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Gears of War 2 Gameplay Trailer Released - Voodoo Extreme
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Voodoo Extreme » News » Gears of War 2 Gameplay Trailer Released

Gears of War 2 Gameplay Trailer Released

In-game, real-time, and filled to the rafters with bloody violence:

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May 12 2008, 8:33 PM

Well its settled then. Netherborn is a childish chump who plays the SIMS, is insecure and dug his hole so deep he's ended up in China.

My favourite part, he claims to be intelligent, secure and an ADULT, but considering half this thread is him posting some incoherent crap just proves he is anything but...

Gears of War 2 ftw!

May 12 2008, 8:27 PM

Reading these posts actually brings a smile to my face. I'm reminded of the annoying child interrupting an adult dinner party. The child is running around screaming, trying to gain attention, jumping on the sofa, hitting people on the leg. He doesn't really understand what's going on or what people are talking about so he resorts to childish pranks to feel included. Occasionally an adult will attempt to shush him and tell him off, however this only spurs him on to greater mischief. If only the adults in the room would realize that sometimes just ignoring the child is the best way for him to go to sleep. After all who can blame the naive child? Hopefully when he is older he will understand, and be able to participant without screaming and hitting people, or having a tantrum.

May 12 2008, 10:13 AM

Man, these forums are a goldmine of pathology.

May 11 2008, 7:46 PM

Nothing like GoW to split opinion, so here's mine.

GoW is a helluva fun game, but only one time through for me. Graphics were fantastic. Cutscenes and dialog are B movie at best, I did not care one whit about any of the characters or the story. What makes that acceptable? The action is immediate, satisfying and visceral. These comments about repetitiveness have some validity but you know what? If I'm ENJOYING what I'm doing I don't care. I loved Contra way, way back in the day, and to me GoW was just like a modern version of that. Switch brain off, enjoy action.

Its funny but the intellectual stance that so many flamebaiters take these days just baffles me. Since when did video games have to become high art, or really are any of them actually that cerebral? My intellectual stimulation comes from books, and video games for all their progress don't come close to the creative highs and emotional stimulation of the best movies.

Frankly, to bash other people for enjoying a certain game is.. sad and childish in the extreme. Contrary to misguided belief your IQ is not determined by your preference in entertainment. Games are fun, remember?

Fakka replied to cheesydog's post
May 11 2008, 11:33 PM

I agree completely. Thanks to bunch of childish shit stirrers like Netherborn, games arent being seen for what they are made for, FUN! Now they have to be some highly intellectual college degree instead of light hearted entertainment.

And why is it safe to assume that just because you like a certain game or play consoles you are a kid? Where the f*** have these so called adults been all these years? Obviously out of touch with the real world and who plays what.

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cheesydog replied to Fakka's post
May 11 2008, 11:49 PM

Exactly, I mean recently one of the most fun I've had was playing Super Mario Galaxy (and Im sure Ill be lambasted for that from some quarters) Its just a fun game to play, pure and simple. Does that mean I cant enjoy GoW on the other end of the spectrum? No way! Switching back to PC and Stalker is my current flavor. So many games, so little time..

Netherborn replied to Fakka's post
May 12 2008, 2:21 AM

3 year old kid can make fun playing with a stick, digging hole in the ground. It's fun for him, there's no argument. But some retards here get so pissed off if some happens to think their stick and their hole are no fun for somebody out there. Just shows your insecurity after all you wouldn't be posting justification of why it's so fun.

Asian-Waste replied to Netherborn's post
May 12 2008, 6:41 AM

No, you've got a completely wrong outlook.
We're all pissed at one retard who says, "You're digging the hole all stupid. I can do it better."
We ask, "So how would you do it then?"
Retard says, "I'm not telling!"
We say, "Well then I'll safely assume you're full of shit and just need to spew some of it out the mouth."
Retard says, "You're just mad because I'm making fun of your hole."
We say, "No, it's because you won't indulge a simple question."
Retard says, "You're just a juvenile idiot. What do you know?"
We say, "Well I know that digging the hole is a lot more mature than sitting off on the side judging how people dig theirs."

If you're going to make bold claims, have the balls back them up. You talk about the insecurities of others but dance around answering a simple question of opinion. I mean seriously are you so afraid that we might hate the games YOU like? Represent yourself and the claims you make, otherwise you're just another stupid kid running off at the mouth with nothing to say.

