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MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 28th - July 4th

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture

Every week, hardworking Massive gaming fans put their voices on the line to bring us news, opinions, and 'critiques' of their favorite games. Podcasts are a staple of many hobbies nowadays, and fans of online worlds are especially fortunate in this regard ... there are a ton out there.

As such, every so often we'll try to update you on the podcasting world. Keep your eyes on this space for links to your favorite MMO-commentary celebs. Good and bad, straight-man or blue-mouthed, they all have something to offer about this amazing style of gameplay.

This week we're all about the Epic Dolls podcast. A unique title by an all-female cast, it's really interesting to hear the occasional gender-specific spin on the World of Warcraft. Most of the time, though, this group talks the talk that every WoW 'caster does - and they have the epics to prove it. This week they're pumped about the WWI information, and are getting ready to take on Kara in advance of the Lich King expansion. Tune in!

Continue reading MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 28th - July 4th

Top 50 news nuggets about the Warhammer Online guild beta

Filed under: Fantasy, Podcasts, Guilds, Warhammer Online

The Podcast of Reckoning recently had the chance to sit down with Josh Drescher, the Associate Producer for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Their lengthy discussion covered a lot of aspects of the upcoming Guild Beta, information we imagine you'd be keenly interested to see in print. Thankfully the GreenSkin is all over it, offering up another '50 bits of information list' culled from the podcast. Some of them are just wacky fun, but others are really interesting and give us a good sense of EA Mythic's dedication to the art of WAR. Some examples:
  • The developers have joined some of the major pre-release guilds in secret, to get a better 'feel' for player interests.
  • Exploring the world and engaging in multiple parts of the game will offer players a more 'well rounded' character than one who simply power-levels through the game.
  • There are extensive guild tools in the game built from the ground up by and for guild leaders and members.
  • The developers see the testers as a part of the team, and treats their feedback with a great deal of gravitas.
  • Drescher's wedding was actually scheduled to avoid Warhammer's development period. That's dedication.
Make sure to check out the 'cast as well.


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Massively Speaking Podcast Episode 12

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Podcasts, Lord of the Rings Online, Culture, Star Wars Galaxies, Massively Speaking

Massively Speaking Episode 12 runs down news and features from Massively.com for the week of June 25th - July 1st. This week Colin Brennan and Adrian Bott up the respectability level something fierce, with considered opinions and thoughtful commentary on the week's topics. It's true that most of those topics are Blizzard-related, but they just had a big event. Sorry for our WoW-weary listeners. We also chat about Lord of the Rings Online book 14 and Star Wars Galaxies big anniversary.

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot us an email to podcast AT massively DOT com. Maybe we'll read your letter on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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World of Warcraft
TR's Tom Potter reveals some exclusives for TabulaCast

Filed under: Sci-fi, Podcasts, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, Professions, PvP, PvE, Tabula Rasa

As we announced a few weeks ago, the folks at TabulaCast landed an exclusive interview with Tabula Rasa's lead designer, Tom Potter. They reached out to the community during these last few weeks, asking players to submit their own questions for Tom to answer on the show. Now, that episode has been recorded and is ready to download.

In this audio interview, we hear more than just the usual about how new features are coming "soon", Tom actually gives us some specific deployments where certain changes may be made. For instance, when asked about concept art for the much-anticipated Personal Armor Units that Destination Games has been promising for around 8 months now, Tom says that we can expect a finalized design within the next one or two deployments, and then after that, concept art will soon follow. He also discusses some exciting features coming down the pipe such as completely new enemies, more PvP maps with the possibility of class vs. class battles and a working prototype for the new crafting system they're developing, which will work on a more streamlined infrastructure.

Take a listen to this episode to hear more about what Potter reveals on the future of Tabula Rasa.


MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 21st - June 27th

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture

Every week, hardworking Massive gaming fans put their voices on the line to bring us news, opinions, and 'critiques' of their favorite games. Podcasts are a staple of many hobbies nowadays, and fans of online worlds are especially fortunate in this regard ... there are a ton out there.

As such, every so often we'll try to update you on the podcasting world. Keep your eyes on this space for links to your favorite MMO-commentary celebs. Good and bad, straight-man or blue-mouthed, they all have something to offer about this amazing style of gameplay.

