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Posts from the Guild Wars Category at Massively
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Slim Down for Summer with That's Fit

World of WarcraftWorld of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
ArenaNet to host 2nd annual PAX afterparty

Filed under: Fantasy, Real life, Aion, City of Heroes, Dungeon Runners, Guild Wars, Contests, Events, real-world, MMO industry, Tabula Rasa, Exteel

Once again, NCsoft and ArenaNet will be making an appearance at Seattle's Penny Arcade Expo this year. The NCsoft booth (#642) will be packed full goodies during the weekend of August 29th through the 31st, and they will be showing off some of their new and old favorites, including Exteel, Dungeon Runners, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, Tabula Rasa and the brand new Aion.

As they did last year, ArenaNet will be holding contests where participants can win valuable prizes. Developers will also be on hand to meet and greet with the players. Possibly the most exciting news is the fact that ArenaNet will hold another after-party at the Game Works across the street from the Washington State Convention & Trade Center, as they did last year. This is your chance to meet the folks at ArenaNet in a more casual setting and even challenge a few to an arcade game or two!


World of Warcraft
Guild Wars skill update: The nerfing of Shadow Form

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Forums, Game mechanics, Professions, PvE

The ups and downs of the Assassin skill Shadow Form has been quite the topic of debate lately in Guild Wars. Back in May, the skill had its duration increased which made it the perfect skill for ecto farming builds in the Underworld. The inevitable progression from there evolved into ecto and shard prices dropping dramatically from the over-farming of all the big farm spots. However, in the June 2nd skill update, Shadow Form had quite a change. Now, the caster does 50% less damage while Shadow Form is active on them. Not only that, but the Mindblade Spectres in the Underworld have received Hex Breaker to help combat the hex-based farming builds that have always been so popular in this area.

Now the question is, do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Of course, if you're one of the people who farmed ecto with your A/E Chaos Planes farmer, you might not be very excited by this update. We've found that generally, most players do welcome this change though. Not only for the projected rise in ecto prices (making them worth obtaining the old way, and selling on the market again), but also to give a bit of credibility back to the Assassins who enjoyed their class for what it was before they became easy money-makers.


World of WarcraftWorld of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Dwell On It: A sudden chill

Filed under: Guild Wars, Second Life, Comics, Dwell on It

Dwell on it: The comic - by Tateru Nino

Continue reading Dwell On It: A sudden chill

World of Warcraft
One Shots: Not a warm summer screen

Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Guild Wars, One Shots

As many of us enjoy very warm weather for the upcoming holiday weekend, we thought we'd flash back to a cold holiday of yesteryear. Today's Guild Wars One Shots screen comes to us from Eugaet, who created this during the 2005 Guild Wars holiday event. Eugaet writes: I had planned on creating panoramas for every location in the game, including 'holiday' versions...but I ended up not having much time to devote to the project. Even so, they're still lovely panoramas to look at -- especially the full-size version!

If you're heading out in your favorite virtual lands to enjoy the celebrations, snap some screenshots of what you and your friends are doing. We'd love to show off some of the things going on this weekend, but we need your help! So snag those screenshots and send them to us at oneshots AT massively.com along with a quick blurb as to what we're seeing.

Gallery: One Shots

World of Warcraft
Guild Wars PvP: A new perspective

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Classes, PvP, Opinion

Sure, we've shown you how to get into Guild Wars PvP if you're strictly a PvE player, but what about putting that knowledge into practice? What about reading a first-hand account from someone who writes exceptionally well? Luckily, Van Hemlock has done the dirty work for you by telling us his story of how he finally made the plunge into GW PvP, and how much he's actually enjoying it.

He starts out by describing his team's adventure in the Zaishen Challenge arenas, and eventually moves on to the craziness that is Alliance Battles. This team, affectionately named the Tuesday N00b Club, was recently joined by Scott from Pumping Irony. The beauty of this blog post is the way Van Hemlock describes so much of his initial PvP experiences from a perspective that many veteran players might take for granted. The best part is, it ends on a positive note.


