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Campaign 2008
Campaign 2008
U.S. Election 2008
On Tuesday night in Denver at the Democratic National Convention Hillary Clinton endorsed Barack Obama. On Wednesday Bill Clinton and Joe Biden address the convention. Britannica provides background in its election feature.
Campaign Blog 
Get election background and commentary from leading political scientists at the Britannica Blog.
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Geography & Travel
Barbados (Featured Destination)
One of its cultural traditions is Crop Over, an annual multi-week summer festival.
Bhutan (Revised)
In 2008 the country moved toward multiparty parliamentary democracy.
London (Olympics 2012)
As the Beijing Olympics closed on Sunday, get your plans ready for London 2012.
India (Popular Search)
Learn about the world's second most populous country.
Shenyang (Olympics 2008)
The city hosted preliminary football events of the Beijing Olympics.
Latvia (Revised)
The post-Soviet state joined NATO and the EU in 2004.
Science & Technology
Hurricane Katrina (3rd Anniversary)
A tropical depression that would devastate New Orleans and the Gulf Coast was picking up steam in 2005.
Spitzer Space Telescope (New)
One of NASA's "Great Observatories," it is scheduled to be used by astronomers until about May 2009.
global warming (Popular Search)
The IPCC forecast in 2007 an increase of 1.8–4.0 °C (3.2–7.2 °F) by the end of the 21st century
CERN (In the News)
Its Large Hadron Collider will come online next month.
gorilla (In the News)
A previously unknown population of western lowland gorilla was discovered in 2008.
Final Fantasy (New)
The popular video game, created in 1987, focuses on good and evil.
History & Society
U.S. Election 2008 (Special Feature)
Learn about the U.S. presidential election in Britannica's election feature.
Zimbabwe (In the News)
On August 26 Robert Mugabe convened parliament, with an opposition MDC speaker of the House of Assembly.
Nawaz Sharif (In the News)
Announced he was pulling his party out of Pakistan's ruling coalition.
Ehud Olmert (In the News)
Dogged by corruption charges, the Israeli prime minister will step down next month.
Arts & Entertainment
James Earl Jones (Revised)
In 2008 he starred on Broadway as Big Daddy in Tennessee Williams’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Persian literature (Revised)
Modern prose owes much to the writings of Mohammed Ali Jamalzadeh.
Bibliotheca Alexandrina (New)
This Egyptian research institution took its inspiration from the Library of Alexandria of Classical times.
Chelsea FC (New)
"The Blues” are one of the world’s richest, biggest, and most-supported football clubs.
Pink Floyd (Revised)
The British rock band was the forefront of psychedelia.
Michael Phelps (In the News)
He won eight golds in Beijing and shattered world records.