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Nexon's new western targeted MMOG Sugar Rush Arena in closed beta

Filed under: Betas, Video, New titles, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Casual, Sugar Rush Arena

Nexon American's Min Kim dropped a hint late-May that an upcoming MMO title was in development by their Vancouver Studio. The big secret is Sugar Rush Arena, a casual based MMO romp and stomp with coin collection mixed-into the foray. It is the first MMOG from that studio that is intended for North American audiences. Sugar Rush Arena is free-to-play, but will sustain development costs via a micro-transaction model "item-mall" similar to many other free-to-play MMOs. The game is currently in closed beta and Nexon America is not accepting applications at this time, but we believe it will launch in the very near future.

The development team working on Sugar Rush Arena is based in Vancouver, Canada and includes former Electronic Arts Worldwide Studios Group vice president and creative director Steve Rechtschaffner, as well as studio Klei Entertainment. Headed by Jamie Cheng, Klei Entertainment previously developed and published Eets, a 2D puzzle game for PCs which was later revamped for Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade.

It will be interesting to see how Sugar Rush Arena holds up in North America. Maple Story is successful and put Nexon on the global radar and shocked the naysayers when Maple Story earned 29 million dollars in revenue, not bad for a free-to-play MMOG. The whole western-eastern MMOG market juxtaposition is fascinating, we've shunned a lot of eastern games in the western market and vice-versa. A video from the closed beta showcasing gameplay is after the jump. Let us know what you think.

Testing begins on EverQuest II's new voice service

Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Patches

As we noted just a few days ago, Vivox integration will be coming to EverQuest 2 in the upcoming Game Update 47. Greg Spence, a designer on the EQ2 team, states on his personal blog that voice chat is already rolling out to the test servers. They don't expect GU 47 to hit the live side for almost a month, but they want to make sure this particular patch is tested as heavily as possible.

Greg goes into some interesting commentary about what people are experiencing as they use voice in EverQuest 2. For example, SOE's engineers assumed people would know that the 'push button to talk' feature was remappable. Instead, users would continue to click with their mouse - a problem a simple tooltip hopefully fixes. The designer concludes with a Q&A between himself and a fictitious player, attempting to clarify any questions you might have about the patch. It's well worth looking into.

Exteel introduces Clan Mode

Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Guilds, Patches, PvP, Exteel

Exteel is set to release its newest patch very soon, and in it we'll see the implementation of Clan Mode where players will be able to create and manage their own clans from the Exteel website. These clans will have their own set of restrictions on use, but seem to be something the Exteel players have wanted for a long time.

To create a clan, you'll need to be at least level 20, and to join a clan, you'll need to be at least level 15. The clans are only able to enter clan battles once they have 8 or more players, but if that number ever dips below 8, they will have 37 days to re-enlist, or the clan will dissolve. The clan battles themselves are much like Team Deathmatch, but the points are deducted from the opposing team's score for each kill and assist, instead of adding to your own score. This new Clan Mode patch also brings with it 7-day items, changes to the online store, four new weapons and much more. Check out the complete patch notes for more details.

CCP chronicles lives of Empyrean Age's warlike leaders

Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Expansions, Lore

CCP has announced a weekly series of chronicles -- short lore stories -- related to the EVE Online's Empyrean Age expansion. The first four will tell stories about the motivations of the heads of the four factions in this new time of war. The final chronicle will focus on regular ol' capsuleers.

The first chronicle -- titled "Silent Furies" -- is available now. It's a talky story starring Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, the head honcho of the Minmatar faction. Check it out if you're really into EVE lore. Needless to say, though, you don't need to know any of this stuff to just log in and blow people up.

In the event that you do read it, CCP has provided an official forum thread for chronicle-related discussions.

A personal account of the devastation wrought by virtual theft

Filed under: Final Fantasy XI, Economy, Exploits, MMO industry

In the mainstream media it's not entirely uncommon to hear tales of virtual theft cast in a mocking or sometimes even light-hearted tone. Given the right set of details, we're sometimes guilty of it ourselves. In any case, when you actually read a first-hand account of such an experience, you quickly see how devastating a personal blow it can be to a person. A recent article in The Escapist explores one such experience, going into the depths with one unfortunate Paladin who had her Final Fantasy XI account hacked.

Much the same way that a real life burglar can rob somebody of their sense of safety, virtual thieves rob players of the joy and security they get from building up a character in a virtual world. The Paladin followed in the article lost her will to play altogether, which we think is an even sadder outcome than losing her highly-valued account.

When Western MMOs go East

Filed under: Business models, MMO industry

Gamasutra is featuring an insightful piece on the challenges and pitfalls of Western game developers looking to move their games to the extremely productive Eastern gaming markets. China, Japan, and especially Korea are world-renowned for their appreciation of videogames, and recent years have seen a number of Eastern games make the move to Europe and the US with varying degrees of success. According to article author Tim Allison, a key to addressing new marketplaces is to not only localize content and design but business models as well.

