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Huxley enters open beta (in Korea)

Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Huxley, MMO industry, New titles, News items, MMOFPS

Webzen published a press release today announcing the start of Huxley's open beta test phase in South Korea. No word yet on when gamers in other regions will be able to participate. There have been hints that Webzen is backing away from the North American market, but today's press release reiterates the company's dedication to releasing Huxley "in markets around the world." This comes after an announcement that portal NHN will be distributing the game in North America and Europe, so we're pretty sure things are good.

The press release is full of not-quite-true statements that Huxley is the very first game to combine the FPS and MMO genres. PlanetSide and Neocron come to mind right away, and there have probably been others. Still, we're watching Huxley with curiosity. Its production values are sky high (just look at the recent cinematic trailer) and its Unreal Engine-powered graphics are impressive. Webzen plans to release the game in Korea in 2009, so we'll be waiting a while yet.

[Via Big Download]


Huxley video expands on non-combat areas

Filed under: Video, Huxley, MMOFPS

We have to concede, we were not terribly impressed when we got wind of some of Huxley's non-combat areas as long as four months go. Chalk it up to the editing, we suppose, but the ten consecutive minutes of clomping around a barren cityscape left us barely able to keep our heads up. We were much more impressed with the recent cinematic trailer for the game, but it did little in the way of explaining how Huxley was going to change the way we play MMOs.

Well a new video has surfaced with better editing, the removal of that incessant clomping sound of walking on pavement, and some looks at non-static NPCs, shops, and the games' train system. We realize that Huxley's success probably hinges more on whether the FPS action is up to current standards, but for MMO junkies like ourselves, the little things like shops and quest hubs can have a much greater influence on whether we choose to play the game or not. Check out the new video after the jump.

Continue reading Huxley video expands on non-combat areas

The Gaming Iconoclast: A side of PlanetSide

Filed under: PlanetSide, Events, in-game, PvP, Reviews, Opinion, War, Hands-on, MMOFPS, Humor, The Gaming Iconoclast

"Come on, you apes! Do you want to live forever?"
- Unknown WWI platoon Sergeant, as quoted in the epigraph of Starship Troopers, Robert Heinlein

This sort of chaos, of being flung into the maw of an overwhelming and relentless foe, very succinctly sums up the jovial insanity of Massively's foray into PlanetSide's world-event realm as so-called Black Ops. Replete with frenetic action, us-versus-the-world attitude, and the ever-so-helpful seismic and meteoric stylings of a GM eavesdropping on our Skype chat, TGI hopes that our incursion into PlanetSide's universe provided an entertaining distraction to the folks for whom it's been a long-time daily driver.

Our efforts could politely have been called "lambs to the slaughter." They could less-politely be visualized as a well-worn combat boot meeting a sensitive part of TGI's anatomy, perhaps the one he sits upon, repeatedly and with great vigor.

It was glorious.

Continue reading The Gaming Iconoclast: A side of PlanetSide

One Shots: Wake up, time to die

Filed under: Screenshots, PlanetSide, One Shots, MMOFPS

As many of you know, we just recently played PlanetSide with a good-sized team comprised of Massively staff -- and some guest stars. As you can imagine, there was much, much death. It wasn't all one sided, however. We managed to take and hold a tower for quite a little while before the PlanetSide players caught up with us. To give you an idea of what we were facing every time we popped out from one of the spawn tubes, we bring you today's One Shots taken by our own Colin Brennan. He says: I got an awesome picture of all the NC that were camping the spawn tubes during our event in PlanetSide. I had just respawned when you guys said, "Don't respawn at the base" and came face to face with... well... everyone on my former team.

Do you have any screenshots from the recent Come Frag Massively event? Or perhaps you just have a great screenshot of that moment, frozen in time, when you know you're absolutely, positively going to die no matter what you do. Pack those screenshots up and email them along with a description to oneshots AT massively.com!

