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News - Ireland: New TV show for Dustin? | Eurovision Song Contest News - 2009 Moscow, Russia 

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Written by

Russell Davies


7/Sep at 02:50


esctoday.com, The Times


Ireland 2008 dustin the turkey - © RTÉ

More mature format!

Ireland: New TV show for Dustin?

Following Dustin the Turkey's unsuccessful attempt to regain Irish glory in this year's Eurovision Song Contest with Irelande Douze Points, RTE are seeking new a programme format for the puppet. The national TV station of Ireland has given Dustin a development contact which it hopes will revitalise the successful puppet character.

Rumours circulated recently in the Irish media suggested that the the popular character was to be dropped entirely by RTE bosses ahead of the autumn schedule.  However, a RTE spokesman said: Dustin previously had a contract for young people’s programmes, but is now moving in a different direction. We’re trying out a format which is indicative of the new approach. The pilot is about to go into production and is designed to test out a particular format. RTE said that giving Dustin a development contract facilitates an exploration of formats.

A spokesman for Double Z, the production company behind Dustin, said it is happy with the nature of the contract RTE has given. Asked what the future holds for the turkey, he said: It depends on how the pilots go. But the intention is that he will go back on air. The puppet will now target a more mature audience, Double Z said, but the format will not be a chat show. The new Dustin the Turkey show will not be expected  on RTE until next year.  

Dustin has been a fixture on RTE since 1990 when he appeared with fellow puppets Zig and Zag

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marc x [47152]
Mon 8 Sep 2008 11:09:54

@Martin L,

Are you the people of Ireland my friend ?

why not [52167]
Mon 8 Sep 2008 11:01:02

Who cares about that stupid turkey?

Jan 1964 [9886]
Mon 8 Sep 2008 10:31:29

Dustbin the Turkey.

Martin L [44998]
Mon 8 Sep 2008 10:07:38

oh God Dustin - get off our tellys pleeeeease! the people of Ireland are begging you to literally go and get stuffed!

Muireanne Bulens [45898]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 21:05:46

Dustin song was the truth about ESC!!!

It sure was benjamin... try to tell that to other ESC-visitors on this site.

Stockholm calling [44413]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 20:37:47

Good luck to Dustin :)
I loved his performance in Belgrade. He's witty and cute.

Muireanne Bulens [45898]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 20:31:13


That's all I can say about this. Thankfully the Irish don't seem to keep such great expectations about Eurovision anymore...

Robert Andresen [29473]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 20:25:16

@Benjamin Johnson.
"song"!? What song?

Benjamin Johnson [10217]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 19:40:30

Dustin song was the truth about ESC!!!

Jonny K [46883]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 12:58:16

Awwwwww come to the UK Dustin!! :) If I could I would have voted for Ireland this year ;)

Mina Carnation [51405]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 11:25:27

Since turkeys can't fly, I'm happy :D
Good luck to Dustin.

Florian G. [38797]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 11:05:32

As long it stays in Ireland, I am happy!

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sun 7 Sep 2008 08:21:32

as lng as RTE will be keeping Dustin away fron the ESC, i do not really care about its future.

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