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Eurovision Song Contest Moscow 2009 | News - Georgia will not participate in Moscow Eurovision
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News - Georgia will not participate in Moscow Eurovision | Eurovision Song Contest News - 2009 Moscow, Russia 

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Written by

Barry Viniker


28/Aug at 18:00


esctoday.com, uudised


Head of GPB writes to broadcasters

Georgia will not participate in Moscow Eurovision

It has been reported today in Estonian media that Georgia has decided not to participate at the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest in Russia. The decision comes during the current crisis between the two countries. According to the reports, the CEO of GPB, Georgia's public broadcaster, states that whilst respecting that the competition is non-political, he believes Russia should not be allowed to host the competition and that it cannot guarantee the safety of it's representatives.

Estonian media reports that the Georgian public broadcaster has announced they will withdraw from the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest in protest against Russian politics.

The Chief Executive Officer of the broadcaster Levan Kubaneichvili said that "Eurovision cannot be held in a country which violates human rights and international law and does not respect democratic values". The Georgian broadcaster is also not sure that Russia can guarantee the safety of all participants according to the new portal of the Estonian broadcaster ERR.

Kubaneichvili mentioned in his letter to other broadcasters' leaders that Georgia respects the song contest as a non-political even which unites Europe and the world in music and creates cultural bridges.

The leader of the Georgian Eurovision project that they are afraid about the people who participate in Moscow. "From our angle Russia cannot guarantee the safety of our representatives and perhaps the safety of participants from other countries either. Maybe this is a good example for the whole world if you think about the situation, to think about the Russian aggression."

The news has not been confirmed by the EBU, who at this point, have told esctoday.com that they have no knowledge of an official statement from Georgian broadcaster GPB. There is also several months before a final decision on participation has to be made, and thus there is still time for the Georgian broadcaster to reconsider their position if these early reports are correct.

Whilst officially, no countries have yet been invited to participate in the competition, it appears at this stage that Georgia has decided to announce that it will not submit an entry when the EBU issues the rules and asks broadcasters to participate later this year.

There has been discussion in Estonia sparked by the Culture Minister about whether Estonia and the Baltic states should refuse to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, due to take place in Moscow next year following Dima Bilan's victory. His Lithuanian counterpart was quick to reply, saying "Spontaneous decisions might aggravate the efforts of diplomats to harmonize the conflict. It is not right time to speak about that".

esctoday.com hopes for a speedy resolution to the conflict and that peace will come to the region with speed. We would like to remind readers to avoid making political comments regarding the crisis. We kindly ask our members to keep reactions focussed on the Eurovision Song Contest.

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Ron Lerner [45033]
Sat 30 Aug 2008 05:26:29

The Georgian announcement is somewhat premature, although I can't blame Georgia when veteran countries like Greece and Turkey declined to participate in the Seventies for purely political reasons (Greece in 1975 and Turkey in 1979). I think Georgia should have at least waited a few weeks before the EBU deadline and make its case prior to that deadline with all the convincing and lobbying it could master. It would have been wiser from a tactical viewpoint.
Breakaway republics such as South Ossetia, Avhazia and Northern Cyprus, were born unilaterally by blatant use of force and destruction as strategic frontlines to regain regional supremacy. What was tolerable for some in 1974 and still considered somewhat of a thorn in Turkey's relations with Europe (although the impasse over the island's reunification lies also with other interested parties) is 100 times unacceptable in 2008 at this age of international diplomacy and supposedly post cold war era. Do you honestly believe that Russia didn't stir the agitation in South Ossetia and Avhazia with paramilitary thugs, arms smuggling, drugs and other covert Russian operations to distabilize Georgia? Are you that naive and biased to believe that Russia cares about the nations of the Caucauses? On the contrary, the Moskovites look at the people of the Caucauses as second-class, 'barbaric' natives who are only good for exploiting their natural resources (oil, gas, labour etc.).
The point is this: Russia hosting the ESC in 2009 is a fact. Even if 10 or more countries decide to withdraw, that's not what's going to stop the contest from taking place in Moscow. Putting politics aside, let Russia use the stage to display its might and vastness, just as China did in the Olympics. Contrary to the Olympics, you will not see dozens of heads of state in Moscow, accept for Putin, Medvedev or Lukashenko...it's going to be nothing but a charade for internal Russian purposes with the new Elite and the Russian artists which are the regime's favorites (many of them being gay can be easily ignored as long as they serve the Kremlin's machinery). Look at it as nothing more than what it is, even if you deplore Russia's abuses.