Gallery: One Shots

Liveblogging Massively's PlanetSide assault

Filed under: Sci-fi, PlanetSide, Events, in-game, MMOFPS, Humor, Massively Event Coverage

It's a bright summer day, the sun is shining, the grass is green ... and the explosions are deafening. Welcome, regular readers and PlanetSide fans, to Massively's first in-game event. In collaboration with Sony Online Entertainment, for a few hours today the staff of Massively.com (along with some temporary recruits) are going to attempt to stand our ground against the might of three armies. Like Xerses at Salamis, we'll try to hold against all odds. The forces of the New Conglomerate, the Terran Republic, and the Vanu Sovereignty will all be gunning for us, and we hope you'll join them. Head over to the announcement post for details on how to join us in-game.

This post is your go-to locale for information as the battle progresses. We'll keep you updated with our current position in-game, the status of our wartribe, and insider information on how the battle is going. Click on through for the current state of the war, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!

Continue reading Liveblogging Massively's PlanetSide assault

One Shots: I'ma chargin mah lazorz

Filed under: Screenshots, PlanetSide, Events, in-game, One Shots, MMOFPS

Are you ready to rumble? Are your lazorz all charged up and ready? Do you have enough ammo to do what it takes to take the Massively staff down during the PlanetSide fragfest planned for later today? We certainly hope so! We already know that Massively reader Mason R. is ready, as he not only sent us the great screenshot above, but a cool edited variation too. If you haven't started your download or signed up yet, there's still time, though. Check out all the details about Massively's invasion of PlanetSide. We'll see you at 6:00 PM Eastern, recruits!

Do you have some cool screenshots you took (posed or otherwise) showing off an aspect of your world that we haven't seen recently? Perhaps you'll be snagging screenshots from today's PlanetSide event and would like to have your screens featured in our upcoming huge gallery of the event? Whatever the case -- just pop those screenshots and a description of what we're seeing into an email and fire it off to us here at oneshtos AT massively.com!

Gallery: One Shots

WRUP: Frag Massively edition

Filed under: Sci-fi, PlanetSide, Events, in-game, PvP, Massively meta, MMOFPS, Humor

Time once again to ask you readers what you're playing this weekend, and this time, we know the answer: Planetside. That's right, tomorrow afternoon is our big event in the best MMOFPS of 2003, and we really hope you'll be there to join us -- we have to have someone driving the Galaxies we're planning to shoot down out of the sky.

Other than the Planetside event, Age of Conan continues to be popular around the Massively compound, as does World of Warcraft, and EVE Online has reattracted our attention lately with the new patch's factional warfare and whatever that was that happened in Jita the other day. As we like to ask you every week, dear readers, What aRe You Playing in the world of MMOs?

Just make sure that Saturday afternoon at 6pm EST, it's Planetside -- after all, it's not every day you get to shoot us in the face. We'll be on the US Gemini server, and if you need to figure out where we are, you can just hit ESC and punch "Instant Action" in the menu. That, or just follow the carnage left in our wake!

One Shots: A view to a kill

Filed under: Screenshots, PlanetSide, One Shots, MMOFPS

Several of the team members have been checking out PlanetSide in preparation for our upcoming "Come Frag Massively" event, this Saturday at 6:00 PM Eastern. What has pleasantly surprised several of us is just how good looking this game is considering it was released in 2003! Today's One Shots was snapped while standing a cliff, overlooking a base under contention. Of course, what this lovely, placid-looking screenshot doesn't show you is the nearby mech piloted by Music520, who blew this blogger straight off the map about ten seconds later! To say this is going to be a fun and exciting event is an understatement, we think. So if you're free this Saturday, be sure to grab a PlanetSide trial account and come have fun fragging the crap out of the Massively staff!

Do you have a screen you captured just before something ate your face? Perhaps you also have a funny story behind a screenshot? Whatever the case may be, we'd love to check it out! Just scribble down your story, attach your screenshot and send the whole thing to us here at oneshots AT massively.com!

