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Age of Conan

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About the game

Launch date: May 20, 2008
Developer: Funcom
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Genre: Fantasy

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is an MMO created by Funcom, the makers of Dreamfall, The Longest Journey, and Anarchy Online. Based upon the popular series of novels by Robert E. Howard, AoC takes place in the medieval fantasy world of Hyboria, during a 'forgotten age' of mankind's history.

Players are offered gameplay similar to most MMOs, featuring varying abilities, quests, and progression of attributes, but the combat in AoC is skill-based, rather than automated keypresses. Players are encouraged to study their opponents and think on their feet, deciding the best method of attack.

Further innovations include mounted combat and the ability to develop guild-based towns. Players may choose to follow a particular deity, who will grant the player improved stats. There is also the eventual promise of being able to meet and ally with Conan himself.


Exclusive interview with AoC Senior Dialog Writer Aaron Dembski-Bowden Exclusive interview with AoC Senior Dialog Writer Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Age of Conan has received acclaim from all quarters, especially for the quality of the Tortage quests, dialog and voiceover acting. The credit for a bewilderingly vast amount of this material goes to Aaron Dembski-Bowden, a young British writer already known for his work in the tabletop roleplaying field. We tracked him down and managed to secure an interview. Despite the look in his eyes above, which is the sort of thing you see immediately before your character's arms and head are cut off, he proved a very approachable guy...
An all things Age of Conan interview with J?n Tharaldsen An all things Age of Conan interview with Jørgen Tharaldsen
When we recently got the chance to interview Funcom's own Jørgen Tharaldsen on several subjects concerning the upcoming barbarian invasion, our minds were instantly exploding with questions to ask -- it was difficult not to overload the poor man with endless queries. Rest assured that our craniums are still in one piece and Jørgen hasn't sent barbarians to lop off our heads -- at least for the moment.
Behind the 'Cheetah 2' performance increase in Age of Conan Behind the 'Cheetah 2' performance increase in Age of Conan
I stood and chatted with Conan designer Jason Stone for a specific purpose: to get to the bottom of the newly announced 'Cheetah 2' package of upgrades. Essentially a large number of engine tweaks that are all coming together at the same time, Funcom chose CES as the perfect time to unveil their nerdy workings.
Age of Conan Product Developer interview, with gameplay video Age of Conan Product Developer interview, with gameplay video
I spoke with Jørgen Tharaldsen, the Age of Conan Product Developer, and he let drop a metric ton of knowledge upon my fevered noggin. I reprint here our conversation, interspersed with video of the gameplay.


We built this city

We built this city: Age of Conan's constructible PvP city system previewed
During the week of GDC we talked briefly about the mounted combat in Age of Conan, part of the demo run for us by Gaute Godager. There was a great deal more to the demo, though, content very much worth talking about. The event started by reshashing the game's starting point, your rise from slave to adventurer in the wake of a ship wreck. We've discussed that experience, both in our own coverage of the game and in reference to work done by other sites. Probably the most interesting element of the demo, though, was the so-far little seen guild and guild city elements.

GDC08: A preview of Age of Conan's wild and wooly mounted combat GDC08: A preview of Age of Conan's wild and wooly mounted combat
Massively had the chance to sit with the Age of Conan developers yesterday, to take in a brand-new preview of the blood-and-guts gameplay due out later this year. One of the highlights of that demo was the chance to see mounted combat in action. We traveled to the desolate landscape of Khopshef province for a look at what the riding animals of Hyborea could do in a scuffle.
GDC08: Age of Conan Preview GDC08: Age of Conan Preview
This morning, Funcom showed off Age of Conan in style. Their room at the W hotel, a short walk from the Moscone Center where GDC is taking place, was lit entirely in red and decked out with trees and, true to Conan's lore, severed heads. (We're pretty sure they weren't real. At least we hope they weren't.) Though we have full audio, some great screenshots, and additional coming later, we thought we'd give you a peak at what the AoC team was showing off at GDC with some snapshots and a brief overview.


