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Filed under: Raiding, Endgame, Opinion, MMOS X

I was trolling through the forums at Arstechnica not too long ago, and saw someone chatting up his latest project: WowPlot. Immediately, that thread went into the well for future column ideas.

WoWPlot is a graphical combat log analyzer for World of Warcraft, in a similar vein to WoW Web Stats. According to the developer, "Its main focus lies in evaluating time-dependant combat performance in a very free-form fashion, which is in contrast to the mainly statistical approach of other tools such as Wow Web Stats." From a technical standpoint, you'll need OS X 10.5.x and, obviously, a Macintosh. As I stupidly found out the hard way, you'll also need combat logs from 2.4 or later. I know it sounds obvious, but early testing and subsequent error messages led to a face-palming, "no duh!" moment on my behalf -- it's been a while since I've raided, so I ended up having to beg some logs from a guildie.

Now, before I get too heavy into my discussion on this, this is early beta software. Rather than just e-mail the developer with my thoughts, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone: I can make my deadline and maybe get him some more exposure and feedback if some of you try it out.

Continue reading MMOS X: WoWPlot

The Daily Grind: What's your favorite loot system?

Filed under: Culture, Raiding, Endgame, Opinion, The Daily Grind

Loot. As a raider, it is both boon and bane to us. If you're in a guild that has a system you can agree with, then loot can be a wonderful thing. However, if not, loot can often destroy morale and even take entire raiding guilds under. We've all heard stories of the inevitable blow-up that occurs after the piece someone's been after forever goes to someone who just joined the guild.

That said, as we know we have lots and lots of people with quite a bit of MMOG experience out there, we thought we'd ask you what loot systems you prefer for raiding? Do you still think the oldest is best, and like to run with DKP (Dragon Kill Points), or are you all about the roll and distribute. Perhaps you prefer one of the other systems like Suicide Kings, which goes down a list that moves based on who attends and doesn't loot (thus heading for the top) versus those who attend and loot (who land at the bottom). We're curious what you think is best for keeping raid looting "fair."

World of Warcraft
TurpsterVision : Oh and one more Ding!

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Video, Raiding, Machinima, Roleplaying, Humor, TurpsterVision

Even a God King can bleed!
Every Tuesday TurpsterVision is LIVE (kind of) right here on Massively! Take the 'T' from 'Tuesday' and the 'V' from 'LIVE', smash them together like its going out of fashion and you got yourself TV for TurpsterVision - the best video podcast LIVE right here on Massively!

Welcome back, it's been two weeks too long - though I blame that on the fact that its been time to party! Forgetting that, today is a special post, its a game close to my heart, and it isn't a review. It's World of Warcraft folks; there is no need to review it, what do you want me to say? Honestly, it's THE World of Warcraft, there aren't any imitations that even come close, well, maybe one. So I won't bore you with a 5 minute long video reviewing what we already know, instead I have made a 9 minute long video showing off my mad PvP/PvE skills in my recent DINGSTRAVAGANZA! (An event which saw my Shadow Priest finally tip the scales and join the big boys at level 70)

It is also a friendly plug/invitation letting you all know that I will be at the World Wide Invitational this weekend in Paris and if any of you guys are out there then I urge you to come seek me and my camera out and share the love!

Continue reading TurpsterVision : Oh and one more Ding!

The Daily Grind: Do guild relationships transfer between games?

Filed under: Classes, Game mechanics, Guilds, Raiding, Quests, Grouping, Opinion, The Daily Grind

When you have the right group of people, everything is just easier. When your guild members communicate well with each other, and each person knows her role and responsibilities, there isn't anything you can't overcome. At least, in that particular game. But what happens when you try to transfer that guild to a different game?

Although many MMOs have similar classes and structures, it isn't always a one-to-one correlation. Your tank might suddenly find himself with a much more challenging job than in the previous game. Your healer could see a new class and decide he's done with his old job and wants to try something new. Maybe the functions of the group just don't work in the new game. When your guild wants to tackle the challenges of a new MMO, how do you go about settling in? If it isn't happening, how do you fix it?