Fariz G [32973]
Sat 30 Aug 2008 02:37:19

Gorki, Cpbija - very good posts, but addressing them to ignorant jonny and the like is wasting time.

Fariz G [32973]
Sat 30 Aug 2008 02:34:23

Jonny, you a good clown, make us to laugh more!

See you in Moscow 2009, we are with you, Russia!

why not [52167]
Sat 30 Aug 2008 00:33:59

The EU will do nothing against Russia. Politically Russia did the clever (and unexpected) thing by recognizing South Ossetia and Abhazia. As for Georgia they were foolish enough to follow America's plans. As a result they lost South Ossetia and Abhazia and they won't join NATO because that would lead to a direct confrontation between America and Russia. That's all there is to it.

lucio f [15211]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 23:42:22

More countries should follow Georgia

Jonny Stovner [25773]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 23:27:59

Moscow 1980 ... Moscow 2009.

The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself
Waterloo, Georgia will be Russia's Waterloo
Waterloo, soon Putin will not know what to do

cpbija 89 [44922]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 22:58:53

@ John

you are simply so under US and prowestern media that people simply cannot have any discussion with you since you can't see further then your nose.
I feel very sorry for you.
You hate some countries and speak bad about that only from what you have seen in television man.
Have you EVER been in Serbia in your life ? NO
And you have been spending days and nights speaking bad about us and how we gonna make awful ESC because we are this, we are that.

You know, that's why we made the best Eurovision. not because of us (coz we know how much we can do) but because people like you. Simply to show you that everything you speak is not reality !
Have you ever been in Russia man ?
Have you ever been in Serbia ?
Have you ever been in places out of UK, west Europe ?
Do you speak any other language but yours own ?

Answer on these questions ! Not to me because I dont give a shit, answer them to yourself !

w s [29210]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 22:37:56

How on earth is it possible to not make political statements on a newsitem like this? You know, sometimes reality is political. Even in Eurovision.

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 22:22:00

"esctoday.com hopes for a speedy resolution to the conflict and that peace will come to the region with speed. We would like to remind readers to avoid making political comments regarding the crisis. We kindly ask our members to keep reactions focussed on the Eurovision Song Contest. "

Can't you not properly read or is it so hard to follow what you have been kindly requested t do so?
Guys we should be here to tal about the ESC and not politics. This poisons the whole purpose of this contest, to bring all the european nations together in a light song and show contest. Politics, nationalism and other relevant signs shuld not really belong to it, i personally think

Gorki List [43537]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 22:21:53

Oh, Jonny Stovner :) Haven't seen u for ages :D
EU will put sanctions against Russia, like they did with Serbia?
U forgot one thing, Russia is too big and powerful for EU to deal with and in EU there's no unity about common foreign policy. EU is also dependent on Russia in some ways. That's why EU will keep tolerating this circus in Caucasus.
U mentioned EU sanctions against Serbia (1992/1999), IMO... it was a shameful decision by EU, but ok. and how can u compare Serbia with Russia... - Serbia is size of some Russian ranch... and back in '92 it was so weak and poor that EU could really do whatever they wanted with us, like they did.
And pls can anyone explain what would be these sanctions against Russia? What EU can do to hurt Russia? Don't make me laugh.
EU will stay indifferent and passive. America showed its brutal force on Serbia (so, now US can be dominant in Balkans), Russia did it on Georgia (so, now Russia can be dominant in Caucasus).
both countries r just fronts for Russian American games, and that's very simple.
EU wanna be good friend with everyone. So, will stay passive, like before. All European 'actions' end up with their 'summits'. They'll probably make a declaration where they say 'we are worried'. And that's it :P

why not [52167]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 21:41:48

America is behind all this. Saakashvili wouldn't have attacked South Ossetia if it wasn't for American promises. He certainly knew Russia would respond as they did.

