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Witchblade Publisher Cuts Movie Deal

By Hugh Hart EmailMay 12, 2008 | 10:20:54 PMCategories: Comics, Movies, Sci-Fi  


Comic book tough chick Witchblade is ready for her close-up: Top Cow Productions has cut a deal to bring its warrior heroine to the big screen, with filming expected to begin this fall.

Witchblade comics have sold over 100 million copies worldwide since 1995. For two seasons on TNT, Yancy Butler starred as the ass-kicking heroine who assumes fierce warrior skills through the gift of a high-powered glove.

Witchblade follows another Top Cow title to the cineplex. In July, em>Wanted, based on a series from the late Will Eisner, hits theaters.

Casting for Witchblade movie, which will be produced by Platinum Studios, has not yet been finalized. Platinum content develpment V.P. Dan Forey tells Wired.com "We're in talk with several actresses but can't comment publicly. I think fans will be excited."

Now that Jessica Alba (Fantastic Four) is expecting a baby and ex-Alias star Jennifer Garner has cut back on action fare, who should step up to become America's next female action hero? Suggestions?

Photos courtesy Top Cow, TNT

See also:

[via Variety]

Official X-Files 2 Trailer Reveals Little, Still Thrills

By Jenna Wortham EmailMay 12, 2008 | 7:02:17 PMCategories: Movies, Sci-Fi, Video  

Lame name or not, the supernatural X-Files sequel I Want to Believe is living up to its hype.

Impressive, considering not much is revealed plot-wise in this 90-second trailer released on the web Monday.

The short clip features flashes of creepy imagery and hints at unexplained phenomenon surrounding a group of missing girls.

Still craving a fix of Mulder and Scully? Head to YouTube for a couple of viral shorts featuring the agents.

I Want to Believe hits theaters July 25.

[via Popwatch]

See also:

Marvel Update: Thor, Avengers Assemble

By John Scott Lewinski EmailMay 12, 2008 | 5:33:55 PMCategories: Celebrity, Comics, Movies  

We don't yet know if the media and fandom can achieve "Marvel News Fatigue." But, by Odin's beard, more Avengers-related headlines are flying toward us.

Multiple sites are reporting the persistent rumor that Brad Pitt will put the hammer down as Thor in that Marvel adaptation. There was a time when such blockbuster casting for a superhero movie was impossible, but Robert Downey, Jr.'s critical and financial success as Tony Stark shattered that.

Meanwhile, it keeps popping up on the net that Captain America's shield makes a cameo in Iron Man. Maybe. If you squint. Marvel doesn't make it easy to spot. It could be a patriotic chafing dish. If it is the shield, it's yet another heavy-handed hint that The Avengers movie is on its way.

See also:

Mystery Package Kicks Off Alt Reality Game ... but for What?

By Jenna Wortham EmailMay 12, 2008 | 5:26:19 PMCategories: Advertising, Events, Games, Movies, Sci-Fi, Television, Viral  



A mysterious new alternate reality game is afoot.

I received a strange UPS package in the mail over the weekend, and at first glance, the package seems like a hackneyed bit of junk mail -- or a love note from the Unibomber, thanks to an empty packet of vitamin powder. But a closer glance revealed a couple of deliberately placed items, suggesting a new alternate reality game is underway. Fun. Let's dig in.

Inside the envelope was a paper crane, a memo from the Department of Energy and an empty Emergen-C packet with a sticker with a multicolored chemical model, all pictured above.

The Unfiction Fan forums uncovered a date from the redacted memo which calls for a Dr. Eugene Gough's resignation: January 30, 1985, and the word Holomove, which turns up an in-game site.

Welcome to the rabbit hole.

Continue reading "Mystery Package Kicks Off Alt Reality Game ... but for What?" »

Ledger's Joker Action Figure Flies Off Shelves

By John Scott Lewinski EmailMay 12, 2008 | 5:07:59 PMCategories: Comics, Current Affairs, Movies, Television, T