Netherborn replied to Asian-Waste's post
May 12 2008, 7:22 AM

Aren't you just pissed that you can't comment on 'my' kind of games? I mean I come here ruin your party and you can't ruin mine, must hurt bad, well I'm sorry for posting, don't cry.
I'm not gonna present you with empirical evidence why you get all jacked up looking at some steroid pumped shitheads run on scripted path, it was a comment on a game, but you, video game pumped shitheads, started flaming it to seek some justification, that shows insecurity.
I on the other hand, do not require you to approval of my gaming choices, I'm pretty secure in that area ;)

Asian-Waste replied to Netherborn's post
May 12 2008, 7:31 AM

Your commentary was not at the game but ad hominem in nature. Your basic platform has always been, "you've got to be stupid to play this game" as opposed to simply stating, "I don't like it." Now that it's been said and done, I simply want to know what do you play that supposedly requires so much smarts? I am trusting your cultural and intellectual judgment on this one because you claim to be so secure of yourself. You've just proven your insecurity by accusing me of trying to trap you of proposing a question with no right answer. I simply asked a question. If you can provide a good answer then your platform has weight.

Evidently you're not secure enough to share a simple opinion of personal preference, only an opinion that judges others. This part of your nature is revealed because you have repeatedly danced around answering the question under the guise of claiming you're above it. It doesn't work. You pick and choose your battles. All of which have the same strategy: call someone an idiot for liking the game.

I can see right through you. You're not different. You're typical. You like to say you don't need the approval of others, but I know that's not true because you need to get the last word for every thread. Until you answer the question, everything you've said has no weight. You're just another person who likes to judge others with no realistic assessment of the self. You need to grow some balls.

Netherborn replied to Asian-Waste's post
May 12 2008, 9:32 AM

I'm typical, so typical people think you're an idiot? I'm gonna pick my battle and give you a question, instead of an answer, because that pisses you off.
What motivates you to write more of that deluded american bullshit about balls? I mean besides fluoridated water and brainwashing media you enjoy here. And why does my opinion hold so much interest, after all it's so outlandish right?

scorpion1969 replied to Netherborn's post
May 12 2008, 11:04 AM

What is your problem, 'kiddo'? I notice that you are still here on this board after a few days and you are still insulting people that like this game. Why do you even bother posting here? You insulted me and you've insulted Asian-Waste numerous times by saying that if we enjoy this game then we must be a couple of cavemen or something.

It was just the other day that you told me that even though I am 38, I have obviously never grown up because I like games like this. You said that I am just angry with you because you don't like 'my' game. Who gives a rat's a$$ if you like it or not. Our problem is not that you don't like a game that we might but rather that you insult us because we like it.

You even started bringing politics into the post the other day saying that someone was spouting G W Bushisms because they liked the game. WTF? Where did you pull that one from?

Just now you wrote something about 'deluded american bullshit'. What are you alluding to? Now you are apparently insulting Americans in general since we are all deluded? WTH? Are you some kind of elitist from a European Socialist country then? Or are you from America and just dislike this country? I don't care whether you like the current president or not. That is not the issue. I doubt many like him anymore as far as that goes. I am just trying to figure out why you are here and exactly what point are you trying to make. "Poshol ti na xui, blyad!" I wonder if you can understand that since you seem to be so intelligent.

Asian-Waste replied to Netherborn's post
May 12 2008, 11:30 AM

Because it entertains me to see someone who claims to be so secure about himself act so on the contrary. Every post you make just puts a larger smile to my face because it just becomes easier and easier to dissect you. Believe me, it's not me who's getting pissed off. Your Napoleon complex I've mentioned earlier comes out yet again when you've made a lame attempt at trying to lash out on Americans... which really means you've resorted to a tangent and a generalization because it's the easiest thing you can lash out at. You resorted to this because you're desperate. You've got no ammo so you decided to strike anyway you can. That sounds like someone getting distraught more than anything. Besides, what part of my name says that I'm American?

I meant it when I said I really didn't care much for the first game. But you've claimed to have such a higher intellectual platform over those who play the game that you've piqued my interest. I gave you numerous chances to put the ball in your court, but instead of trying to win the game you would rather try and play this game by your own rules because you are a coward and like to play the fool. Now that I found that you really don't have an intellect worthy enough to pass judgment on the intellect of others, it's funny to see more of your idiocy exposed. With each and every post you dig yourself into a deeper hole... the same hole only a 3 year old mentality should be digging.

scorpion1969 replied to Asian-Waste's post
May 12 2008, 12:10 PM

LOL! You tell him! He he he! By the way, are you not American, then? I am just curious. It doesn't matter much to me. I am an American myself. I have lived in other countries and spent several years in the former Soviet Union learning about the Russian language, Marxism and Communism, Easter European history as well as how to drink vodka properly. :P

Netherborn replied to Asian-Waste's post
May 12 2008, 2:56 PM

Let's see couple posts ago I said I enjoy ****ing with your deluded, hole digging head and now you're repeating it, interesting, you learn fast doncha chimp?

Asian-Waste replied to Netherborn's post
May 12 2008, 6:17 PM

Your frantic and desperate attempts at retorts tell me that it's not me who's deluded.

May 11 2008, 11:35 AM

I wonder how many people that say GOW gameplay is repetitive have played on insane. In the normal levels you could just duck and pop and pretty much stay in the same place but on Insane that tatic will not work. The enemy will flank and move forward, forcing you to find new cover or be killed.