Hands-on with Age of Conan's Barbarian class Hands-on with Age of Conan's Barbarian class
The Barbarian class is a rogue archetype. That means high melee damage and little armor. Hey, if you can kill your opponent faster than he can kill you, it's all good, right? While I was playing this character on the convention floor, I was able to copy down some of the information I saw on the screen.
Hands-on with Age of Conan's Dark Templar class Hands-on with Age of Conan's Dark Templar class
The Dark Templar is one of three tanking classes in
AoC and most akin to a Shadowknight in other games. Wearing light and medium chainmail, this tank uses his weapon attacks to trigger combo moves. The blood spilled in those moves triggers dark magic allowing the Dark Templar to leech health from the opponent and grant it to himself and his allies.
Hands-on with Age of Conan's priests Hands-on with Age of Conan's priests
A lot of things about Age of Conan are different from your average MMO, but some things are also similar. The healing classes in the game are a prime example of this, as each of the three classes rely on the whack-a-mole gameplay style while adding in some new choices. In other words, they all heal, but they all deal damage in different ways. I didn't realize how different each of AoC's healers truly were until I was able to sit down with them for a couple of days last weekend.
Hands-on in PvP with Age of Conan's mages Hands-on in PvP with Age of Conan's mages
Players interested in running around Age of Conan casting magic left and right will be happy to know that in the world of Hyboria mages are quite impressive. Some players will be slightly unhappy to hear that there is no straight-up archetypical magic user in AoC. There is no class that basically shoots fireballs while standing around like a glass window just waiting to be shattered into a million little pieces. That doesn't mean certain classes couldn't be tweaked to play similarly to a more traditional MMO magic caster, but for better or worse you're going to have to use pets when you play a magic class in AoC.
First impressions: Age of Conan First impressions: Age of Conan
The game Funcom showed us looked pretty slick -- though they're still tight-lipped on the feat system (that would be "talent trees" for you World of Warcraft-ers) and the "spell weaving" system the magic users will have access to. We did, however, get a good look at the gameplay as well as a look at the game's female models.
Age of Conan closed beta impressions Age of Conan closed beta impressions (Player vs. Everything)
Everyone and their brother seems to be writing about Age of Conan over the last few days, but hopefully you're hungry for a little more. I've spent the last day and a half trying out different classes and playing through the various starting missions, and I'm ready to serve up some impressions. If you want the quick and dirty version, I'm really impressed with what Funcom has done. This game is worth your money. I'll try to talk about the aspects of the game that I haven't seen discussed much yet, as well as the stuff that everyone is talking about.
Age of Conan beta
Age of Conan beta (Massively's state of the game)
How do you convey the beginning of a journey in words? Journeys are important in so many ways. Not only are they meaningful for the travelers, but for the people that they meet on the way. Age of Conan is just setting out on its own journey into the world of retail and public launch. Open Beta begins today, and within just a few weeks we'll be entering Hyborea en-masse, slaughtering picts and saving women.
Age of Conan Beta Guide: The priests Age of Conan Beta Guide: The priests
Continuing our examination of the spellcasting classes in Age of Conan, today we're going to investigate the situation with the priest archetype. As with all of the archetypes in AoC, there are three choices when it comes to the priests: Bear Shaman, Tempest of Set, and Priest of Mitra. We'll give a rundown of the three of these during the early stages of the game, go over some of their class-defining spells, and stack them up in head-to-head comparisons after the break.Before talking about any healer in particular, one thing that is important to mention is that all healing spells are only half as potent for the caster themselves. If you start playing a healer, and then worry that the sort of numbers you're seeing on yourself won't keep a group up, remember that it's doubled if you're healing others.
Age of Conan Beta Guide: The mages Age of Conan Beta Guide: The mages
We've given you some hands-on impressions from our time with Age of Conan's mages from the Gamespot PvP weekend, but over the past few days we've had a chance to play these classes in the beta proper. Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen (and very trying) performance issues that were out of our control, our finely crafted plans of digging deep into these classes were viciously assassinated like a Necromancer in Age of Conan's PvP.
That didn't stop us from prying further information on the Herald of Xotli, Demonologist and Necromancer classes. So if you'd like the expanded low-down on these magic-manipulating mages, read on!
Age of Conan Beta Guide: Your first steps in Hyborea Age of Conan Beta Guide: Your first steps in Hyborea
When you create your character in Age of Conan, you'll end up the tutorial area of Tortage. In typical MMO fashion, you start off with almost nothing in the world, washed up on the beach without a shirt on your back. However, it isn't long before you've stabbed and sliced your way to bigger and better things, as you progress through the jungle towards the city. Join us as we make that journey, and even glimpse the inside of the city itself, in our look at the opening levels of AoC.
Age of Conan Beta Guide: An early game audio/video tour Age of Conan Beta Guide: An early game audio/video tour
You've seen our views on Age of Conan as a whole, and gained a few insights on your first steps into Hyborea via our tutorial. If you're itching to get into the game but still can't, we have something that might help you out. We've got a walking tour of the early game, entirely in video and screenshots. Below you can check out our gallery of high resolution screenshots, All the way from your character's washing up on shore through to the very end of the tutorial area.

