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Japan’s peaceful existence not seen as lasting » 世論 What Japan Thinks
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Japan’s peaceful existence not seen as lasting

Will Japan always be peaceful? graph of japanese statisticsThe 15th of August this year marked the 63rd anniversary of the surrender of Japan. To find out what young people think of war, goo Research, in conjunction with the Yomiuri newspaper performed a survey on this topic.


Between the 23rd and 25th of July 2008 534 members of the goo Research monitor panel completed an internet-based questionnaire. The sample was mixed male and female, and ages between teens and those in their thirties. More detailed information is not given

Note that this report is just an excerpt of the full survey, thus some of the results raise more questions than they answer. Why do the majority of young Japanese not see peace lasting? Do they fear external sources like North Korea and China, or internal sources like terrorism - homegrown or imported - or a renouncement of Article Nine, the part of the constitution that forbids Japan from having an offensive army?

Research results

Q1: From where have you obtained information, knowledge about the Pacific War, the social situation in these times, how people lived, etc? (Sample size=534, multiple answer)

Classes at school 72%
Television 72%
Books, magazines 53%
Movies 39%
Newspapers 38%
Grandparents 32%
Internet 27%
Parents 13%
Other 3%

Q2: On the anniversary of the end of the war, do you talk with friends or family about matters regarding war? (Sample size=534)

Often do 4%
Sometimes do 24%
Rarely do 43%
Never do 29%

Q3: Are you interested in special reports, programs about war? (Sample size=534)

Very interested 14%
Somewhat interested 51%
Somewhat uninterested 27%
Totally uninterested 7%
Don’t know 2%

Q4: In the 60 plus years since the end of the war, do you think Japan has progressed towards being a peaceful nation? (Sample size=534)

  All Male Female
Think so 59% 65% 52%
Don’t think so 23% 23% 24%
Don’t know 18% 12% 24%

Q5: Do you think Japan will always be a peaceful nation? (Sample size=534)

  All Teens Twenties Thirties
Think so 22% 19% 25% 21%
Don’t think so 51% 56% 49% 47%
Don’t know 28% 25% 26% 32%
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    1. Jordan said,

      August 24, 2008 @ 12:35

      I would like to know their reasons for not seeing peaceful Japan existing into the future. Very interesting post Ken.

    2. War and Japan « James in Japan said,

      August 28, 2008 @ 00:01

      […] via What Japan Thinks […]

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