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
MMO MMOnkey: Why I stopped playing Age of Conan

Filed under: Age of Conan, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Bugs, Launches, MMO industry, Opinion, MMO MMOnkey

Stopped playing because . . .
I like Age of Conan. I like the combat system that demands active engagement rather than the auto-attack, go-make-a-cup-of-coffee style of combat used in so many other MMOs. I enjoy exploring Funcom's recreation of Hyboria with its lush graphics and infinitely varied and "realistic" topography. I find the early game's seamless integration of an instanced nighttime story with a shared daytime world both innovative and engaging. I think the design team did a fine job capturing the spirit of Robert E. Howard's original Conan stories in both the look and feel of the game. Funcom got a lot of things right.

As everyone playing AoC knows, Funcom also got a lot of things wrong. Announced features like DirectX 10 support aren't in the game, many of the features that are in the game aren't working properly, technical issues cause frequent crashes for some players, in-game and tech support are apparently dreadful, bugs abound. Although Lord of the Rings Online showed us that an MMO launch doesn't have to be terrible, most of them are. I expected AoC to have these kinds of problems at launch and wasn't upset by them. With the disaster that was the Anarchy Online launch looking over their shoulders I also expected Funcom to work hard to eliminate AoC's launch problems and all indications are that's exactly what they're trying to do.

But yet I've stopped playing the game and I think game developers would be interested in knowing why.

Continue reading MMO MMOnkey: Why I stopped playing Age of Conan

World of Warcraft
One Shots: The sky is on fire

Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Guild Wars, One Shots

Today we bring you the follow-up panorama to the last one that we got from eugaet. Today's Guild Wars One Shots is from a few years ago according to eugaet, who said that the above shows off a view of post-sear Ascalon City in Guild Wars. While we can't show it full-size in the column, we can offer it for anyone who wants to see this image in all its glory -- be sure to check out the full-sized panorama!

Do you have any interesting screenshots from quite some time ago that show what your favorite game used to look like? Have there been lots of graphical changes since then? If so, we'd love to see what they look like. Just send those to us here at oneshots AT massively.com. We're looking for lots of screenshots from any MMOG out there, so don't be shy!

Gallery: One Shots

World of Warcraft
Jess Lebow interview

Filed under: Fantasy, Historical, Guild Wars, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Interviews, MMO industry, Crafting, Quests

You may or may not be familiar with the name Jess Lebow, but if you've played Guild Wars or Pirates of the Burning Sea, you'll certainly know his work. As a writer, he's worn many hats in the games industry -- world designer, story creator, producer, content director -- but at the end of the day, his job remains the same: to tell a great story.

IGN has posted a recent interview with Lebow and asked some good questions about the role of story in an MMO, how he broke into the industry, and how the industry changes expectations of what constitutes good writing compared to the traditional novel. It's a good read, if a bit short, but if brevity is the soul of wit, then you'll find a lot to chew on in this article.


World of Warcraft
The Dragon Festival returns to Guild Wars

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Events, in-game, Free-to-play

The 2008 edition of the annual Guild Wars Dragon Festival is set to kick off starting next Thursday, July 3rd. The events, prizes, and loot drops are set to run through the evening of Sunday, July 6th PST. Every year the Canthans (the culture from Guild Wars: Factions) celebrates a festival of fireworks, mini-games, and fantastic prizes. Every year the Canthans hand out a terrifying Demon mask, and this is your chance to win the 2008 variety. You can catch it on the right, on a fearsome warrior's visage.

How do you get that mask? Glad you asked! Victory tokens are available for successfully completing the aforementioned mini-games, and you'll need 250 of those bad boys in order to claim the mask. Head over to the Shing Jea Boardwalk to play the games, try out the new missions (new ones every day), and be sure to be there on the final day of the Festival for Emperor Kisu's proclamation and mask distribution. Happy Dragon Fest!


World of Warcraft
Understanding Guild Wars gameplay

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Game mechanics, Opinion, Education

Some MMOs are fairly straightforward, and we have come to expect a certain formula. Create a character, gain levels as quickly as possible, cram as many skills as you possibly can on your modded interface and get that phat lewt before the next guy, right? Well, what happens if someone comes along and introduces a new type of game? is it difficult to acclimate to this new type of gameplay?

A great example of this is with Guild Wars. The gameplay is based on strategy and working with what you have available to you at that time. This is a point that Shamus Young over at Twentysided has admittedly just realized. In his recent post about GW strategy gameplay, he explains that eureka moment he had when he realized that GW is not like the games he's used to, but it's more like a card game, where the skills you have in your 8-slot skillbar are the only ones you can use once you leave for a quest or mission. His new-found respect for the game is inspiring, as you can tell from the comments. If you find yourself confused on the purpose of GW gameplay, check out this post.


