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Breaking News, Analysis, Opinions, Multimedia and Blogs - TIME
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Has Sadr Got the Upper Hand?

As Washington debates the future of its troop surge, the Shi'ite cleric who wants the U.S. out faces down the Iraqi government

Petraeus Makes His Case to Congress

The top general in Iraq says the gains of the surge are fragile and calls for a pause in troop drawdowns

(Don't) Curse You, Red Baron!

For decades, German pacifism has prevented celebrating war heroes. But a new biopic represents a change for the World War I flying ace

In Northern Ireland, a Civil Action

Unsatisfied by attempts to win criminal justice, the families of victims of a 1998 terrorist attack sue for damages in civil court

How Not to Get Baby to Sleep

New studies suggest that too much coddling of infants can lead to sleep problems — and health problems — later on

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Tuned In

Idol Gives Back Gives Back

This week's edition of American Idol will attempt to raise consciousness about, and propose solutions to, one of the most tragic problems afflicting our planet: that there are not enough hours of Idol already programmed on Fox.

The Curious Capitalist

The First Starbucks Recession

CEO Howard Schultz attributes the company's first-ever U.S. sales slump to an American consumer "under tremendous pressure."


Clinton's Turn

Her questioning of Gen. Petraeus was impressive; without grandstanding, she fufilled her oversight role and made some soberly effective points about the failures of the surge and the problems with an unlimited U.S. commitment in Iraq.

The China Blog

Homer and Me: An Odyssey

At the risk of turning this into the TIME: China and Self-Congratulations Blog, I am compelled to announce that I have reached a journalistic milestone: my head being morphed into Homer Simpson.


Obama, Clinton Camps Hold Dueling Calls

The two campaigns return to the back-and-forth media calls with a Hoosier/economic focus Tuesday. Get details and your 24/7 political news on The Page


Cape Town

South Africa's Crime Wave — in Bookstores

Where 52 murders and 144 rapes are committed each day, crime fiction becomes a vehicle for exploring a society in crisis


The Richest Reds in China

How the comrades in one rural village took to heart Deng Xiaoping's exhortation "let some people get rich first"


Open quoteGoogle wants to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.Close quote

  • head of Google Earth Europe, after the Internet search giant Google Inc. unveiled a new feature that spotlights the movement of refugees around the world

Special Report

Time.com's First Annual Blog Index

From millions of blogs about nothing, we've selected the 25 best about something — from politics to sports to sex. We've got a few about nothing, too


What the Candidates Will Say

America's top general in Iraq has more to brag about than a year ago when he testifies in Senate hearings. But this time he'll have two presidential candidates vying for the spotlight


Has Sadr Got the Upper Hand?

As Washington debates the future of its troop surge, the Shi'ite cleric who wants the U.S. out faces down the Iraqi government


Kenya's Mobile Gold Mine

The IPO of an innovative African mobile phone company sends the country into a frenzy with dreams of profits on the stock market