MMO MMOnkey: What to do when the Age of Conan servers are down

Filed under: Sci-fi, Age of Conan, Culture, Guides, Lore, Raiding, Server downtime, Comics, Roleplaying, MMO MMOnkey

Art by Gary Gianni from The Bloody Crown of Conan
Your Tempest of Set has been set down and your Dark Templar's gone dark. You've really gotten into this whole Conan thing but the Age of Conan servers are down for maintenance. Now what are you going to do? Well, you're sitting at your computer so you could check out the wealth of online forums, fansites, wikis, whatever, that are devoted to the game. But if you really want to dig into Conan and his world you're in luck because there has never been a better time to immerse yourself in Hyboria.

Of course, the best way to learn about Conan is to read the stories written by Robert E. Howard. Howard completed 21 Conan stories between 1932 and his suicide in 1936. Although his writing style may sound somewhat stilted and some of the cultural attitudes about women and non-Europeans prevalent when he lived may be offensive to the modern reader, his work holds up remarkably well. Howard was an exceptionally evocative and imaginative writer with a marked ability to bring his extravagant settings to life. There's a reason why the creation of a pulp fiction author living in a small rural Texas town has not only survived for decades but has become so well known that it's the basis for a best-selling MMO from a game company based in Norway. The original Conan stories are well written and exciting. The problem has been finding them.

Continue reading MMO MMOnkey: What to do when the Age of Conan servers are down

The Daily Grind: Do you run old raid content?

Filed under: Culture, Raiding, Endgame, Opinion, The Daily Grind

One of the things that we heard about people doing over the recent holiday weekend was tackling legacy content. Why? Well, what we heard was mostly about how with people traveling, lots of raid schedules were changed. This meant "whoever can show up" groupings seemed to occur, with many of them heading for old raids (like the above Molten Core raid in World of Warcraft) for fun.

Of course, this got us to thinking.... Does anyone just run old content for the fun of it -- at least, beyond the occasional raid-schedule disruption? Are you more focused on progressing in your game of choice? If you do like to check out old-school content, what is it about it that draws you? Did you never do it before? Did you prefer the mechanics? Or maybe you just like the storylines better. Let us know!

Lila Dreams blog posts an interview with Jason McIntosh

Filed under: Game mechanics, New titles, Raiding, PvE, Casual

Lila Dreams is a tiny little MMO that we've been following somewhat closely here at Massively -- from the descriptions we've seen so far (of an entire virtual world set inside the dreams of a little girl), it seems like an intriguing experimental departure from your standard online game. And now, over on their blog, they've got an interview, translated from Portuguese, that sheds even more light on this innovative little online game.

Unfortunately, there's not too much new here, but the interview does follow some familiar and interesting news about the game: players will be able to actually change Lila's moods using game mechanics, and the setting of the game will change based on whatever mood she has at the moment. While there probably won't be the videogame standbys of swords and plasma guns (though apparently there will be "a mix of modern, medieval, and future stuff"), we are told that players will be able to wander instanced areas with groups, so there will be some MMO conventions in there, tweaked as they may be.

Lila Dreams remains a unique little blip on our radar for now -- the game, as we've said before, will eventually be hosted on Kongregate as a 2D Java and Flash game. There's a long way to go until release -- at least a closed alpha, beta, and then an open pre-release period, but we continue to look forward to it.


Interview with The Agency's Kevin O'Hara, part two

Filed under: Game mechanics, Interviews, New titles, PvP, Raiding, Endgame, The Agency, Spy

The second part of Ten Ton Hammer's interview with Kevin O'Hara, Senior World Designer for The Agency, focuses on the game's mission design and eventual end-game. We find out that there will be a main story to the game that will be continued through a major line of missions, but you can expect plenty of side missions similar to pretty much any other MMO as well. Following what was said in the first interview, these missions will take place in a variety of settings, both large open areas and smaller enclosed spaces.

As for the end-game, O'Hara expects that there will be a few choices for players of The Agency. The PvP in the game will have rankings and leaderboards for people to ascend, and a lot of re playability is being built into the missions via the scoring system -- people will want to replay old missions and try to do better, to receive more rewards. But how about raiding? Obviously you won't be suiting up with 40 friends to take out a dragon, but O'Hara says that the raiding will likely be in the form of a large-scale mission that requires a lot of people and co-ordination.