World of Warcraft
One Shots: Pre-sear Panorama

Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Guild Wars, One Shots

While this looks like a very teeny tiny screenshot, we assure you it isn't! This is one of another series of lovely panoramic screenshots that was sent in, this time by Eugaet. This one comes from pre-sear Ascalon City in Guild Wars, standing lovely as we remember it. Eugaget sent some others that we'll be showing in the upcoming days, but for now, enjoy a flashback to simpler times when the land was lush and lovely and the sky was blue!

Do you have a lovely panoramic you've created out of game screenshots? If so, we'd love to see it! Just send it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Yours could be next!

Gallery: One Shots

World of Warcraft
Upcoming changes to GW's Hall of Monuments

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Game mechanics, Guild Wars 2

According to a recent Guild Wars developer update, the Hall of Monuments is getting some much-needed love in preparation for the upcoming sequel: Guild Wars 2. While there is no definite date for these changes, they've been detailed in this update so players know what to expect.

The Hall of Monuments accomplishments will be viewable by character or by account, but as far as how they will transfer from GW1 to GW2, that will be account-wide. This means all HoM accomplishments for any character on that account will be available to every GW2 character on that account. Plus, after plenty of concern from players, the Tormented weapons will finally be available in the HoM. This not only gives players the option to display these Tormented weapons, but also allows them to be unlocked in GW2. ArenaNet plans to provide more information regarding the exact rewards available to the Hall of Monuments once we get closer to a GW2 release date.


World of Warcraft
A glimpse into Guild Wars gameplay

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Classes, Game mechanics, Crafting, Opinion

In the continuing adventures of Shamus over at Twenty-Sided, his latest blog entry treats us to his further impressions of Guild Wars: Prophecies. This time he delves into the gameplay and how much he appreciates a real story in an online game. He also touches on leveling, skills, crafting, looting and a slight revisit to exploration.

We find Shamus' recent discovery of Guild Wars interesting, as it seems so long since someone has truly discovered this game for the first time. His opinions, while not always positive towards the game, are truthful and thorough. During his final paragraph, he makes the very valid point that if there was a better trial period for this game (aside from buying a 10-hour trial disk at a store for $2), more people might realize that Guild Wars could possibly be the cure for those who dislike the traditional RPG/MMO formula.


World of Warcraft
Guild Wars: The best solo quasi-MMOG out there?

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Opinion, Free-to-play

Three glorious years, over five million boxes sold. Guild Wars has come along way in that time, and it's no surprise that NCsoft's darling is still managing to stake out new players. Shamus from over on Twenty-Sided is one latest victim, in his post: Guild Wars: Massively Single Player, Shamus delves into Guild Wars with fresh eyes and posits about why it's a great single player experience. Of course, solo players use their own henchmen and heroes to help unfold that epic story.

When EverQuest reigned king long before WoW, soloist proponents were booed away with a common message: "Go play a single player game, MMORPGs focus around grouping and solo content has no place here." Today, most MMOGs offer solo play but in such a way that progression is meaningful, but grouping is still encouraged for the best rewards.

Continue reading Guild Wars: The best solo quasi-MMOG out there?


World of Warcraft
Gearing up for Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Business models, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, Guild Wars 2

It's been a long time since we've heard any news about Guild Wars 2, so we thought it was about time to sit down and have a refresher course on what we can expect with the sequel to one of the most successful MMOs of all time. We are going to only give you the facts, and not follow any vicious rumors floating around, to give you a good idea of what to expect with Guild Wars 2, and fire up that old rusty enthusiasm for what could be a major contender in the MMO space when it releases.

As we stand now, we know that the latest Guild Wars expansion pack entitled Eye of the North is to act as a liaison between Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2. This is mainly done through the Hall of Monuments, which we will discuss in greater detail later in the article. EotN also introduces us to a few more playable races in the form of Heroes: Charr, Asura, Norn and (eventually, although not a Hero) Sylvari. Through these basic introductions, and the intricate storyline of EotN, we now venture into what we know is coming with Guild Wars 2.

Continue reading Gearing up for Guild Wars 2

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