More features

Unboxing the Age of Conan Collector's Edition Unboxing the Age of Conan Collector's Edition
With the Age of Conan collector's edition sold out across the country, we thought it would be worthwhile to go through our copy of the box and share with you what Funcom has on offer. We've talked all about the CE before, as the company unveiled details all the way back in January. There's a big difference between knowing about the leather map or the art book, and seeing them firsthand, though.
Today, in keeping with our Age of Conan launch-day coverage, we'll peel back the cover on this Massive chunk of MMO memorabilia. Check out the full gallery of unboxing screenshots here at Massively.com.
Twelve trails of blood in Age of Conan Twelve trails of blood in Age of Conan
Over the years of its development cycle Age of Conan has seen a lot of class changes and mergers. After all this time Funcom has settled on providing players with four archetypes that each have three classes to pick from, resulting in a total of 12 classes. Each class in AoC has a specific set of skills, but none are fully pigeonholed into any singular role. We've gone ahead and created an easy-to-navigate list of the archetypes and classes offered. Funcom has released more information for some classes than others, but at this point each one is pretty clear in the role they'll play in Age of Conan come May 20th.
A touch of class A touch of class (MMOGology)
The list of classes available for play at the time of this writing includes: Assassin, Barbarian, Bear Shaman, Conquerer, Dark Templar, Demonologist, Guardian, Herald of Xotli, Necromancer, Priest of Mitra, Ranger and Tempest of Set. While there are definitely some interesting nuances among these classes, most fall into your standard archetypes: Damage Dealer, Tank, and Healer. Almost every MMOG I can think of has this type of structure for its classes. Is this a good thing, or should developers move beyond typical perceptions of class structure?
Age of Conan, PC vs 360 Age of Conan, PC vs 360 (MMOGology)
Any time an MMOG looks to bring in big numbers, people inevitably ask whether or not it can challenge the current king of the hill, Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Personally, I don't think that's Funcom's goal. Sure they want to be successful, but unlike Blizzard, they aren't targeting a broad demographic of players. Instead, it appears that Funcom's goal is to capture a mature audience of hardcore gamers. The violence and sexual content that give Conan a Mature rating are obviously two indications of this target audience. Another indicator is the game's steep system requirements.
Typically steep system requirements are a barrier to many gamers. However, unlike most other MMOGs, Age of Conan won't be solely available on the PC. Gamers have the unique option of playing AoC on Xbox 360 and possibly on PS3.
Age of Conan vs. Schwarzenegger's Conan Age of Conan vs. Schwarzenegger's Conan
With most great movies, the videogame version will fall drastically short of expectations. Here we are, looking the official retail launch of Age of Conan right in the eyes, and we have to ask ourselves: will Age of Conan deliver on the promise of this 80's cinema staple?
Six reasons to be excited about Age of Conan Six reasons to be excited about Age of Conan
Everyone seems to be aware of one or two great features coming with Age of Conan, but we realized that not everybody has a complete view of some of the coolest ones -- which has led us to sort of a blind men and the elephant situation. So in an effort to give a more complete view of why Funcom's newest title looks exceedingly cool, we've gone and thought of six reasons to truly be excited about Age of Conan. Our barbarian urges are beginning to take over, so we'd better get to the good stuff before we run into the hills and slaughter a bear or something.
Age of Conan reinvents the early game Age of Conan reinvents the early game (MMO MMOnkey)
Like a damsel in distress, MMO players have been held captive by game openings that have relied heavily, much too heavily, on bounty quests of the "Kill twenty of these and then come back to me" variety. Trapped in chains of tedium, experienced players blitz through early levels to get to the point where something interesting starts to happen while gamers new to the genre often wonder why anyone bothers to play these games before they quit from boredom. At least that's the way it used to be.
Age of Conan's newbie blues Age of Conan's newbie blues (Player vs. Everything)
I've been playing Age of Conan a fair amount over the last week, trying to figure out if I like it well enough to continue paying for it on a monthly basis after my free month expires. The problem is that it's going to be my second MMOG -- the one I play when I'm not busy farming or raiding with my guild on World of Warcraft. Even for someone who writes about videogames professionally, when you start stacking up multiple subscriptions, things get pricey pretty fast. Usually, I keep two subs active at a time and write about what I'm playing.
