(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20080515073002/http://www.undp.org/hiv/focus01.htm

HIV/AIDS and Human Development

Mitigating the Impact

HIV/AIDS affects people in their most productive years, and is uniquely devastating as it increases poverty and reverses human development achievements. In order to support countries to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on Human Development, UNDP promotes multi-sector responses that mainstream HIV/AIDS in national development plans, sector programmes and decentralized plans. In partnership with the World Bank, UNDP provides technical support to assist countries to more effectively integrate HIV/AIDS into poverty reduction strategies and implementation modalities. In addition UNDP supports countries to generate enabling trade, health and intellectual property legislation for sustainable access to low-cost, quality AIDS medicines.

Key areas of UNDP support include:

  • Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS
  • HIV/AIDS and MDG-based National Development and Poverty Reduction Strategies
  • Trade, TRIPS and Access to ARVs


Integrating AIDS into PRSPs:  A Review of Experiences
This report is a progress review of the experiences of the seven countries participating in the first round of the Joint UNDP, World Bank and UNAIDS Secretariat Programme to strengthen capacity in integrating AIDS into poverty reduction strategies. The seven countries are Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Zambia. The country experiences shared in this report provide strategies and possibilities for strengthening the integration of AIDS at all stages of the Poverty Reduction Strategy process. Download the pdf.


Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in Sectors and Programmes: An Implementation Guide for National Responses
This guide aims to stimulate action and promote a programmatic approach to mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in sectors allowing sector programmes to incorporate HIV/AIDS action in their regular functions and annual institutional budget cycles. This step-by-step guide is a practical resource tool to support the implementation of national AIDS Frameworks and is primarily directed at national policy makers, development planners and HIV/AIDS focal points in sector ministries and local governments. It is also a useful capacity development resource for the private sector, trade unions and civil society organisations. English | French


HIV/AIDS and Human Development: Thematic Guidance Note
This document provides guidance for the preparation of NHDRs focusing on HIV/AIDS. The aim of the guidelines is to support preparation of NHDRs that promote implementation of effective strategies to reverse the spread of the epidemic—strategies that address individual, societal and institutional factors that impact the growth of HIV/AIDS.


Online Toolkit: Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into Country Programmes
This Toolkit presents a range of concepts, methods and tools for reviewing and integrating HIV into UNDP supported country programs and approaches to solving problems that are likely to be encountered. The purpose of this toolkit is to provide participants with basic concepts in organizational learning and change, systems thinking, strategic thinking and planning so as to facilitate a clear understanding of the interlocking challenge of HIV and AIDS, poverty and disaster.


Making Global Trade Work for People
Chapter 11 of this 2003 book on international trade and human rights deals with TRIPS in the contexts of public health and developing countries. One sidebar features a synopsis of the history of TRIPs and the intersection of trade and IP rights. The author also explains how the Doha Declaration reaffirms the right of developing countries to interpret the TRIPS Agreement through a public health perspective. Brazil is offered as a case study.


UNDP Policy Note: HIV/AIDS and Poverty Reduction Strategies:
Word document available in : English / French / Spanish
This note provides policy guidance on the important challenge of integrating HIV/AIDS priorities into poverty reduction strategies, including Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs). It proposes nine policy areas that UNDP and its partners must focus on as a matter of priority.


HIV/AIDS: Implications for Poverty Reduction, 2001
This 2001 Policy Paper was created for the 2001 UNGASS session. Itfs purpose is to explore how UNDPfs work can help counteract the developmental impact of the epidemic. Firstly, the paper describes the devastating and multifaceted socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS, well beyond the tragedy of illness and death. Secondly, it identifies priorities for action in coping with this impact.