This week we're going to revisit a highlight from a previous roundup. DDOCast is still well worth listening to, providing unique insights on a terribly under-rated game. This week, though, you've got to check it out even if you're not a Dungeons and Dragons Online fan. The reason? Buzzsaw's fantastic look at GUILD DRAMA and how to handle it. The bottom line: it's about the people, stupid!

Continue reading MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 21st - June 27th

World of Warcraft
Massively Speaking Podcast Episode 11

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Podcasts, Culture, Massively Speaking

Massively Speaking Episode 11 runs down news and features from Massively.com for the week of June 18th - June 24th. This week it's a pretty straight-shooting show, as Michael, Shawn, and Massively blogger Will Dobson tackle the news of the week. Join us as we talk about everything from the recent Richard Bartle interview to Age of Conan's patch troubles. Join us ... won't you?

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot us an email to podcast AT massively DOT com. Maybe we'll read your letter on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Rosedale: You can't do it

Filed under: Podcasts, Video, News items, Opinion, Second Life, Virtual worlds

Linden Lab Chairman, Philip Rosedale and freshly-minted CEO Mark Kingdon gave an introductory speech at 10AM Pacific time to open Second Life's fifth anniversary for 23 June, 2008. While some have considered the speech to be somewhat bland and uninspired/uninspiring, it was pretty much what you'd expect, and you can still smell Rosedale's passion through his anecdotes.

Interestingly, Rosedale referred (with characteristic Linden Lab not-actually-mentioning-it-directly obliqueness) to the troubles that arose from Linden Lab's takeover of the anniverary event from resident-organizers.

Continue reading Rosedale: You can't do it

World of Warcraft
The third NCsoft Europe podcast focuses on Tabula Rasa

Filed under: Sci-fi, Podcasts, Interviews, MMO industry, Tabula Rasa

The third episode of the Official NCsoft Europe Podcast has just been released, and in it, we get treated to a bit of a pace change. Avatea, NCsoft Europe's Community Team Lead for Tabula Rasa hosts this show while interviewing three of the main developers for the game: Producer Starr Long, Lead Designer Tom Potter and Art Director Victor Meinert. Luckily for those of us Rockjaw fans out there, he is not completely left out of this one!

This 40-minute show gets into the minds of these developers, and lets us know a bit more about what it's like to work at Destination Games, their visions for the future of Tabula Rasa, the importance of player feedback and much more. We even get a glimpse into the crazy practical jokes the team has played on each other! So give it a listen and don't forget to follow along with the complete episode transcription.


MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 14th - June 20th

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture

Every week, hardworking Massive gaming fans put their voices on the line to bring us news, opinions, and 'critiques' of their favorite games. Podcasts are a staple of many hobbies nowadays, and fans of online worlds are especially fortunate in this regard ... there are a ton out there.

As such, every so often we'll try to update you on the podcasting world. Keep your eyes on this space for links to your favorite MMO-commentary celebs. Good and bad, straight-man or blue-mouthed, they all have something to offer about this amazing style of gameplay.

The featured podcast this week is a brand new addition to the VirginWorlds Collective! Called EQ IQ, it's all about the venerable EverQuest and its newfangled comrade-in-arms EQ2. Make sure to check out Brad's highly informative first episode and episode two for info on quest running and collecting. It's well worth checking out.

Continue reading MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 14th - June 20th

Massively Speaking Podcast Episode 10

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture, Massively Speaking

Massively Speaking Episode 10 runs down news and features from Massively.com for the week of June 11th - June 17th. With the Empyrean Age freshly warped through the gates, Shawn and Michael sit down with a pair of EVE Online veterans to talk all about the newest addition to CCP's game. David 'CrazyKinux' Perry, one of Massively's own writing demons is joined by his podcasting co-host Steven 'Alsedrech' Robinson (on loan from the VirginWorlds collective) for this particular conversation. Join us for some basics on this great expansion, and why even brand-new players have something to celebrate!

