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Last Updated: Thursday, February 22, 1:44 PM EST

'What about my baby?' the pregnant Hayley Mezei of Toronto wondered when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer.

How 60 Canadians confronted cancer one day

What you are about to read may sadden and disturb you. It may galvanize and inspire you. It is a window into the all-too-common reality of cancer that cries out for understanding.

'I made noise, and things moved'

The Globe's four-week cancer series concludes with a look at patients who blaze their own trails through a maze of treatment.

Wrapup discussion: Anderssen & Philp

Globe reporters answer cancer questions

Globe Publisher Phillip Crawley on the project

CEO talked about his personal experiences with cancer and what he, as an individual, wanted the series to achieve in terms of government response.

Shelby's life -- and death Popup

Her mother remembers.


Web Exclusives

Spencer Dolling, 11 years old Popup

'Other than cancer, I have a fantastic life'


Seen & heard Popup

The many faces of cancer

Rhonda Morey


Costly battle Popup

Rhonda Morey prepares for her own death


Readers' stories & photos

How has cancer touched you?



Interactive Popup

How cancer stem cells become tumours


Timeline Popup

The long road of the cancer stem cell theory

PET scan

Early warning Popup

Graphic: PET scan can find key signs

Resource guide

How you can help and where to learn more

Confronting cancer

Day in the life

Cancer: A day in the life

Those who died

Erin Anderssen profiles 13 people who died of cancer on June 15, 2006

Letter from the editor

No more whispering: looking clearly at a personal tragedy, a national scourge

Day in the life

Part I: The killing cost of drugs

For a health-care system based on the principle of equal access, the reality is tragically different

Part II: Vow broken on wait times

Most hospitals across Canada fail to meet Ottawa's four-week guideline for radiation

Part III: Roadblock to research

For the first time, Canada is unable to participate in a key clinical trial because patients are not getting the best known treatment

Part IV: Humans wait, but not animals

'This is absolutely the world upside down,' doctor says

Part V: Lack of screening 'short-sighted'

Colorectal cancer will kill thousands of Canadians this year. So why isn't more being done to prevent it?

Tories announce national cancer strategy

PM says new agency will be a ‘clearing house' for latest information on cancer care

Day in the life

Part I: Meet the A-Team of stem-cell science

Bit by bit, Canadians uncovered the seeds of deadly cancers

Part II: The end of chemo? One magic pill

Gleevec is an inspiration for scientists around the world working on drugs that will kill cancer cells but leave healthy tissue alone

Part III: The promise of viral therapies

Century-old concept has cured laboratory mice, pushed some end-stage cancer patients into long-term remission and raised hopes for a new generation of cancer therapies

Part IV: 'Pesticides are killing our kids'

Rural PEI is an unlikely hotbed of rare cancers, and one doctor has made it his mission to raise awareness about the potential health hazard posed by pesticides used on the region's potato farms

Editorials and Opinions

Globe editorial: Harper's cancer strategy

The strategy announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper last week certainly sounds impressive. But if something seems too good to be true, it often is.

Commentary: How much is one life worth?

We must balance what's gained by spending more dollars caring for people with end-stage cancer and other diseases, with what we would gain spending the same dollars elsewhere, two health analysts argue.

Globe editorial: What happened to that catastrophic drug plan?

It's a scandal that cancer patients in Atlantic Canada are unable to afford simple medications to control their nausea and pain. After all the promises, why in heaven's name has no plan materialized to pay the often-catastrophic costs.

Erin Anderssen on 'a Day in the Life'

Cancer blogger and activist

26-year-old cancer survivor took questions

Lisa Priest on 'Our National Shame'

The Globe's Lisa Priest took your questions.

André Picard on the U.K. way

Health reporter André Picard took your questions

Activist on cancer strategy

Advocate Pat Kelly answers your questions


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