Age of Conan's 250 hours Age of Conan's 250 hours (Player vs. Everything)
It's going to take you 250 hours to get to level 80 in Age of Conan. That's the big news today, and I'm not sure exactly how I feel about that. On the one hand, that tells us very little about the actual game. Saying you have 250 hours of content means nothing unless that content is fun content. On the other, it does let you know exactly what you're getting into as far as a time commitment goes (on average). It's also important to note that that's pretty close to World of Warcraft's benchmark, too -- most players can get from 1-70 in 6 to 14 days played. I think my first 70 took me about 7 and 1/2 days.
Conan's little quirks Conan's little quirks (The Digital Continuum)
I've been enjoying my time with Age of Conan, but to be honest there are some design choices -- mostly related to the user interface -- that truly confuse me. I'm forced to decide between scratching my head or pulling my hair out. Although I don't want to tempt fate, so I think leaving my hair intact is probably the best choice.
I am a real Barbarian I am a real Barbarian (TurpsterVision)
It is a well known fact that Turpamania is running wild, but before Turpamania there was Hulkamania; arguably not as widespread and with as many Turpamaniacs, but our lesson has to begin somewhere. You see, Age of Conan was released today, and with that it conjures up images of the greatest barbarian of all time, Hulk Hogan – don't pretend like you don't remember all the words to his song, "I am a real Barbarian".
A World of Warcraft player's guide to Age of Conan A World of Warcraft player's guide to Age of Conan
World of Warcraft has brought thousands, millions of players to the MMO genre that may never have tried it before. Despite that, It's become increasingly obvious over the years that WoW players are not necessarily "MMO players." Even though they enjoy the style of gameplay, many of that millions-strong army only play World of Warcraft. When they want a break they go off to play completely different types of games. At Massively we try to love all of our MMO friends equally, so we'd like to introduce you World of Warcraft players to a brand new experience: Age of Conan.
Age of Conan survival guide (for your computer) Age of Conan survival guide (for your computer) (Ask Massively)
Junior, today is your lucky day. Like you, I have been playing the Age of Conan beta, and , like you, I had some fairly severe issues with frame rate. In the interest of full disclosure, I will provide my own system specs after the jump. Suffice to say that my system isn't exactly a "budget gamer" system, but at the same time, it isn't "top of the line" either. I was able to tweak a few settings in the game that improved my game play experience immensely. In fact, it improved it so much that I created a new character and leveled her to 10 in the time it used to take to load a zone in some of the older beta clients.
Sex games Sex games (MMOGology)
Can you feel it coming? With less than a month until Conan's release, the pressure cooker of excitement building for the new MMOG by Funcom is about to blow its load. At least part of this excitement stems from the fact that Age of Conan deals with mature themes. Unlike the cartoony World of Warcraft and cutesy Hello Kitty Online, Age of Conan is embracing what they call a "dark, decadent, twisted and corrupt version of Euro-Asian history." Aside from the prominent head lopping and blood letting we're also getting a side dish of sex; something we haven't really seen before in a prominent, commercial MMOG.
Why I stopped playing Age of Conan Why I stopped playing Age of Conan (MMO MMOnkey)
I like Age of Conan. I like the combat system that demands active engagement rather than the auto-attack, go-make-a-cup-of-coffee style of combat used in so many other MMOs. I enjoy exploring Funcom's recreation of Hyboria with its lush graphics and infinitely varied and "realistic" topography. I find the early game's seamless integration of an instanced nighttime story with a shared daytime world both innovative and engaging. I think the design team did a fine job capturing the spirit of Robert E. Howard's original Conan stories in both the look and feel of the game. Funcom got a lot of things right.
The Origin of the Specie The Origin of the Specie (Making/Money)
The crafting systems of MMOs have taken their queues from many different sources to find minerals for mining professions. The usual, generally lower-level, metals such as copper, tin, or iron, are seemingly universal. But as you level you may run across some rather odd materials that are difficult or impossible to find in real life.