Gallery: One Shots

Come frag Massively in PlanetSide!

Filed under: PlanetSide, Events, in-game, MMOFPS, Massively Hands-on

Maybe you've disagreed with an article here on the site. Maybe you didn't like the way we covered your favorite game, or were too slow to jump on something you were really pumped about. Regardless, after reading the site for some nine months now, we'd bet you have at least one thing you'd like to get off your chest. Well, now's your chance. This Saturday we're going to give you the chance to put the leads, writers, and columnists of Massively.com in their place by fragging us to kingdom come.

In collaboration with Sony Online Entertainment a bunch of Massively staffers are going to hop into PlanetSide as a fourth army - we're going to be the bad guys. It's your job, then, as the loyal recruits of the New Conglomerate, the Terran Republic, or the Vanu Sovereignty to put us in our place. You can participate for free, even, and get a taste of what the gameplay in PS is like on an epic scale. Join us this Saturday at 6pm EST on the US server Gemini! For full details, read below the cut to find out how to grab the client and join in.

Continue reading Come frag Massively in PlanetSide!

World of Warcraft
Tabula Rasa goes AWOL from Q1 NCSoft financial reports

Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, Tabula Rasa, MMOFPS

When the financial reports for the Q1 performance of NCSoft hit the Massively offices, fingers were quickly pressed to pages with one intent -- finding out what was going on with Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa. Already this year, we've heard dour reports on the status of the game, which were then rebuked by NCSoft, but those reports still planted seeds of doubt. Our hope was that the financial numbers could shed some light on what was happening with the game and perhaps reveal the game's direction. Was the game going uphill, or was it careening toward Auto Assault's junkyard?

But finding financial information about Tabula Rasa was like trying to track down Deep Throat. In the whole of the Q1 financial reports, TR appears twice. Even when most of NCSoft's major properties are listed and statistics are given, TR does not get mentioned.

But where Tabula Rasa does briefly appear, things do not look good at all.

Continue reading Tabula Rasa goes AWOL from Q1 NCSoft financial reports

Seven days sans Neocron 2

Filed under: Neocron 2, Server downtime, News items, MMOFPS

Usually when a game's server goes down, it's the world shard server that everyone knows and thinks about. After a couple of minutes, the development team sends the server through a reboot and everything is back up without much fuss, except a few people who complain how they lost that ten whole minutes of farming.

But the Neocron 2 community got to find out what happens when the multiple hard drives of the login server simultaneously fail, sending the account data and character data into the land of infinity. The result was seven days without Neocron 2, forcing the community into the standard MMO withdrawal syndrome as their favorite game was unaccessible.

The servers were finally available again yesterday, and everyone once again piled into Neocron for their cyberpunk first-person shooter experience.

Reakktor Media, the operators of Neocron 2, will not be providing current subscribers with free game time for the server outage. Instead, they are preparing a special in-game present to everyone who had a trial account or full account during the outage.

When reached for further comment, Reakktor Media declined to provide further information, stating what was on the forums was all the information they were willing to release regarding this matter.

[Thanks, Mike!]

(Edit: Corrected photo caption. - Colin)


Smedley talks "MMO Reinvention" with MSNBC

Filed under: Interviews, The Agency, News items, Consoles, Casual, Spy, MMOFPS, Free Realms, Kids

John Smedley and the rest of Sony Online Entertainment want you to focus on reinventing the MMO. With games on their list like The Agency and Free Realms, what else would they want you to think?

While sitting down with MSNBC's Kristin Kalning, Smedley talked about the old days of MMOs, when EverQuest was the pinnacle of MMO game design, and how that has changed in recent years with the advent of World of Warcraft. But what is to be taken away from this interview is how SOE wishes to take the genre into a new direction, targeting shooter fans with The Agency and the 12-year-old crowd with Free Realms.

