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globeandmail.com : Help
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Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Issues About Globeandmail.com Access

I'm having problems seeing your site. What should I do?

View the site's technical requirements below. If you're still having difficulty, contact us by going to our Website Contacts page.

What are the system requirements for Globeandmail.com?

The Globeandmail.com family of websites are built based using Web-standard practices and should be viewable in a wide variety of Web browsers; when viewing our sites, though, we suggest using:

On Windows On Macintosh (OS X)
  1. Recommended browser.
  2. Also recommended (includes any browser using a version of Mozilla’s Gecko 1.7.5 or higher rendering engine).
Firefox 1.x (or higher)¹
Internet Explorer 6 (or higher)¹ Safari 1.3 (or higher) ¹
Internet Explorer 5.5 Safari 1.0 – 1.2
Netscape 8 (or higher)² Camino 1.x (or higher)²

In all instances, you'll need version 7 or higher of Macromedia's Flash player to use Globeandmail.com. Most browsers ship with this already installed, so you probably won't need to download it separately. If you do, you can download the free player from Macromedia's website.

You also need to ensure your browser is configured to accept cookies and that is JavaScript-enabled.

The site is built to support Web standards established by the World Wide Web Consortium.

What are cookies and why does my browser have to accept them?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer by the browser you're using. This text file is how we identify you as a registered user. Globeandmail.com uses a cookie to remember your information so that you are not required to log in each time you return to the site. In the future, cookies may help us serve you unique content or advertising based on what you told us about yourself when you registered.

More information about cookies can be found at Wikipedia. If you use Internet Explorer, you can learn about cookies at Microsoft's website. If you use Netscape, you can learn about cookies at Netscape's website.

How do I configure my browser to accept cookies and turn JavaScript on?

Firefox users

1) Turn on JavaScript:

  • Click "Tools"

  • Choose "Options…"

  • Click the "Content"/"Web Features" tab

  • Check the box beside "Enable JavaScript"

2) Enable your cookies:

  • Click "Tools"

  • Choose "Options…"

  • Click the "Privacy" tab

  • Click the "Cookies" tab

  • Check the box beside "Allow sites to set cookies"

Windows user with Internet Explorer

1) Turn on JavaScript:

  • Click "Tools"

  • Choose "Internet Options"

  • Click the "Security" Tab

  • Click "Custom Level"

  • Scroll through the list of options down to "Scripting of Java applets" and select to "Enable"

2) Then enable your cookies:

  • In Internet Explorer, select "Tools" and "Internet Options"

  • On the "Privacy" tab, click "Advanced"

  • Check that both options for cookies are set to "accept"

Mac OS X users with Safari

Under Safari in the menu bar, choose “Preferences” and then click the “Security” tab. In the Web Content area, check the Enable JavaScript checkbox and close the Preferences window.

Other browsers

Consult the browsers’ help files and documentation to learn how to enable JavaScript and cookies.

Why can't I see headlines or story links?

This may occur if you have ad blocking enabled in your Norton Internet Security software or your Web browser. You can change your Web browser setting by choosing preferences or Internet options from its menu.

Norton users should follow the steps below to disable ad blocking:

  • In your system tray, double-click Norton Internet Security icon (it looks like a blue-green globe). The Norton Internet Security window will pop up.

  • On the left-hand menu, click on Ad Blocking. In the new screen that appears, un-check the Enable Ad Blocking box.

  • Close the Norton Internet Security window for the change to take effect.

  • Refresh your Web browser and you should now see headlines and story links.

Can I access my Globeandmail.com account from more than one computer?

You can access your account from any computer as long as you have your username and password.

If you usually use one computer to access Globeandmail.com, check the checkbox that reads “Remember me on this computer” when you log in. So long as your browser is configured to accept cookies, you will not have to enter your username or password on subsequent visits.

Do I have to log in every time I access Globeandmail.com?

If you always use one computer to access Globeandmail.com, check the checkbox that reads “Remember me on this computer” when you log in. So long as your browser is configured to accept cookies, you will not have to enter your username or password on subsequent visits. Be aware that if you access your account from a computer other than the one on which you performed this action, you'll be prompted for your username and password.

If I log on to Globeandmail.com on different computers, how do I keep others from using my access?

To prevent others from using your access to Globeandmail.com, you need to log out after your visit. To do this, click the log-out link that appears on the top right of all pages on the Globeandmail.com websites. Should you wish to log back in, you may be required to enter your username and password in the log-in page. To prevent others from automatically logging in on a given machine, be sure to uncheck the checkbox next to Remember me on this computer on the log-in screen.

I've already registered. Why do I keep getting prompted to register when I try to log in?

To access Globeandmail.com, your browser must be JavaScript-enabled and configured to accept cookies. If you've configured your browser correctly and continue to be prompted to log in or register, try the following (at this time, we can only offer this documentation for Windows Internet Explorer users; if you use another browser, please refer to your browser's Help documentation or contact Online Customer Care):

Option One: Change your security settings:

  • Go to the "Tools" menu and select Internet Options.

  • Click the "Security" tab.

