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The Tempest (opera by Shadwell and Locke) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
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The Tempestopera by Shadwell and Locke


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  • work of Locke ( in Locke, Matthew )

    ...considered the first English opera. Other stage works were music for Thomas Shadwell’s Psyche (1675), for Davenant’s version of Macbeth (revised 1673), and for Shadwell’s version of The Tempest (1674). In The Tempest Locke used for the first time in English music directions such as “soft” and “louder by degrees” and included tremolos for...


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"The Tempest." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 11 May. 2008 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/586734/The-Tempest>.

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The Tempest. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 11, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/586734/The-Tempest

The Tempest

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The Tempest (work by Shakespeare)

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The play opens with a storm raised by Prospero, who years earlier, as the rightful duke of Milan, had been set adrift in a boat with his three-year-old daughter, Miranda, by his usurping brother, Antonio. Prospero, more interested in his books and his magic than in the pragmatics of ruling Milan, had left himself vulnerable to this overthrow. Arriving at an island, Prospero proceeded to make good use of his magic by freeing the sprite Ariel from the torment of imprisonment to which Ariel had been subjected for refusing to carry out the wicked behests of the sorceress Sycorax. Prospero and Miranda found no living person on the island other than Sycorax’s son Caliban. They took Caliban into their little family and lived in harmony until Caliban attempted to rape Miranda. Prospero then confined Caliban to a rock and to the status of slave, requiring him to attend to their needs by performing such tasks as gathering firewood. As the play begins, Prospero raises the tempest in order to cast onto the shores of his island a party of Neapolitans returning to Naples from a wedding in Tunis: King Alonso of Naples, his son Ferdinand, his brother Sebastian, and Prospero’s brother, Antonio.

With the arrival of the outsiders, the process of testing and eventual reconciliation begins. The party is brought to shore by Ariel, but Ferdinand is separated from the others and is believed drowned. Ariel helps foil plots against Prospero by Caliban and against Alonso by Antonio. Ariel then appears to Alonso and Antonio as a harpy and...

The Tempest (opera by Shadwell and Locke)

Aspects of this topic are discussed in the following places at Britannica.

  • work of Locke Locke, Matthew

    ...considered the first English opera. Other stage works were music for Thomas Shadwell’s Psyche (1675), for Davenant’s version of Macbeth (revised 1673), and for Shadwell’s version of The Tempest (1674). In The Tempest Locke used for the first time in English music directions such as “soft” and “louder by degrees” and included tremolos for...

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    The Typhoon was retired from service at war’s end, but later versions of the Tempest—including the Tempest II, powered by a 2,400-horsepower, 18-cylinder, air-cooled Bristol Centaurus radial engine—served with the Royal Air Force into the early 1950s. The naval version of the Tempest II, the Sea Fury, entered service as a carrier-fighter with the Royal Navy in 1948 and saw combat in...

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