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The Iraq War: Five Years Later
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Jennifer Williams

Military Moms Face Tough Choices

Mothers who serve in the Army are required to leave for war as early as four months after their babies are born. Some lawmakers and military officials say the Pentagon should expand maternity benefits as a way of keeping the best recruits.


'Lost Boy' of Sudan Served U.S. in Iraq

U.S. Army Captain David Moses, a former child of Sudan, served two tours in Iraq.

U.S. Military Aims to Help Iraqi Farmers

The U.S. is trying, in small ways, to boost Iraqi farm production — including delivering chickens.



Soldier's Mother Bridges Distance with Poetry

May 25, 2008 · When Frances Richey's son deployed to Iraq in 2004, their relationship was strained by their very different views about the war. While her son was gone, Frances Richey wrote poetry about her own experience and her son's. Richey speaks with NPR's Guy Raz about her poems and the bond they helped renew with her son.



Defying Bush, Senate Bolsters War Funds Bill

May 22, 2008 · The Senate votes to approve a war funding bill for Iraq and Afghanistan that would add extended unemployment benefits and expand the GI Bill for returning veterans. President Bush has threatened to veto any measure with the added spending, but there may be enough GOP support in Congress to override a veto.


Petraeus Hints at Deeper Iraq Troop Pullout

May 22, 2008 · Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, says he will likely recommend more withdrawals of U.S. troops before he leaves his post in September. Petraeus made the remarks to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.


Iraq Army Secures Sadr City

May 20, 2008 · Iraqi government forces have moved into the Shiite militia stronghold of Sadr City in northeast Baghdad. The operation was launched after an agreement was reached between the government and supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Sadr loyalists have battled the Iraqi army off and on for the past seven weeks.



Senator Changes Course, Balks at Funding Iraq War

May 20, 2008 · The Senate's No. 2 Democrat voted for years to fund a war he opposed from the start, but he now says such votes are over. Majority Whip Dick Durbin has declared in recent weeks that he has no intention of voting for President Bush's final emergency supplemental spending request to fund the Iraq war.


Iraqi Army Pushes into Baghdad Shiite Stronghold

May 20, 2008 · Iraqi forces launch an offensive in Sadr City in northeast Baghdad, the power base of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. It's the latest step by the Iraqi government to assert control over the area.


U.S.-Backed Offensive Weakens Basra Militias

May 20, 2008 · A government offensive in the southern Iraq city of Basra has met with success. Initially, U.S.-led Iraqi forces met with stiff resistance from Shiite militias. But after two months, Basra's streets are clear. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro.


Nancy Pelosi Visits Iraq

May 18, 2008 · The House speaker got a progress report on the war, direct from the source. She tells Andrea Seabrook what she saw there and what's ahead.


In Character

Vampire Slayer Buffy Saves Iraq Reporter's Soul

May 19, 2008 · Buffy the Vampire Slayer saved the world and the sanity of NPR's Jamie Tarabay while she was in Baghdad. Tarabay explores why she needed the slayer during her time in Iraq.


Military Wives Fight Army to Help Husbands

May 16, 2008 · Spouses of troops suffering from postwar mental trauma have made it their mission to force the military to give soldiers the treatment they need. Military wives — traditionally known as "the silent ranks" — have transformed into unexpected activists.


Songs of Sadr Provide Soundtrack for Shiite Militia

May 16, 2008 · The Iraqi government has banned the distribution and public broadcast of a popular genre of war-like songs that praise the fighters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr. Supporters say the music is patriotic; the government says it incites terrorism.


Capt. Rawlings' Tips on Serving in Iraq

May 16, 2008 · The 26-year-old Princeton alum has been stop-lossed in Sadr City. Over the next few months, he'll be answering listeners' questions about his experience. In his first batch of answers, he discusses how he fills his spare time, why his soldiers sometimes make fun of him and what he'd tell a kid who's considering a future in the military.Web Extra: Send Your Questions


Remembering the Fallen

Army Staff Sgt. Matt Maupin

The soldier from Southwest Ohio was missing for four years before an Iraqi tip led the U.S. Army to his remains.


National Guardsman Emanuel Pickett

The resident of Wallace, N.C., worked as a police officer and as a butcher, and served in the National Guard. He was on deployment in Iraq when he was killed by mortar fire in Baghdad.


Navy Petty Officer Michael Monsoor

The Navy SEAL from California posthumously receives the Medal of Honor after he threw himself on a hand grenade thrown by an insurgent in Ramadi.


Army Sgt. 1st Class Shawn Suzch

The 14-year veteran chose to return to Iraq for a third tour of duty. The Pennsylvanian was killed by a suicide bomb attack in Baghdad in March.


Army Maj. Alan Greg Rogers

The Florida native was buried in Arlington National Cemetery in March. Rogers was killed by a bomb in Iraq in January.


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