditionalChinese | | IE5 | Win2000 | 50937 | 950 |
IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5) | CP1026 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1026 | 1254 |
IBM EBCDIC (Turkish) | x-EBCDIC-Turkish | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20905 | 1254 |
IBM EBCDIC (UK) | x-EBCDIC-UK | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20285 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro) | x-ebcdic-uk-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1146 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada) | ebcdic-cp-us | | IE5 | Win2000 | 37 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro) | x-ebcdic-cp-us-euro | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1140 | 1252 |
Icelandic (DOS) | ibm861 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 861 | 1252 |
Icelandic (Mac) | x-mac-icelandic | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10079 | 1252 |
ISCII Assamese | x-iscii-as | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57006 | 57006 |
ISCII Bengali | x-iscii-be | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57003 | 57003 |
ISCII Devanagari | x-iscii-de | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57002 | 57002 |
ISCII Gujarathi | x-iscii-gu | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57010 | 57010 |
ISCII Kannada | x-iscii-ka | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57008 | 57008 |
ISCII Malayalam | x-iscii-ma | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57009 | 57009 |
ISCII Oriya | x-iscii-or | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57007 | 57007 |
ISCII Panjabi | x-iscii-pa | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57011 | 57011 |
ISCII Tamil | x-iscii-ta | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57004 | 57004 |
ISCII Telugu | x-iscii-te | | IE5 | Win2000 | 57005 | 57005 |
Japanese (EUC) | euc-jp | csEUCPkdFmtJapanese, Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese, x-euc, x-euc-jp | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 51932 | 932 |
Japanese (JIS) | iso-2022-jp | | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 50220 | 932 |
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI) | iso-2022-jp | _iso-2022-jp$SIO | IE5 | Win95 | 50222 | 932 |
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana) | csISO2022JP | _iso-2022-jp | IE5 | Win95 | 50221 | 932 |
Japanese (Mac) | x-mac-japanese | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10001 | 932 |
Japanese (Shift-JIS) | shift_jis | csShiftJIS, csWindows31J, ms_Kanji, shift-jis, x-ms-cp932, x-sjis | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 932 | 932 |
Korean | ks_c_5601-1987 | csKSC56011987, euc-kr, iso-ir-149, korean, ks_c_5601, ks_c_5601_1987, ks_c_5601-1989, KSC_5601, KSC5601 | IE5 | Win95 | 949 | 949 |
Korean (EUC) | euc-kr | csEUCKR | IE5 | Win95 | 51949 | 949 |
Korean (ISO) | iso-2022-kr | csISO2022KR | IE5 | Win95 | 50225 | 949 |
Korean (Johab) | Johab | | IE5 | Win2000 | 1361 | 1361 |
Korean (Mac) | x-mac-korean | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10003 | 949 |
Latin 3 (ISO) | iso-8859-3 | csISO, Latin3, ISO_8859-3, ISO_8859-3:1988, iso-ir-109, l3, latin3 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28593 | 1254 |
Latin 9 (ISO) | iso-8859-15 | csISO, Latin9, ISO_8859-15, l9, latin9 | IE5 | Win95 | 28605 | 1252 |
Norwegian (IA5) | x-IA5-Norwegian | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20108 | 1252 |
OEM United States | IBM437 | 437, cp437, csPC8, CodePage437 | IE5 | Win2000 | 437 | 1252 |
Swedish (IA5) | x-IA5-Swedish | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20107 | 1252 |
Thai (Windows) | windows-874 | DOS-874, iso-8859-11, TIS-620 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 874 | 874 |
Turkish (DOS) | ibm857 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 857 | 1254 |
Turkish (ISO) | iso-8859-9 | csISO, Latin5, ISO_8859-9, ISO_8859-9:1989, iso-ir-148, l5, latin5 | IE5 | Win95 | 28599 | 1254 |
Turkish (Mac) | x-mac-turkish | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10081 | 1254 |
Turkish (Windows) | windows-1254 | ISO_8859-9, ISO_8859-9:1989, iso-8859-9, iso-ir-148, latin5 | IE5 | Win95 | 1254 | 1254 |
Unicode | unicode | utf-16 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 1200 | 1200 |
Unicode (Big-Endian) | unicodeFFFE | | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 1201 | 1200 |
Unicode (UTF-7) | utf-7 | csUnicode11UTF7, unicode-1-1-utf-7, x-unicode-2-0-utf-7 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 65000 | 1200 |
Unicode (UTF-8) | utf-8 | unicode-1-1-utf-8, unicode-2-0-utf-8, x-unicode-2-0-utf-8 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 65001 | 1200 |
US-ASCII | us-ascii | ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ascii, cp367, csASCII, IBM367, ISO_646.irv:1991, ISO646-US, iso-ir-6us | IE5 | Win95 | 20127 | 1252 |
Vietnamese (Windows) | windows-1258 | | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 1258 | 1258 |
Western European (DOS) | ibm850 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 850 | 1252 |
Western European (IA5) | x-IA5 | | IE5 | Win2000 | 20105 | 1252 |
Western European (ISO) | iso-8859-1 | cp819, csISO, Latin1, ibm819, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, iso8859-1, iso-ir-100, l1, latin1 | IE5 | Win95 | 28591 | 1252 |
Western European (Mac) | macintosh | | IE5 | Win2000 | 10000 | 1252 |
Western European (Windows) | Windows-1252 | ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ascii, cp367, cp819, csASCII, IBM367, ibm819, ISO_646.irv:1991, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, ISO646-US, iso8859-1, iso-8859-1, iso-ir-100, iso-ir-6, latin1, us, us-ascii, x-ansi | IE5 | Win95 | 1252 | 1252 |
The following character sets are not for general use, so do not use them to label documents.