Player vs. Everything: Putting raiding on your resume

Filed under: Guides, Interviews, Raiding, Academic, Player vs. Everything

Ten years ago, the idea of putting something like being an officer in a hardcore raiding guild on your resume would have been laughable. When trying to sell yourself to a prospective employer, you want to put your best foot forward. The last thing you'd want them to know is that you spend upwards of 20 hours per week frittering your time away on something as silly as a videogame. Businesses want employees who are punctual, intelligent, analytical, and driven -- problem solvers and team players. What's funny, however, is that those are exactly the same qualities which a guild looks for in its raiders. Good luck trying to explain that to a non-gamer, though.

Fortunately, gaming is slowly becoming a mainstream activity. As the generation of gamers that pioneered the online gaming craze begin to climb into their 30s and 40s, a younger generation of gamers is just starting to graduate from college and enter the mainstream workforce for the first time. Unlike their older peers, these young men and women face a business world where their boss is as likely to enjoy playing World of Warcraft in his free time as golf. For the first time, it's possible that your hiring manager might actually view your dedication to your guild as a reason to hire you, rather than a reason to dismiss you. Does that mean that it's time to start putting your MMOG experience on your resume?

Continue reading Player vs. Everything: Putting raiding on your resume

Harvard looks to MMOs for online leadership styles

Filed under: Business models, Guilds, MMO industry, Raiding, Academic

While much has been said in recent weeks about raid leaders and whether the job necessitates being a jerk, nobody seems to dispute that the position engenders players with valuable leadership skills. In fact, according to a recent report by the Harvard Business Review, big companies may have a lot to learn from MMOs in terms of fostering leadership roles in a business world that is every bit as geographically decentralized as the roster from your typical raiding guild.

But before you go and put your guild leadership experience on your resume, you might want to read the report in full. While they say that there are parallels between leadership in-game and leadership in a board room, the report focuses more on how the games themselves engender these leadership qualities, by creating an environment that fosters honesty, duplicity of leadership, non-monetary incentives, and transparency. It's interesting to think that games might actually change the way business works in the future, but we guess only time will tell if that proves prescient or not.

[Via GamePolitics]


Raid leaders are (not) jerks

Filed under: Guilds, Raiding, Endgame, Tips and tricks, Opinion, Academic

Recently here on Massively, Cameron Sorden entertained us with his opinion on raid leaders. Apparently, alot of them yell like dictators and aren't all that nice to get along with while you're raiding, evoking the spirit of Machiavelli. It is perhaps these attributes that lead many people to drop from raids and leave from the experience with a bad taste in their mouth.

However, Jaye from Journeys with Jaye recently gave us the other side of the coin with the post, "Me? A Jerk??" Jaye relates her raid experiences to us, and more specifically her experiences as raid leader, and how the position has evolved over the years. Also, going deeper into the issue, she gives us some of his tips and relates to the reader what she has learned from raiding for so long. (Raiding since the days of EverQuest, woo!)

Any up and coming raid leader would be wise to take a look at this article. Jaye relates many great ideas and concepts that are useful to any raid leader, regardless of game. Maybe, with her advice, you won't turn into the red-faced screaming jerk (NSFW).


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Player vs. Everything: I look hot in leather

Filed under: World of Warcraft, EverQuest II, Classes, Culture, Game mechanics, Guilds, Raiding, Opinion, Player vs. Everything

Well, not me personally (I think), but my my World of Warcraft Shaman sure looks hot in leather. By hot, I mean ridiculously badass and uber. It's not just fun to run around looking like a Tauren Rogue-- it's also functional. You see, I play an Enhancement Shaman. We're the much-maligned, often mocked branch of the Shaman class (especially for PvP where we get kited around or pounded down with ease). Still, I persevere because it's fun to dual-wield while shocking and because I like being a support class. It's nice to be able to toss some heals out sometimes, boost my whole group's DPS, resurrect people after wipes, and still be 4th or 5th on the damage charts. So, if I love my Shaman so much, why am I wearing lots of leather when my class calls for mail? Simple. My primary role in a raid as an Enhancement Shaman is still pumping out damage.

