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Sitting of the parliament on Feb 5, 2008 - closing the first session and opening the second one





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SOURCE: Ukrainska Pravda

17.03.2008 - 17:17

Yushchenko: We need to resume discussion on bicameral parliament

The president considers it reasonable to discuss forming bicameral parliament. Such point of view the president expressed in his interview to Ukrinform information agency.

“There are regions which have no MP representatives. If we continue using the proportion system it will be continuing giving the same results it gives today. Thus it is obvious that we have to resume the discussion concerning bicameral parliament for one chamber to represent regions. We have to hold such a discussion and give the answer basing on this or that mechanism”, - Mr. Yushchenko stated.

The president also spoke for resuming the majority system for local elections.

Experience of two last years showed it was a false decision. We need to switch to mixed majoritarian-proportional electoral system or majority voted system. We have lost connection between the elector and the one he elects. And it is more appreciable at the level of organs of local self-government”, - Mr. Yuschenko said.

“I'm not saying I reject prospect of political parties. Yes, I believe in political parties. May happen, people made them as an easy way to answer the questions arising in society’s life. But structurization, including political one, needs time", - the president noticed.

Print version

Yekhanurov: New plans of cooperation with NATO are ready long ago
24.03.2008 - 14:36

Karmazin: We don’t have to please anyone
20.03.2008 - 09:41

Karmazin: Gas agreement is return to civilized dialogue between Ukraine and Russia
14.03.2008 - 14:42

Yushchenko: Ukraine has to be ready to new price for gas
12.03.2008 - 17:58

Current convocation of VR will not work for all five years - Katerynchuk
11.03.2008 - 12:08

There is no connection between leaving party and relinquishing deputy mandate - Kril
01.03.2008 - 17:17

Yushchenko: I don’t want to see parliament with closed doors for several more months
27.02.2008 - 16:28

Yushchenko: Tension in gas issues with Russia is removed for now
27.02.2008 - 13:06

Katerynchuk: Constitution is to become instrument of Ukraine’s entering EU
27.02.2008 - 09:55

Baloha: Efforts of our government in full and timely payments for gas were insufficient
26.02.2008 - 17:59

Yekhanurov: New plans of cooperation with NATO are ready long ago
24.03.2008 - 14:36

Karmazin: We don’t have to please anyone
20.03.2008 - 09:41

Yushchenko: We need to resume discussion on bicameral parliament
17.03.2008 - 17:17

Karmazin: Gas agreement is return to civilized dialogue between Ukraine and Russia
14.03.2008 - 14:42

Yushchenko: Ukraine has to be ready to new price for gas
12.03.2008 - 17:58

Current convocation of VR will not work for all five years - Katerynchuk
11.03.2008 - 12:08

There is no connection between leaving party and relinquishing deputy mandate - Kril
01.03.2008 - 17:17

Yushchenko: I don’t want to see parliament with closed doors for several more months
27.02.2008 - 16:28

Yushchenko: Tension in gas issues with Russia is removed for now
27.02.2008 - 13:06

Katerynchuk: Constitution is to become instrument of Ukraine’s entering EU
27.02.2008 - 09:55

Baloha: Efforts of our government in full and timely payments for gas were insufficient
26.02.2008 - 17:59

Factions’ leaders took week-long time out. Photos
25.02.2008 - 14:07

Yatseniuk: If VR doesn’t work on Monday, Ukrainian parliamentarism can be given up for lost
15.02.2008 - 11:07

Kril: Governemnt should make every its decision according to Constitution and laws
08.02.2008 - 13:04

Kril: I know from my colleagues that BYuT collects signatures for depriving Yatseniuk from his post
08.02.2008 - 09:37

MP Ihor Kril will give online-interview tomorrow
27.03.2008 - 13:48

Till March 31 government has to report to president on results of talks with Gazprom
26.03.2008 - 10:20

National Defence and Security Council adopted decision on strengthening peacemaking mission in Kosovo
24.03.2008 - 09:04

President to take part in sitting of National Defence and Security Council
20.03.2008 - 09:56

Viktor Yushchenko will take part in NATO summit in Bucharest
19.03.2008 - 13:04

Secretary General of UNO expressed sympathy concerning Ukrainian peacemaker’s death
19.03.2008 - 11:37

VR plans to examine issue of all-Ukraine referendum
19.03.2008 - 09:55

There will be another elections in Kyiv in early June
18.03.2008 - 14:36

Secretary General of European Council to visit Ukraine tomorrow
18.03.2008 - 12:13

Yushchenko and Tymoshenko wrote "letter of two"
17.03.2008 - 15:09

Countries – NATO members are deciding how to support Ukraine in Actions plan on NATO membership
17.03.2008 - 11:29

Ukraine to return Russian gas in summer
14.03.2008 - 11:47

Poland actively lobbies for Ukraine in EU
14.03.2008 - 10:52

Latvian Seim recognized Famishment to be genocide of Ukrainian nation
13.03.2008 - 17:57

Yushchenko plans to meet Merkel in Brussels
13.03.2008 - 11:22

MP Ihor Kril will give online-interview tomorrow
27.03.2008 - 13:48

Till March 31 government has to report to president on results of talks with Gazprom
26.03.2008 - 10:20

National Defence and Security Council adopted decision on strengthening peacemaking mission in Kosovo
24.03.2008 - 09:04

President to take part in sitting of National Defence and Security Council
20.03.2008 - 09:56

Viktor Yushchenko will take part in NATO summit in Bucharest
19.03.2008 - 13:04

Secretary General of UNO expressed sympathy concerning Ukrainian peacemaker’s death
19.03.2008 - 11:37

VR plans to examine issue of all-Ukraine referendum
19.03.2008 - 09:55

There will be another elections in Kyiv in early June
18.03.2008 - 14:36

Secretary General of European Council to visit Ukraine tomorrow
18.03.2008 - 12:13

Yushchenko and Tymoshenko wrote "letter of two"
17.03.2008 - 15:09

Countries – NATO members are deciding how to support Ukraine in Actions plan on NATO membership
17.03.2008 - 11:29

Ukraine to return Russian gas in summer
14.03.2008 - 11:47

Poland actively lobbies for Ukraine in EU
14.03.2008 - 10:52

Latvian Seim recognized Famishment to be genocide of Ukrainian nation
13.03.2008 - 17:57

Yushchenko plans to meet Merkel in Brussels
13.03.2008 - 11:22

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