Jonny Stovner [25773]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 21:34:30

Don't woory, Georgria: The EU will introduce sanctions against Russia very shortly (as they did against "Yugoslavia" (=Serbia) in 1992), and Russia will not be able to take part, not to mention host, the ESC 2009. ROLL ON KYIV, UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Redpath [17726]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 21:31:11

lina esc
have you got English spellcheck?
US propoganda? What planet are you on?
Virtually every country in the WORLD has condemned the Russian invasion. Stop being so blinkered and so racist against the US and Western Europe for gods sake.

lina esc [38561]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 20:41:08

"It was Georgia who first bursted in to South-Ossetia and Abchasia... on which Russia bursted in to Georgia.
They are both to blame from my point of view". mina i agree with u but who listening? the USA propaganda make a good job in the europian media. when usa help kosovo to be indepented ( so usa to control balkans ) everything was ok, now beacuse russia regognise abhazia and osetia USA dont like it beacuse they can not control cafcasus as like before ;) europians stop to be "americans" and whake up !! USA want to control whole europe and they make problems !! we must to make europe "power of the world" and not to be the "dogs" of americans !!

lina esc [38561]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 20:29:39

final USA divided europe. ;) USA bravo !!

cpbija 89 [44922]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 19:28:45

More chances to see Serbia winning again next year.
With so many Soviets we simply have no chance anymore

hope more Soviets will withdraw

Rodrigo Romero [28179]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 19:23:52


Say it out loud peace will come
Everybody shout peace will come
When you stop and tame your rage
Something's gotta change
Something's gotta change

Say it out loud peace will come
Everybody shout peace will come
Blow the trumpet beat the drum
Peace will come

london calling [25194]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 19:08:41

@ Richard M

Ukraine is Russia's biggest critic over the Georgia invasion. They would be among the first to boycott.

Jonny K [46883]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 17:57:16

If Georgia went to Moscow though, they would have a much higher chance of winning.

Zohar Rashit [10195]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 17:39:51

Georgia should go to Moscow. That's the best thing to do, go and sing out loud, proud and try win> That would be a sweet little revenge on russian soil.

B. Shekerim [34499]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 17:37:30

bravo georgia.. it good .. boikot to RUSSIA.. iTS NOT PEACEFULL.. WE need peaceeeeeeeeee...

Night Editor [45546]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 17:28:32

What a shame! With the current voting system Georgia would have won by a mile no matter what song they sent.

Richard M [19278]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 17:26:18

Well done Georgia! I hope other countries take your lead. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if they held a contest just for Belarus, Ukraine and Russia?

Okay, maybe there were some mistakes made at the beginning by Georgia but Russia has in any case no right to interefere or take over. Luckily their popluations is dropping fast and will go below 100 million in 2050, soon they'll all die out from Vodka poisoning.

Jairo Fernández [52102]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 17:11:11

I agree with a Russian boicot! This is a massacre!

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 14:25:13


no i think you got some things wrong with my last satetment:
part of it was reffering to your question, why ireland and estnia got a booing, although they have no conflict at the time, another part i was referring to the type of comments that you and some other people here have wirthen on the current caucasus conflict and wh is to blame on this, and the rest was referring to my opinion abut this whole boycott thing and to my conviction that the ESC should never be so higly political.

Max Raspail [36649]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 13:15:26

I think one can understand this decision...

Muireanne Bulens [45898]
Fri 29 Aug 2008 13:05:56

@ Vincent:

Was that entire text you addressed to me an actual answer to what I wrote? Because, if I'm not mistaking, I almost wrote the same (using a smaller amount of words).
I'm not happy Georgia withdrew from the contest (or else, where did you hear me say that?). I also said both Russia and Geargia are to blame for the current dispute between them (I'm not the one chosing sides here).
As for the booing... that wasn't a question asked because of political background to start with. I just wondered why people act that childish for no obvious reason other than that they didn't like the songs.

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