Take a look at the Shaman section of MaxDPS.com, a site that calculates the highest DPS items for a number of classes. If you glance through those lists, you'll notice something interesting: The best possible items in the game for Enhancement Shamans are leather items in more than 60% of the armor slots. Weird, huh? It's like that at every tier to some extent. Unfortunately, those leather items are also the best possible items for Rogues, Feral Druids, and Fury Warriors (in some slots). As you can imagine, this leads to some frustration and drama as everyone scrambles for the same loot (you'll notice that almost everyone shooting down the Shaman in the first thread is a Rogue). Still, the numbers are there. While Shamans have options, leather is often the best thing they can be wearing. What's the deal? Why isn't there more appropriately itemized gear for Enhancement Shamans (and should they get to roll on leather to make up for it)?

Continue reading Player vs. Everything: I look hot in leather

World of Warcraft
The Daily Grind: Is endgame merely the beginning?

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Game mechanics, Guilds, Leveling, Raiding, Endgame, Grouping, Opinion, The Daily Grind

People who love MMOs tend to cite the fun of social, shared play as the reason. It's more fun to play together than alone. However, at the higher levels, when it becomes necessary to group just to stand a chance of completing a raid or instance, it becomes difficult to find a group of players of the same level as you -- unless you're already at the highest level you can attain. One thing to be said about reaching the ceiling is that you can stop worrying about leveling and concentrate on some good, solid 'endgame' content with a bunch of like-minded players.

This begs the question: is all game content merely there to help you get to the endgame, at which time the fun truly begins? When you're bored with your top-level character, and you roll a new one, do you grit your teeth and sigh expressively through the lower-level content until you're back up on top? Once you've reached the heights, is the rest of the game still fun?

World of Warcraft
Player vs. Everything: Raid leaders are jerks

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Culture, Guilds, Raiding, Endgame, PvE, Player vs. Everything

Most raid leaders I know are jerks. I'm not making generalizations about personal character, of course. People who end up in those positions tend to be helpful, dependable people who are genuinely committed to the progression of the guild. But stick them in a Ventrilo channel with 9-39 other people and watch them flare up like a firecracker (NSFW). Why is that? Do we really need a spoonful of vitriol to help the raid target go down? This is coming from a guy who has a lot of friends that are raid leaders, who knows several raid leaders that are going to complain to him about this article, and who has led raids himself (and been a jerk) on a number of occasions. But come on--- they are jerks. Or at least they seem to be.

One guild leader I know has mentioned on several occasions that when he's leading his raids, he constantly swears like a sailor at members who mess up. Another guild leader I know prefers not to have profanity in raid channels, but he's still a hard-ass about people messing around. My own guild leader takes a similar, scalding, no patience for screw-ups stance when we're raiding, and you probably all know the near-mythical 50 DKP minus guy (NSFW). I've seen verbal lashings of that sort raise some hackles and flare some tempers more than once. This tends to happen a lot in situations where you have new players in the raid, a new raid leader, or anyone with thin skin. After all, when you screw up, the last thing you want to hear is someone calling you on it in front of a bunch of people. Worse still is if you get called out on it and insulted to boot (that's pretty much the definition of adding insult to injury).

Continue reading Player vs. Everything: Raid leaders are jerks

The Daily Grind: Are classes played out?

Filed under: Fantasy, Fallen Earth, Classes, Game mechanics, Guilds, Professions, Raiding, Opinion, The Daily Grind

Our recent post about Fallen Earth makes mention of the fact that in the game, there will be no traditional class structures -- players can allocate points wherever they like. They're not locked into a setup where they only have access to a particular pool. And that got us thinking: is it time for the class system to move on?

Think about it. Even the real life military, with all its roles, functions, and chains of command, appreciates a soldier with a diverse skillset. And really, does it make sense that just because you're, say, a Hunter, that it's impossible for you to carry a shield? Having an open system means that one could truly customize their character, and not feel like just one more in the herd. But maybe having definable classes is the best way to determine a player's function during a raid? What are the good reasons to keep offering the class structure?

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Looking for something to do today? A fan of MMO lore? The official EverQuest site has a whole series on Norrathian lore that might be just what you need to brighten up your day.

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