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Geography & Travel
The country takes its name from Philip II, king of Spain…
Home to Spain’s oldest bullring, a stone Neoclassical structure…
The island contains some of the most spectacular mountain…
Tiananmen Square
Square in Beijing, China, one of the largest in the world…
Trinidad and Tobago
The islands are known for steel-band and calypso music…
Turkey sits between East and West, drawing elements from both…
Science & Technology
Microsoft Corporation
In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, two boyhood friends…
nuclear weapon
The first nuclear weapons were bombs delivered by aircraft…
ring-necked snake
Small terrestrial snake, found widely in North America…
space shuttle
Designed to be reflown as many as 100 times, the U.S. space…
Tertiary Period
Interval of enormous geologic, climatic, oceanographic, and…
Either of two species of moderately large, lizardlike reptiles…
History & Society
Sonia Gandhi
Indian politician who serves as chair of the United Progressive…
U.S. presidency
Because of criticism that Iowa and New Hampshire…
Vietnam War
The human costs of the long conflict were harsh for all involved…
The WWF provides money for conservation initiatives…
Arts & Entertainment
oil painting
Its origins, as discovered in 2008, date to at least the 7th…
Shaun Alexander
One of the most prolific touchdown scorers in NFL history…
Sir Ben Kingsley
British actor recognized for playing a wide range of roles…
Steve Irwin
The exuberant host of The Crocodile Hunter
Tina Turner
American singer who found success in the rhythm-and-blues…