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New Scientist Space Blog: NASA chief on his legacy - and grammatical pet peeves
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

NASA chief on his legacy - and grammatical pet peeves

What pushes NASA chief Mike Griffin's buttons? Poor grammar, he admitted on Monday at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas.

In a short speech to hundreds of scientists at the meeting, Griffin described his fondness for the mission statement of the starship Enterprise in Star Trek: "To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."

He joked that it would be great to use as NASA's own mission statement, except that the split infinitive in the last phrase offends his inner pedant. "I will catch split infinitives almost as a reflex," he said, adding that he often berates others for grammatical errors.

An audience member later asked him to turn his critical eye on himself and comment on his own performance as NASA chief.

"I can't grade my own paper," he protested at first. "I have a deep ethical aversion to self-assessment."

But he gave it a go anyway, saying that his greatest achievement was putting space experts in top posts at NASA. He said that previously, those posts were often filled by people with no previous experience in space science or engineering.

"I would like people to say that I repopulated NASA headquarters with people who were at the top of the space business," he said. "You may agree or disagree with some of the decisions . . . but none of them took their job at headquarters as a nervous virgin."

As for his greatest disappointment, he said he regretted having failed to persuade US policy makers to give higher priority to ensuring a quick and smooth transition between the space shuttle's retirement and its replacement. He has previously said that at current funding levels, the new Orion spacecraft and Ares rocket will not be ready for service until 2015, five years after the shuttle's last flight.

But a few minutes later, responding to repeated questions about how supporters of space exploration could help win a bigger NASA budget, he argued that the agency's existing level of funding was something to be grateful for.

"There is not another advanced nation in the world where their space community wouldn't kill to have the budget that NASA has," he said, adding that the space agency is getting about the same amount of money today as it was during the Apollo era. (That's roughly true if you adjust for inflation and simply compare the number of dollars spent in the 15 years including Apollo with the most recent 15 years. But US budgets were much smaller back then, so Apollo was a much bigger fraction of overall government spending - peaking at more than 4% compared to 0.6% today.)

"We get as much money today," Griffin said. "If we have less to show for it than we remember from looking back, then to quote Shakespeare, the fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves."

David Shiga, online reporter (Image of Griffin on his first day as chief in 2005: NASA/Renee Bouchard)
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The irony being that the split infinitive is actually perfectly valid English. The split infinitive is only a problem because people tried to formalise English by mapping it to Latin grammar, in which split infinitives were simply impossible. All grammar afficiandos would do well to read up on why and how the English language came to be what it is today.

(I know I enjoyed reading "The Mother Tongue" by Bryson on this subject)
Nonetheless, and despite being far keener on principles than rules, I have to say that to egregiously - by which I mean to exceed the mere interpolation of a simple adverb, by the introduction of entirely parenthetical sub-clauses with their own infinitives, to give but one example - sunder the infinitive may provoke those who rejoice in the - unfortunately illusory - certainty of rules and so prefer linguistic vapidity over the full realisation of English's creative potential to continue to futilely bemoan this long established and not unliterary practice.
"I can't grade my own paper," he protested at first. "I have a deep ethical aversion to self-assessment."

How very odd. How does he progress?
As I read that comment I automatically inserted "public" in front of self-assesment. Even if he were opposed to self-assesment in principle, he has to decide on when or whether a goal has been achieved and that amounts to self-assesment. Telling everyone, "I think I am great" or "I am performing better that anyone else" is an entirely different matter.
By Anonymous Darien on March 12, 2008 2:57 PM  
Whatever happened to "I am an engineer darn it, I can't spell and I failed English twice, but my rockets actually do fly!" I cannot say that sentiment abounds anywhere in NASA at this point. ORION may never fly and the Shuttle is leftover from the last great engineers. So where are these geniuses at the top he is talking about? Virgins they may not be, but then what they are may be worst (i.e., the opposite extreme of the Virgin)! Sorry, for the unedifying grammar, but I prefer to be keenly precise about rocket science. I wish Dr. Griffin would have the same mindset.
By Anonymous Anonymous on March 12, 2008 8:42 PM  
Being an engineer is not an excuse to butcher one's own language. If a person only arms himself with a hammer, he will find that every problem looks like a nail.

As Dr. Griffin has alluded to, I think that the blame for the slow-motion progress of the American space program lies more with the policy makers than with the rocket makers. Poor King George made a lame and misguided attempt with his Vision for Space Exploration, but he's "no John Kennedy."
By Anonymous Anonymous on March 12, 2008 10:47 PM  
"All grammar afficiandos would do well to read up on why and how the English language came to be what it is today."
Um... the word is Aficionados. It's Spanish so there's no double f...
Other than that I heartfully agree with your comment.
The big bad split infinitive is actually for the best in this case because it gives you a near perfect iambic pentameter, especially if you use the ST:TNG variant:

To BOLDly GO where NOone has GONE beFORE.

And every stressed syllable has a nice strong O sound. If you unsplit the infinitive, you lose the rhythm.
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

I see nothing wrong with this politically or grammatically.

What is a "split infinitive" anyway?

Should we change "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" to "one small step for a person, one giant leap for humankind"? Who's butchering the language?
By Anonymous Anonymous on April 01, 2008 8:14 PM