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot us an email to podcast AT massively DOT com. Maybe we'll read your letter on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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World of Warcraft
TR's lead designer answers your questions

Filed under: Sci-fi, Podcasts, Events, real-world, Game mechanics, Interviews, Tabula Rasa

How often do you get the opportunity to ask a big-time developer a question and actually hear their answer? Unless you travel to a gaming conference and stand in line for an hour, this isn't likely to happen, but on the next episode of TabulaCast, the hosts John and Matt will be interviewing Tom Potter, the leader designer for Tabula Rasa. They will be asking him questions submitted by the listeners regarding the game and his new role in the lead designer seat after taking over for Paul Sage last month. Of course, not all questions will be on the show, but only the very best will be chosen.

This is a very exciting interview for the folks at TabulaCast who have previously interviewed some of the "leaders" in the Tabula Rasa player community including PlanetTR's main admin DeadRinger, Ten Ton Hammer's TR lead Tony "Radar X" Jones as well as both Community Coordinators: Amy "Critters" Crider and Tia "Avatea" from NCsoft Europe.


Stargate Worlds Developer Q&A: Episode 8

Filed under: Sci-fi, Podcasts, Game mechanics, New titles, Stargate Worlds, News items

How time flies. Since June of 2007, the Stargate Worlds Developer Q&A podcast has been a great resource for fans of the upcoming MMO, and the latest episode brings even more information to the masses.

Covering topics like Stargate addresses, target lock in combat, captureable towns on contested worlds, instanced worlds, and the ability to play as dark or light factions, among others, one of the hallmarks of this podcast series is the direct connection community members enjoy with the developers of the game. Fans get to ask questions directly of particular devs, and those devs answer just as directly, with no unnecessary spin. Don't you wish every development house were this transparent?


MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 7th - June 13th

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture

Every week, hardworking Massive gaming fans put their voices on the line to bring us news, opinions, and 'critiques' of their favorite games. Podcasts are a staple of many hobbies nowadays, and fans of online worlds are especially fortunate in this regard ... there are a ton out there.

As such, every so often we'll try to update you on the podcasting world. Keep your eyes on this space for links to your favorite MMO-commentary celebs. Good and bad, straight-man or blue-mouthed, they all have something to offer about this amazing style of gameplay.

This week we'd like to single out the Official SOE podcast as well worth a listen. They're zany, they're kooky, but the Community Team at Sony Online Entertainment has the in with all of your EverQuest, EverQuest 2, Vanguard, etc. etc. needs. Check out their backlog of episodes for some really great content and more hampsters than you'd ... you know, initially think.

Continue reading MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 7th - June 13th

Massively Speaking Podcast Episode 9

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture, Massively Speaking

Massively Speaking Episode 9 runs down news and features from Massively.com for the week of June 2nd - June 10th. WoW Insider superstars Elizabeth Harper and the irrepressible Turpster join Shawn and Michael for wide-ranging show. Getting away from the very focused discussions we've had the last few weeks, the hosts cover the numerous interesting subjects that have come up in the last seven days. Turbine's future plans, the possibility of a Harry Potter MMO, the new Living Legacy promotion from SOE, and even the weird state Tabula Rasa finds itself in all go under the magnifying glass. Listen in, won't you?

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot us an email to podcast AT massively DOT com. Maybe we'll read your letter on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 1st - June 6th

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture, Guides, New titles

Every week, hardworking Massive gaming fans put their voices on the line to bring us news, opinions, and 'critiques' of their favorite games. Podcasts are a staple of many hobbies nowadays, and fans of online worlds are especially fortunate in this regard ... there are a ton out there.

As such, every so often we'll try to update you on the podcasting world. Keep your eyes on this space for links to your favorite MMO-commentary celebs. Good and bad, straight-man or blue-mouthed, they all have something to offer about this amazing style of gameplay.

With all the Warhammer news on the site this week, I thought it might be good to highlight a topical newcomer to the podcasting scene. Though we mourn the hiatus of Warhamma, The Greenskin's ChaosCast is a welcome addition to MMO podcasting community. Blogging wunderkins Keen, Syp, and Snafzg got together for a thoroughly enjoyable hour of Waagh!-related discussion. Make sure to check them out, and read on for the full week's update.

Continue reading MMOG Podcast Roundup: June 1st - June 6th

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