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  • xylorimba (musical instrument)
    ...upward from the C below middle C is common. Players may hold two sticks in each hand to play up to four notes at a time. Extremely large marimbas are known as xylorimbas....
  • Xyloryctes jamaicensis (insect)
    ...horns: a long horn with a split tip, and behind it—on the thorax—three others. The central horn is split, and shorter, conical horns project forward from each side of the thorax. The American rhinoceros beetle (Xyloryctes jamaicensis) is a dark brown scarab a little over 25 mm (1 inch) long. The male possesses a single upright horn; the female has only a small tubercle.......
  • Xyloryctes satyrus (beetle)
    Coleoptera vary greatly in size, from a fraction of a millimetre to more than 200 mm (almost 8 inches) in length (e.g., rhinoceros beetle, Xyloryctes satyrus) and up to 75 mm (2.95 inches) in width (e.g., goliath beetle, Goliathus goliathus)....
  • xylose (monosaccharide)
    ...is present in a molecule, as is the case with sugars having four or more carbon atoms, a series of DL pairs exists, and they are functionally, physically, and chemically distinct; thus, although D-xylose and D-lyxose (see Table 1) both have five carbon atoms and are of the D-configuration, the spatial arrangement of the asymmetrical centres (at carbon atoms 2, 3, and 4) is such that they are......
  • xylose-absorption test (medicine)
    A five-carbon sugar, D-xylose, is absorbed in the duodenum and proximal jejunum. It is not metabolized and is excreted unchanged in the urine. The D-xylose absorption test measures the absorption ability of the jejunum. Lowered excretion indicates diminished intestinal absorption usually caused by a decreased absorptive surface, infiltrative intestinal disease,......
  • Xyridaceae (plant family)
    The second largest family of the order is the yellow-eyed grass family (Xyridaceae), which has 2 genera (Xyris, 250 species, and Achlyphila, one species). It consists of small, tufted, rushlike marsh plants that mostly grow in the tropics and subtropics of the Americas. Species of Xyris are grown in wild gardens, but otherwise the family is of little economic importance....
  • Xystus I, Saint (pope)
    pope from c. 115 to c. 125. He succeeded Pope St. Alexander I and ruled the church under the Roman emperor Hadrian. Although authoritative sources vary on the dates of his pontificate, they all agree that he reigned for nine or 10 years. Sixtus’ martyrdom is unproved....
  • Xystus II, Saint (pope)
    pope from 257 to 258, one of the early Roman Church’s most venerated martyrs....
  • Xystus III, Saint (pope)
    pope from 432 to 440....
  • XYY-trisomy (genetic disorder)
    relatively common human sex chromosome anomaly in which a male has two Y chromosomes rather than one. It occurs in 1 in 500–1,000 live male births, and individuals with the anomaly are often characterized by tallness and severe acne and sometimes by skeletal malformations and mental deficiency. It has been suggested that the presence of an extra Y chromosome in an indivi...
  • XYZ Affair (United States history)
    diplomatic incident that, when made public in 1798, nearly involved the United States and France in war. Pres. John Adams dispatched three ministers to France in 1797 to negotiate a commercial agreement to protect U.S. shipping. In Paris the ministers were approached by three French agents who suggested a bribe of $250,000 to Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, and a loan of $10,000,000 to F...