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Daddy Forever - Now Broadcasting in Digital

Posted by Daddy Forever on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 : : one comment

I got my free digital TV converter box coupons in the mail earlier this month. For those of you who don’t live in the states, our country is going digital. On February 17, 2009, all full-power television stations in the United States will stop broadcasting in analog and switch to 100% digital broadcasting. To help with the DTV Transition, Congress created the TV Converter Box Coupon Program for households wishing to keep using their analog TV sets after February 17, 2009. The Program allows U.S. households to obtain up to two coupons, each worth $40, that can be applied toward the cost of eligible converter boxes.

digital TV converter box coupons

Sweet deal, right? Well sorta. Even with the coupon, it’ll cost you at least $10 for each box (Walmart has them for $50, Best Buy and Circuit City has them for $60). I know, it’s only ten bucks, but I think the government should cover the full cost because they are the ones mandating the change to DTV. This isn’t a safety issue and there’s nothing wrong with my analog TV. I shouldn’t be forced to spend money to continue watching it. I think the transition to DTV should be led by consumers — like the transition from VCR to DVD. The government doesn’t need to intervene and set a cutoff date.

Not everyone will need a converter box. If you have a relatively new TV, it might have a digital tuner built-in (check your manual). My newest TV is over eight years old so it doesn’t have a digital tuner). If you have cable, dish, or FIOS, you might not need a converter box either. It’ll depend on how your service provider handles the DTV signal. Some will convert the digital signal back to analog so you don’t need to do anything different. Other companies will require you to rent a box for a small monthly fee. Nice.

A couple more annoying things about the DTV transition is that you can only get two coupons and they expire 90 days from the date they were mailed. So if you have more than two TV’s, too bad for you. And what’s the deal with the 90-day expiration? Shouldn’t they expire after the cutoff date? Some people won’t even know if they need a box until they hear from their service provider.

I almost forgot to mention that I have not figured out how to use my VCR to record the new DTV stations. My 15-year old VCR recognizes channels like 2, 3, 4, etc. The new digital channels are 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1, etc (or 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 4-1). I can’t set my VCR to record a channel like 2-1. I read somewhere on the web that you can still use your old VCR to record what you are watching via the converter box. But if I am already watching it, why would I need to record it? I don’t want to watch a show I have already watched, I want to watch the show I didn’t watch. According to some people, I’ll need to purchase a VCR or DVR with a built-in digital tuner in order to record the new digital stations. Great. I’ll have to spend more money to get the same functionality I have now.

OK, I’m done ranting. I should mention that from what I’ve seen, digital TV is clearer than analog TV and I do get more channels than before. If you need a digital converter box, click on the link to get two free digital TV converter box coupons.

I forgot to mention the new poll. I’m trying to figure out why I have more women commentors. Is it because I have more women readers or is it because my men readers prefer to lurk.

Are you a man or woman?

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Super Heroes Are Coming Soon to a Theater Near You

Posted by Daddy Forever on Monday, April 28, 2008 : : 24 comments

As most of you know, my two oldest kids and I have a fondness for superheroes. That’s why we are looking forward to the upcoming superhero movies this summer. I doubt we’ll see any of them at the theater. Most of them are too long for my son. He starts fidgeting after about an hour. Plus he only wants to see the action part. All the dialog and plot development stuff us adults like, just bores my son. But we’re still excited about the new movies and can’t wait until the DVDs come out at the end of the year.

Iron ManIron Man
May 2, 2008
Wealthy industrialist Tony Stark is forced to build an armored suit after a life-threatening incident and then Tony uses the technology to fight evil. Robert Downey Jr. stars as Tony Stark (Iron Man). Other cast includes: Terrence Howard, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, Samuel L. Jackson, and Hilary Swank. [Note: Iron Man is one of the few superheroes who doesn’t wear tights.]

The Incredible HulkThe Incredible Hulk
June 13, 2008
Upon returning to civilization, Bruce Banner is ruthlessly pursued by The Abomination — a nightmarish beast of pure adrenaline and aggression whose powers match The Hulk’s. Edward Norton stars as Bruce Banner (Hulk). Other cast includes: Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, and William Hurt. [Note: Bruce Banner’s pants are magical. That’s why his pants stay on no matter how big the Hulk gets.]