Allison runs through a number of points in this space, covering issues like console success in the region, the almost mandatory nature of online distribution, and the always-thorny issue of monetization. Possibly most interesting is the author's statement that the Korean marketplace "made" the MMO genre. "The South Korean government, both through its late 1990s subsidies for game development and rollout of the broadband network, became the key driver of this segment. Even in 2008 where overall the Korean MMOG content is not up to its usual high standard the Korean companies are still setting the industry terms."

The Daily Recap

Filed under: Massively highlights

Testing Age of Conan: Gamespot's hardware roundup + performance guide
You got bills to pay, no computer upgrades in a year, heck maybe it's been two or three, and here comes along Age of Conan with eye-dazzling effects that you must play. It also comes with launch bugs that don't ease the stress on your computer or your nerves for that matter.
Xfire to broadcast WoW's Sunwell Plateau raid live
This Wednesday at noon (EDT), Xfire will run a live broadcast of a raid in World of Warcraft's top instance -- the Sunwell Plateau. The raid will be performed by famous uberguild Nihilum, and the broadcast will run on the Dyyno technology.
Richard Bartle expands on earlier remarks stated in Massively interview [updated]
In this interview conducted by Michael Zenke, Richard Bartle discussed how to improve World of Warcraft and about MMOGs in general. One comment in particular overshadowed the whole interview: "I've already played Warhammer. It was called World of Warcraft." The comment thread on both Massively and WoW Insider was ...
Age of Conan tradeskills getting badly needed attention
In a recent forum post, Funcom developer Twicer acknowledges that Age of Conan's crafting professions are completely behind the curve, and are currently the subject of intense scrutiny by the development team. Considering that Alchemy in its current state is completely broken (when we say broken, we mean ...
Rosedale: You can't do it
Linden Lab Chairman, Philip Rosedale and freshly-minted CEO Mark Kingdon gave an introductory speech at 10AM Pacific time to open Second Life's fifth anniversary for 23 June, 2008. While some have considered the speech to be somewhat bland ...

TurpsterVision : Oh and one more Ding!

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Video, Raiding, Machinima, Roleplaying, Humor, TurpsterVision

Even a God King can bleed!
Every Tuesday TurpsterVision is LIVE (kind of) right here on Massively! Take the 'T' from 'Tuesday' and the 'V' from 'LIVE', smash them together like its going out of fashion and you got yourself TV for TurpsterVision - the best video podcast LIVE right here on Massively!

Welcome back, it's been two weeks too long - though I blame that on the fact that its been time to party! Forgetting that, today is a special post, its a game close to my heart, and it isn't a review. It's World of Warcraft folks; there is no need to review it, what do you want me to say? Honestly, it's THE World of Warcraft, there aren't any imitations that even come close, well, maybe one. So I won't bore you with a 5 minute long video reviewing what we already know, instead I have made a 9 minute long video showing off my mad PvP/PvE skills in my recent DINGSTRAVAGANZA! (An event which saw my Shadow Priest finally tip the scales and join the big boys at level 70)

It is also a friendly plug/invitation letting you all know that I will be at the World Wide Invitational this weekend in Paris and if any of you guys are out there then I urge you to come seek me and my camera out and share the love!

Jack Emmert named as GenCon industry guest of honor

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Events, real-world, MMO industry, Champions Online

Jack 'Statesman Jackalope' Emmert is to be one of the Industry Guests of Honor at GenCon, to be held Aug. 14-17 in Indianapolis. Best known for his work on City of Heroes, in which he took over from original lead designer Rick Dakan, Jack is now the chief creative officer in the Cryptic team working on Champions Online.

Jack Emmert is definitely qualified to speak about iterative game design, as the City of Heroes design process featured no small number of clinkers that were identified as such by the player base, despite looking good at the design stage. Jack's self-deprecatingly frank about his early mistakes, and explains how he's learned from them: 'We assumed a player would get the mission, go into the instance, realize that he was facing a "boss," leave the mission, find a friend, and then tackle the "boss" together. I was pretty darn naïve back then.' Jack's willingness to engage with the player base had the unfortunate secondary effect of giving dissatisfied players an articulate target for their frustration. Even now, Jack is still remembered in some quarters as a sort of uber-bogeyman armed with a colossal nerf bat.

Grab your free CoX slots while you can

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains

Enigmatic City of Heroes redname Ghost Falcon has drawn players' attention to an important point: the offer of two free character slots just for logging in won't last forever. When Issue 12: Midnight Hour went live, bringing with it the long-awaited code for additional purchaseable character slots, all players who logged in were able to claim two slots for free. Long-term players got even more, but everyone was granted at least two - which is conveniently just enough to start one Soldier of Arachnos VEAT and one Arachnos Widow.

