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globesports.com: Bills defence could make the difference
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Bills defence could make the difference

Globe and Mail Update

Some key acquisitions put Buffalo on the verge of a breakthrough, David Naylor reports ...Read the full article

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  1. J.C. Jorgensen from Ottawa, Canada writes: Dave, the CFL season is about to start and you are reporting on the Bills? What city do you live in? Yawn...The Bills and Dolphins both had loosing records on the road last year. What does that mean for the December game in Toronto? I thought good journalists displayed a healthy does of skepticism? Perhaps your headline should read "Will the Bills Entertain?"
  2. D. Patrick from Gonzoville, Canada writes: Yes, can't wait for the CFL season to begin! But how does that mean the paper shouldn't report on the Bills? Less touchiness, more confidence re the CFL is in order here.
  3. Nolan K from Winnipeg, Canada writes: On another note....THE BILLS SUCK AND THEIR DEFENCE WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK THIS YEAR!!!
  4. Ryan Porter from Lake Odessa, Michigan, United States writes: Hey, Nolan K from Winnipeg - thanks for your in-depth analysis. By the way, congratulations to the Riders on their win over Winnipeg in November.

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