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Blogging into Mordor: Finding the perfect name for your Dwarf

Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Guides, Lore, Races, Blogging into Mordor

Have you decided to roll a burly dwarf in the Lord of the Rings Online and need a name to match? Not keen on making yet another "Thorinn", "Duurin" or "Gihmli"? Have you already chosen one of these unfortunate names and are looking for a change? This guide will walk you through choosing the perfect name for your dwarf. If you are a role-player or simply confused about finding a surname, this is a great way to learn a bit about dwarf culture, language, and names.

is the language of the dwarves. When a dwarf is born he is granted a name by his parents in this language. However, the dwarves are extremely secretive about their language. Their Khuzdul name is usually known only to themselves and their immediate friends and family, and therefore is rarely shared with anyone. If you are a role-player you may choose a name formed from this language for your dwarf, but keep in mind that out in the world of Middle Earth he (or she) will go by a different name meant for outsiders and everyday use. A dwarf wouldn't be caught dead using his private name with an outsider, and neither should you!

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World of Warcraft
Blogging into Mordor: Finding the perfect name for your Elf

Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Guides, Lore, Races, Blogging into Mordor

Looking to create an elf in the Lord of the Rings Online but not sure what to name it? Want to avoid naming it "Legolazs" or "Elronde"? Have you unfortunately already used one of these names but are looking to change it? You're in luck! This article will show you how to find a decent, lore-appropriate name for your elf. And if you are not playing LOTRO but are looking for a name for an elf in World of Warcraft or a similar game, this guide might be a handy tool.

Since elves are a very popular race in LOTRO, and there are a lot of famous elves in the lore that many players wish to emulate, finding a decent name can be difficult. It is important to remember to follow the naming rules of the game, which means you cannot choose a name that is close in spelling or sound to any of the actual characters from the books (such as Legolas, Arwen, etc). If your name is too similar to one of these characters, it will be changed. A good way to make sure that you are not accidentally stealing a name from the books is to use it in a Google search or consult a book such as the Complete Guide to Middle Earth.

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World of Warcraft
Blogging into Mordor: Finding the perfect name for your Man (or Woman)

Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Culture, Guides, Lore, Tips and tricks, Races, Roleplaying, Blogging into Mordor

Having the most available classes and arguably the best racial abilities in The Lord of the Rings Online, the Race of Man is also the most popular. So it can be hard to find a decent name for your human. Everyone wants to be a hero, for their character to be great and achieve fame and glory. But can you do this without naming your character "Aragorrn" or "Boromier"? You bet! This guide will take you through finding the perfect first name and surname for your man or woman.

Unlike the other races, a member of the Race of Man's name relies heavily on its origin/nationality. A man from Dale's name is going to sound nothing like the name of a man from Bree. The conventions for both the first names and surnames are highly varied between each culture. This is mostly due to the fact that men live such short lives and live so far away from each other, and also due to war, which has separated members of the race greatly. The cultures of the four nationalities are so varied that if you want a lore-appropriate name for role-playing, you will have to choose the name first based on your character's chosen nationality. With the other races, this isn't as important.

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World of Warcraft
Blogging into Mordor: Finding the perfect name for your Hobbit.

Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Culture, Guides, Lore, Tips and tricks, Races, Roleplaying, Virtual worlds, Blogging into Mordor

Looking for a name for your little halfling? Unwilling to settle for "Frodow" "Samwizze" or "Bihlbo"? Have you already named your character one of these but are looking to change it to something decent and lore-abiding? This guide will help you to find the perfect name for your hobbit and avoid the wrath incurred when you turn on your role-playing flag with the name "Kneestabberxx". You will also find tips on choosing a surname. If you've already named your hobbit but are looking to construct an interesting back-story, this guide might be useful to you as well!

J. R. R. Tolkien gave each different race and culture in the game its own customs and naming systems. Looking at the names of different hobbits can tell you things about them -- where they might have been born, what family they might be a part of. This gives you the opportunity to give your character a back-story if you wish, though simply using this guide to choose a cool name is good as well. And there is nothing wrong with taking some of the names here and using them in other games! Always make sure to read the naming guidelines of whatever game you play so that you do not break any rules and face punishment. In The Lord of the Rings Online, using a name that is even close to a character from the lore (such as Frodo, Lobelia, or Pippin) is strictly against the rules. So if you want a name that sounds hobbity and not a violation of the rules, you have to get creative. Luckily, Tolkien himself was creative and named enough of these creatures to give us an idea of how to do it!

Even after reading this guide remember that the best name is the one you enjoy seeing and think fits your character, no matter how much you play it. What you think of your hobbit's name is more important than what other people think as long as it doesn't violate the naming conditions of your game.

Continue reading Blogging into Mordor: Finding the perfect name for your Hobbit.

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