The patch notes at the time explained that this wouldn't be a permanent offer, but some players may have overlooked this. As Ghost Falcon explains, 'Please note that the free two slots are only being given to "active" accounts that log into the game during this gift window. If your account is active, but you've never logged in, you're not getting your two free slots when the window closes.' The good news is that NCsoft hasn't yet specified a closing date for the window. Nonetheless, if you're thinking about coming back to CoX, or just pondering logging in for long enough to claim the freebies, now is a good time to do it.

World of Warcraft originally planned as free-to-play

Filed under: World of Warcraft, MMO industry, News items

Blizzard's own Rob Pardo recently dropped something of a bombshell about World of Warcraft at the Paris GDC event when he revealed in a keynote that the game was originally planned as a free-to-play experience. He also adds that, "We didn't want to charge a subscription, but as we researched market conditions, we realized that wouldn't support us." Pardo also discussed how Blizzard drove into the MMO genre in astonishingly tongue-in-cheek fashion: "Very naively, or else we might not have done it." The notion of a free-to-play World of Warcraft makes us wonder just how the game would have panned out had Blizzard stuck to their original plan. Might MMOs have become as big a business as they are nowadays? Who knows, but it's fun to think about the possibilities nonetheless.

You can find the rest of Pardo's discussions within Gamasutra's website. He discussses everything under the sun in relation to Blizzard. Multiple franchises, the Activivision-Blizzard merger and making communties for games are just a few of the many topics covered.

Final Fantasy XI players blast through new content to find ...?

Filed under: Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI, Patches, Endgame

The beginning of the month saw the folks at Square/Enix dropping a huge update onto the players of Final Fantasy XI. The June update has been months in the making, heavily anticipated by players at every level. For endgame players, one particularly appreciated addition to the game was the new Zeni Notorious Monsters system. Notorious Monsters in FFXI are what many players think of as 'nameds' in other games; they're common-model critters given interesting names and buffed up stats. There's an entire culture in Vana'diel around hunting these creatures, especially at higher level, so the ZNM system was a care package to the high-end players from the developers.

Pet Food Alpha describes the process of working through these new monsters. There are 31 in all, each at a specific tier of content. The tiers have to be climbed in order to reach the most dangerous creatures, with a single fifth-tier monster called Pandemonium Warden being the ultimate goal. A collaboration of linkshells (guilds) worked day and night all month to reach the point where they could take on this beast ... only to have a low level 'test goblin' spawn in place of the monsterous ZNM finale. The developers are on the case.

For more on this new system, check out the hugely informative Blue Gartr discussion thread on the subject or check below the cut to watch a 1st tier ZNM fight with the creature Ob.

Unlockable Nictus Sword sneaks into CoX

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains

'Forged a million years ago, black blade!' sang Blue Oyster Cult far too many years ago. They were, of course, rocking out over Elric of Melnibone's famous soul-drinking weapon, Stormbringer. Since the patch of June 17th, something not all that dissimilar to the moaning sword has now turned up in City of Heroes as a new broadsword option, without any announcement in the patch notes.

The Nictus Sword, as you can clearly see, manages to be both dark and shiny. A Nictus, for those who have yet to encounter them, is a form of evil Kheldian, a disembodied quasi-vampiric energy being.

Turn-based strategy MMO Atlantica to enter closed beta in July

Filed under: Betas, Game mechanics, New titles, News items

A new MMORPG by the name of Atlantica Online is set to enter its closed beta phase this July. The game will reportedly employ a turn-based strategy combat system, and developer Ndoors Interactive hopes that this will help it to stand out from other MMOs. Players are able to form groups of up to 3 people and wage war across ancient lands. There will be a heavy focus on long term planning and strategy, with players having to manage both cities and countries, keeping factors like industry, commerce, and culture in mind.

Visiting Atlantica's official website, we found a handful of screenshots, a teaser video (with no gameplay unfortunately) and a simple form to enter just an email address to register for the closed beta. Turn-based strategy games tend to divide gamers, but fans of the genre could really get into such a title taken to the level of complexity that MMOs can offer -- if done well. We'll report back when we find out more.

[Via Worlds in Motion]

World of Warcraft Arena Season 4 begins!

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, PvP

WoW Insider, Massively's Azeroth-obsessed sister site, is reporting that the newest season of Arena PvP competition has begun in World of Warcraft. Season 4 is a brand-new ballgame, with stiff requirements to earn the coveted loot offered over the course of the next few months. The site has a huge wrapup post in place, working through everything they know about it ... and you can bet they know pretty much everything there is to know.

Some of our favorites:
Go check it out, and tell them we sent you!

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Jumping into the world of Telon for the first time? Thinking about taking the plunge? Check out these fantastic resources suggested by a veteran of the world of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes!

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