Appealing to both genders and creating new objectives that aren't just "kill stuff" are top priorities in how Smedley wishes to see MMOs change. He points out that it's clear that the market can expand, especially when RuneScape has more players than World of Warcraft, and how different methods can be used to capture that market.

It's clear that SOE is very interested in taking back their MMO crown, and even more clear that they're going into untouched waters to do it. However, the MSNBC article proves very insightful, and we all know that MMOs can use a little bit of a change up every now and then.


Lost Colony discovered, late for launch

Filed under: At a glance, Sci-fi, MMO industry, New titles, MMOFPS

Sometimes things come to you through unusual circumstances. An article popped into our inbox today along with others, discussing how indie-developed MMOFPS Lost Colony was in talks with an unnamed publisher to sell copies through retail chains like Wal-Mart and Target. However, the referring article was dated October 14, 2007. How did it get into our email as the latest news?

The article goes on to say that the LC team was shooting (no pun intended) for a March 2008 release. Having found this under-the-radar MMO, we looked at their website, which makes no mention of a release date. Apparently they were accepting pre-orders right up until January 15th of this year. It's now May, and there's nothing in the news about this title, though apparently there's a beta in progress. The forums contain a post entitled "March Update", in which the author writes "Our company and our fans have high expectations. Quality assurance needs time, and we are not in a hurry to rush something out the door. When its ready, it's ready."

A slipping release date needn't necessarily be a pronouncement of doom, as we all know, but taking care of PR is important to mitigate both public awareness and publisher anxiety. Hearing the term 'lost colony' immediately brings to mind the Roanoke Colony project of the 16th century. Will this Lost Colony also disappear, or should we be expecting an announcement shortly?


Sony Online Entertainment's John Smedley clarifies Free Realms/Agency RMT

Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, The Agency, MMOFPS, Free Realms, Massively Interviews

Earlier today Sony Online Entertainment and Live Gamer released a joint statement announcing their intentions to collaborate on player-to-player RMT auction services for future titles. Both Free Realms and The Agency, in development at the moment, will offer this moderated transactional element at launch. In past SOE titles, such as EverQuest II, RMT services have been non-existant or highly limited. With these new games, all players will have the opportunity to engage in in-game item trading for real money.

To clarify what the company has in store we contacted Mr. John Smedley, CEO of SOE. In our brief conversation about the announcement we touched on how this might affect the games' interactions with the PlayStation 3. We also talked about SOE's hopes for a farmer free playing environment, and what this might mean for the future of the company's relationship with Live Gamer. Mr. Smedley went even further, giving us a few sneak preview comments hinting at topics he'll be discussing in his keynote address today at ION 2008. Will a Pokemon-esque card battle system will be coming to Free Realms? Read on to find out.

Continue reading Sony Online Entertainment's John Smedley clarifies Free Realms/Agency RMT

SOE's The Agency and Free Realms will offer RMT services

Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, New titles, The Agency, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, Free Realms

Gamasutra carries word that Sony Online Entertainment has announced their intentions to offer RMT services for both Free Realms and The Agency when they're released. These services will be offered through the third party company Live Gamer, likely in a similar arrangement to the company's current model on the EverQuest 2 title. This news comes just a day after the announcement that Live Gamer will be working with Petrogryph Games on their upcoming free to play MMO.

Both The Agency and Free Realms have been recognized as possible RMT/Free to play titles since they were announced by SOE last year. The Agency will feature a card-based system which puts human assets at the players fingertips. Called Operatives, this living loot will most likely be tradeable via Live Gamer's managed RMT service. Similarly, Free Realms will offer purchasing options to players in the form of outfits, pets, and special items. Tradeable items might include collection compontents. Tentative plans also call for Free Realms to offer 'event tickets' to free players that would allow them to participate in subscriber-only services.

The full release is after the break. Stay with us for future coverage of this announcement, as we've contacted both SOE and Live Gamer for comment.

Continue reading SOE's The Agency and Free Realms will offer RMT services


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