Holding an enemy hostage definitely fit the gameplay for GOW. Cover is cover, and being able to take a piece of cover with you helps to advance you to better cover or gain an advantage of an enemy taking cover. The fact that you snap the cover neck after you are finish keeps with the ultra violent tone of the game

Chainsaw duels looks like they will not be some long drawn out display and should solve the issue where in multi where it was pretty much random who wins when both oponents come together with a chainsaw.

I agree with Noonsa3 that the large scale battles did not really take shape in that trailer since we only saw a group of Locust that were on a scripted run but no AI. I also question the bigger feel that Epic says they are trying to make but I do feel that the feel of the battle has a more epic confrontation and look.

Either way, I very much enjoyed GOW especially in Coop. Coop wins hands down for this game and I will be playing it again to experience one of the better Coop games on the market.

zwaffleVE replied to Machiavellian's post
May 11 2008, 12:15 PM

"I also question the bigger feel that Epic says they are trying to make but I do feel that the feel of the battle has a more epic confrontation and look."

yea, more enemy on the screen at once is probably more of a bullet point for UE3.

I agree that's one thing that was lacking with GoW, you'd never see many enemies on screen at once, so everything felt like small skirmishes, it's totally fit for the gameplay, but you never had the feeling there was a big war going on. If this feature just means more epic cutscenes, it's already good.

May 11 2008, 11:28 AM

The Chainsaw "battle" is really just an extra mini-game (just like the fast reload mechanics), just 3 seconds of button mashing. And it doesn't apply to every melee encounter.
I'm not sure if it's really intended as a SP or MP feature.

Only one thing bothered me in the whole video - how come Epic hasn't figured how to not make explosions clip with the environment yet? Seriously... this is supposed to be a game about big ass explosions.

May 11 2008, 10:26 AM

I don't think chainsaw battles don't belong in in GOW, but I can say that I'm on the bandwagon that's not going to like it.

"zwaffleVE, the only place I saw a high enemy count was that brief scene where the Locust were running around under the derelict. And it didn't really seem like they had AI, just some flocking algorithm. The real battles seemed limited to a similar number of enemies as the first. Which is a good thing IMO, as having more badguys doesn't equal more fun."

This is a small section of one level. I can just imagine some later level where you can command some massive gun that you will have to beat back the swarm of locusts. Either a large caliber machine gun or some giant shell launching cannon.

May 11 2008, 7:47 AM

I liked the first Gears of War. Not sure if I like the new "features" of this one. Holding a Locust hostage seems kind of stupid. Also, chainsaw battles? Really? Those 2 features seem incredibly lame in the Gears of War universe.

zwaffleVE, the only place I saw a high enemy count was that brief scene where the Locust were running around under the derelict. And it didn't really seem like they had AI, just some flocking algorithm. The real battles seemed limited to a similar number of enemies as the first. Which is a good thing IMO, as having more badguys doesn't equal more fun.

zwaffleVE replied to pizzaboy99's post
May 11 2008, 8:56 AM

"Those 2 features seem incredibly lame in the Gears of War universe."

Hmm ...how so?

Turning an enemy into a meat shield makes sense since the game is all about cover.

Chainsaw battles don't fit the Gears of War "universe"? Jeez, what did you expect? Knitting contests?
It's the first sequel to a new ip, and you're suddenly a canon expert for the GoW "universe"?
Heh, we're talking about a freaking space marines b-movie story here, not a Dostoyesvsky novel or a D-Day history channel documentary.
Seriously I think it makes sense and will add a bit more variety to melee... and will be especially funny to spectate in MP...

I care about games built around solid and fun gameplay elements.
I'm also looking for consistent art direction.
Epic was successful at both with GoW (which is quite amazing considering the "all over the place" feel of the UT series), and I see no reason to think they're not the ones who know best what fit or doesn't fit their vision.

pizzaboy99 replied to zwaffleVE's post
May 11 2008, 10:47 AM

Holding an enemy hostage to me, fits in a game like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid. Gears of War is more an action packed game where you, IMO, would be better off killing the enemy outright, rather than holding one hostage. As for chainsaw battles, I feel like they would break the flow of the game. Can you imagine being "stuck" in a chainsaw battle while the enemies teammates shoot at you? You wouldn't be able to do anything.

Who knows, they could feel completely natural and add a whole new layer of gameplay. I have not played the game, so I can not say for sure. All I'm saying is that my initial reaction to seeing those features in the video was "WTF?"

Noonsa3, my point wasn't that there wouldn't be some good areas with a lot of enemies. I'm saying that those areas will probably feature enemies with simple AI. The meat and potatoes of the game will still probably be smaller, squad level conflicts, not Normandy level conflicts.

May 11 2008, 4:12 AM

so netherborn.... what games do you play that are so much better than GoW?

May 10 2008, 9:45 PM

It's cute that you don't like the game but you're still in here. You have no reason to be here anymore.

I liked the first one, I'm sure I'll like this one.

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