PvP Consequences in Age of Conan

PvP Consequences in Age of Conan (Player Consequences)
Player versus Player combat is always a tricky subject in the realm of MMO design. It has been with us since some of the earliest games in the genre and has had a huge influence on many players. Indeed the demand for PvP game play is now so high, that most developers believe they have to include some form of it or risk losing players. It is easy to see why the developers for Age of Conan chose to have so many different types of PvP in their game. Unfortunately, just rubber-stamping PvP into a game can be bad idea especially, if you do not evaluate its overall impact on your player base.
What to do when the Age of Conan servers are down

What to do when the Age of Conan servers are down (MMO MMOnkey)
Your Tempest of Set has been set down and your Dark Templar's gone dark. You've really gotten into this whole Conan thing but the Age of Conan servers are down for maintenance. Now what are you going to do? Well, you're sitting at your computer so you could check out the wealth of online forums, fansites, wikis, whatever, that are devoted to the game. But if you really want to dig into Conan and his world you're in luck because there has never been a better time to immerse yourself in Hyboria.

EVE Online PvP vs Age of Conan PvP

EVE Online PvP vs Age of Conan PvP (EVE Evolved)
Before I started playing Age of Conan, I had a very strict mindset on how a PvP MMO should and shouldn't work. From my experiences in EVE Online, I was convinced that good open world PvP was not possible with a level system or exotic gear. I was pleasantly surprised to find that although these games are worlds apart, their PvP styles both work and are both fun. In this article, I compare and contrast my PvP experiences so far in Age of Conan with those in EVE Online.


Gallery: Conan vs. Conan

Mounted Combat: The GameMounted Combat: The MoviesStaying True to the Lore: The GameStaying True to the Lore: The MoviesAwesome Voice Acting: The Game



One Shots

Massively receives a huge number of screenshots, sent in by our visitors. Every day, the best of these screenshots is selected and published under the title One Shots. This gallery covers images from countless games, and here is a selection from Age of Conan.

Welcome to Tortage Welcome to Tortage from Krystalle (Beta, May 4th)
This screen is of the blockaded town of Tortage, crushed cruelly under the fist of Strom. We won't give away any spoilers for those of you who are looking forward to this game, but this blogger can say that it is running surprisingly well on her machine, despite it being in beta.
The hand is still moving The hand is still moving from Kerrzhe, Tempest of Set (May 20th)
This is the end of one of the first questlines you get when you first arrive in the Stygian city of Khemi. You're sent around town looking for a guy, and this is where he turns up. Nobody seems to mind though, they're all happy for him! It's an honor to be selected by Set's chosen, even if he did scream a little at the end.
Note: The hand is still moving.
Gotta love Stygia.
The body on the wall is a nice touch The body on the wall is a nice touch from Itoao (May 24th)
Just a quick pose with Laranga outside the main gate of Tortage. I so need a new video card. I love the body that is hung from the fort wall.
The mystery of the missing legs from Vectroid (May 28th)
A glitch that happens when you wear both a robe-like armor and a pair of pants underneath.
Perhaps it isn't your destiny Perhaps it isn't your destiny from Stephen M. (May 31st)
I was doing The End Battle in Age of Conan and there is a cool part where all the "good" questgivers are fighting the Red Hand in the town centre to give you a chance to kill Strom. I died to the boss at this fight (well the boss and a huge zerg rush of normal Red Hand people which the NPCs didn't kill) but managed to kill the boss as I dropped. This meant I had a bugged instance where I couldn't proceed down my quest. I went on to kill Strom any way, and when I did the Red Hand folk stopped spawning for the questgivers to fight, this lead to a lovely scene in the town centre where all the "good guys" stood around or wandered in a circle for a while. This is a shot of all the guys in the town centre (with me on the end) except for Ninus who is wandering behind Tina with a giant red arrow over his head.
Stygian Sunrise Stygian sunrise from Wil d (June 2nd)
Here's a recent screenshot I took from Age of Conan. This shot is of my bear shaman, Josun, overlooking the Pyramid of the Ancients in Khopshef Province in Stygia just as the sun crested the edge of the pyramid. I had climbed up a nearby mountain to begin my level 30 destiny quest, but I took the opportunity to take a look around first and was pleasantly greeted by the sight you see in the picture. I simply had to take photos.
Acheronian Warlord Acheronian Warlord from Patrick W. (June 6th)
A beautiful view of an Acheronian Warlord, the last boss of Sanctum of the Burning Souls located in Eastern Wildlands. After slaying the monster, our team broke apart and started killing one another, because one guy stole the loot. [I love] FFA server rulesets.
Firestarter Firestarter from Vectroid (June 8th)
This bug occurred due to dying while in combat. Apparently when you resurrect, it keeps any spell effect animations that were on you when you died until such a time as you zone. As such, Vectroid wound up running around Tortage with his character's butt on fire!
Mace to the face! Mace to the face! from Draimen (June 20th)
A screenshot of one of my guildies from [our] grinding group. He got a glitch where his weapon in his alternate slot gets stuck as the model in his main hand. Then when he switched his alternate slot to a bow, he was using a bow but it showed his 2H mace. So, he was shooting 2H maces at people. It was pretty awesome.



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