The Dark KnightThe Dark Knight
July 18, 2008
Batman continues his effort to bring justice to Gotham’s crime and corrupt. This time, The Dark Knight faces a rising psychopathic criminal called The Joker. Christian Bale stars as Bruce Wayne (Batman) and the late Heath Ledger plays the part of The Joker. Other cast includes: Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gary Oldman, and Morgan Freeman. [Note: Batman is one of my favorite superheroes because he doesn’t have any special powers. He can’t even fly like Ironman. He’s just smart and has lots of cool gadgets.]

Next AvengersNext Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow
August 26, 2008
This is a direct-to-DVD animated film. In the DVD, the children of the Avengers, Son of Black Widow and Captain America, Wasp and Giant-Man’s son, Thor’s daughter, and Black Panther’s son must stop the villainous android Ultron. [Note: my children are looking forward to this movie because the new Avengers are kids.]

What movies are you looking forward to seeing this summer?

I Have No Spine

Posted by Daddy Forever on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 : : 28 comments

My back went out on me Saturday morning. It was weird how it happened. I stuck my cold hands underneath my wife’s shirt and she retaliated with her own cold hands. I was dodging her attacks when I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. It went downhill from there.

The lower back is something most of us take for granted, but it plays a key role in almost every thing we do. When the lower back goes out, it’s a struggle to get out of bed, put on socks, wash your face, sit down, stand up, and walk. Lying down on your back is about the only thing you can really do without pain. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time lying on the floor. I had a lot of questions go through my head while staring at the ceiling. Maybe you can answer some of them for me.

» First, why do doctors tell you to lie on the floor when your back goes out, but they never explain how to get up without hurting your back even more.

» Why must the toilet seat be down? I’m asking because it’s really hard to reach down to lift the seat up when your back is out of service.

» What happened to global warming? It’s spring and we’re stuck in the 40’s. It even snowed several times this past week (didn’t stick in our area).

» Why does my son keep wearing his underwear backwards? Hello, boy’s underwear. There’s an obvious front.

» I watched American Idol last night. Am I the only one who thinks Brooke and Goldilocks look like they have to poop when they sing?

» Why did my wife tell her friend I hurt my back while having sex?

» Why do doctors prescribe pills for my chronic back problems but don’t investigate the cause of my recurring back problems?

» Why does our new neighbor have a pickup full of empty cardboard boxes? It’s has been sitting outside for over a month now. On windy days, the boxes end up all over the street.

» My alma mater, Oregon State University, recently hired Barack Obama’s brother-in-law (Craig Robinson) as their new basketball coach. If Obama is elected president, can Oregon State ever fire Craig Robinson?

» Why is my son asking for a baby brother? Isn’t tormenting his little sister enough?

Spring for a Day

Posted by Daddy Forever on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 : : 30 comments

Last weekend was warm and fun. It was 80 degrees in our area on Saturday. But the sun has abandoned us and the rain, cold, and gloom has returned. It barely made it to 50 degrees yesterday. I’m also swamped with work. I’m going to clone myself to reduce my workload. You can expect two of me in the near future.

I don’t have time to write this week so I’m posting photos. But in my unbiased opinion, they’re cute photos.

Is my head too big?
my daughter with the big head

Mommy took my toy. I’m never going to smile again.
family photo

Maybe daddy should call me the Little Bird.
girl with cute bird hat

Ooops. We forgot where we buried daddy.
kids playing in the sand

I have to water this rock. It’s thirsty.
boy waters rock and sand

Someone get me a beer.
my daughter taking it easy

Danger, Fart Coming

Posted by Daddy Forever on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 : : 29 comments

A little over a year ago, I mentioned on my blog that you shouldn’t fall asleep when the Little Princess is around. You’re just asking for it if you do. Spiderboy got a dose of it last time:

son with mustache and beard

This time, my wife is the butt of the Little Princess’ prank:

Danger, Fart Coming

Question: Is it possible to pass my sense of humor through my DNA? Or is the Little Princess just naturally gifted?

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