  • Click the "Trusted Sites" icon, then the "Sites..." button. Make sure https://www.globeandmail.com and https://globeandmail.com are listed there. Click OK.

  • Click the "Restricted Sites" icon. If the message says no sites are in this zone, you're okay. If not, click the "Sites..." button and make sure https://theglobeandmail.com and/or https://www.theglobeandmail.com aren't listed there. Then click "OK".

  • Click the "Internet" icon.

  • If the slider is not visible, click the" Default Level "button. If the slider is set to "High", move it down to "Medium".

  • Click "OK".

  • Test the registration again

Option Two: Change your cookie settings:

  • Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options".

  • Click the "Privacy" tab.

  • Click the "Advanced..." button.

  • Check the box "Override Automatic Cookie Handling" checkbox.

  • Under "First-Party Cookies", click the "Prompt" radio button.

  • Check the "Always Allow Session Cookies" checkbox.

  • Click "OK".

  • Click "OK" again.

  • Test the registration again.

Why am I prompted to re-enter my e-mail every time I access Globeandmail.com?

After you register with Globeandmail.com we send a thank you e-mail to the address you gave us when you filled in the registration form. If this thank you e-mail isn't accepted by that address (in other words, if it "bounces" back to us), the site assumes that the address you submitted is invalid and will prompt you to re-enter your e-mail address the next time you log in.

Usually, this situation is the result of simple human error: you may have typed your e-mail address incorrectly the first time. When prompted to re-enter your address, ensure you enter it correctly and you should not be prompted to re-register again.

Occasionally, bounced e-mails indicate more serious problems with e-mail accounts, such as when they're over their storage limits or experiencing other issues with their mail service provider. If you suspect that you're having trouble with your e-mail account, contact your mail service provider.

Why am I prompted to update my profile every time I access Globeandmail.com?

We've updated the registration process on Globeandmail.com. If you're a Globe Portfolio or GlobeInvestorGOLD user and want to log in to Globeandmail.com, you'll be prompted to update your profile so that we can collect the additional information we require of registered Globeandmail.com users.

Why isn't my username recognized when I try to log in?

Ensure that your browser is configured to accept cookies.

If you're using a different computer — for example, if you usually access Globeandmail.com from home but you want to access it from your office, reset your browser settings on this machine or contact your IT administrator.

Why do I have to keep filling out your online registration?

Registration is a permanent part of our site; however, you should only see it once. To make sure the site is working properly on your computer and able to accept your log-in, please make sure you have your browser's cookies and JavaScript enabled, then restart your browser. If the log-in/registration page still continues to pop up, try the following:

The computer I'm using shows a welcome message but no log-in or registration button. How do I log in or register?

The computer was probably used by another registered Globeandmail.com user. Simply click on "Logout" in the top right of the page. You will be taken to the logout page, where you can register yourself or login. You can also click here to register or login.

I've forgotten my username or password. How do I get this information?

Click the link worded "Forgot your username or password?" on the log-in screen. Enter the e-mail you used when you registered into the resulting form. You will receive an e-mail that includes your username and instructions on how to set a new password.

My re-set password has not been e-mailed to me. What should I do?

Re-set passwords are sent by e-mail within minutes of your request. Some e-mail systems may quarantine these e-mailed passwords. Please check your e-mail/spam filters to make sure the re-set password e-mail has not been blocked by your software.

AOL users should use the following instructions to unblock reset password e-mail:

  • Use Keyword "SPAMCONTROLS".

  • Under "Options", deselect "Mail Filtered by AOL's Advanced Spam Filter" and deselect "Mail With Clickable Hyperlinks"

  • Select "Save":we

This should unblock the reset password. Look for the address line forgot@globeandmail.ca. As with any filtering system, we suggest you go back and decide what filtering level is appropriate for you on an ongoing basis.

When I try to register, I get an error message about cookies. What should I do?

If you have tried to register previously and are receiving a message that your cookies are not enabled, please follow the instructions below to delete your https://www.theglobeandmail.com and https://globeandmail.com cookies. Once you do, restart your browser and re-submit your registration information.

Firefox users

  • Close your browser and reopen Firefox.

  • On the "Tools" menu, click "Options", click the "Privacy" tab, and then click the "Cookies" tab

  • Press "View Cookies"

  • Click "View Files"

  • Search for cookies with "Globeandmail.com" in the name; click on the cookie, and while highlighter press "Remove Cookie". Repeat this until there are no more results

Windows user with Internet Explorer

  • Close your browser and reopen Internet Explorer

  • On the "Tools" menu, click "Internet Options", and then click the "General" tab

  • In the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click "Settings..."

  • Click "View Files"

  • On the "View" menu, click "Details"

  • Click the "Internet Address "column header, and then select the Internet address of the cookie file you want to delete. For example, a cookie Internet address may be named similar to the following: Cookie:username@www.websitename.com

  • Click a cookie file, and then press "Delete." If you are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the file, click "Yes." Repeat this step for each cookie file

Mac OS X users with Safari

  • On the Toolbar, click Safari and select Preferences from the menu

  • Click the Security icon which appears in the toolbar

  • Click the Show Cookies button

  • Click the Remove All button to delete all the cookies

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