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Eurovision Song Contest Moscow 2009 | News - Luminita Anghel looks for a show for the ESC
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News - Luminita Anghel looks for a show for the ESC | Eurovision Song Contest News - 2009 Moscow, Russia 

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Written by

Alexandru Busa


9/Jul at 02:34




2005 eurovision romania luminita anghel - © Luminita Anghel
© Luminita Anghel

Mihai Traistariu joins the national selection

Luminita Anghel looks for a show for the ESC

After the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 concluded, an 'acid rain of press articles' invaded the Romanian mass-media as Nico & Vlad finished 20th in Belgrade. Do you think that TVR will try to change the national selection format?

Luminita Anghel & Mihai Traistariu will try to bring the Eurovision Song Contest on the Romanian ground. Luminita is still searching for collaborations and songs that could have a 'show'. Actually, taking a look at the Romanian press, everyone is obssesed by the word 'show' because they think that Romania could not achieve a top 10 place in the last two years because of lack of  show.

Even Luminita thinks that she would win the Eurovision Song Contest if she would have a so called 'good song' and a strong stage show.

Although TVR did not confirm their participation in the following contest, the national selection will be again a war between the tele voting and jury as it happened in every edition of the Selectia Nationala since 1994.

Luminita Angel represented Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 and finished 3rd while Mihai Traistariu got the lucky ticket to Athens 2006 where he scored 172 points and a well deserved 4th place.

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Mina Carnation [51405]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 12:44:06

Imagine "Believe", sung by Vania from Portugal, Or "Number One" by Maria Van de Wal, Andorra

It's so hard to imagine some other singer singing a song that you've associated with someone else's voice.
The artist plays a huge part, and I don't mean the appearance..but the passion in the voice, the way they move, it's so many things combined together.
Even a masterpiece like Hotel California (my most favourite song in the world), I've heard it from so many artists but it's never as good as it was by the Eagles.

Imagine Kalomoira singing Number One..Oh..my..God...LOL
Or Elena in Secret Combination..it just wouldn't work.

And many friends of course help, that's why I support the idea of 50/50 jury-televoting.

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 12:12:48

Mina, after all my definite opinion is that the winning song has to be a mixture of all these: a good show, a nice artist with a nice outfit coming also from a country with many friends abroad..but partly we agree-well somehow :-)- the song counts also, but what i am saying is that it does not play the most important role. Imagine "Believe", sung by Vania from Portugal, Or "Number One" by Maria Van de Wal, Andorra. I think they wouldn't have won. But it is also true that a good song sometimes cmes through with no show, and the best examples are "Angel"-Malta 2005 and "Molitva"(last year)..and that is why i love the ESC after all..sometimes it does surprise us a lot

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 11:57:15

as you said "they will do well", i mean the good songs, but my point was that they will not win if they compete with other entries with an impressive show. For me the only exception to this rule was "Molitva", although it was pretty closely followed by Ukraine, which was a big and funny show

Mina Carnation [51405]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 11:00:49

I mean, remember Lane Moje in 2004, it was 2nd, Cyprus in the same year with Stronger every minute was 5th. Angel in 2005 was 2nd. Lejla in 2006 was 3rd. And ofcourse Molitva won last year and Norway was 5th this year.
My point: IF a song touches people, it WILL do well regardless the show.

Mina Carnation [51405]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 10:33:13

there are songs which are beautifully sung, everybody thinks they are good, but a few people vote for them

If they don't vote for them, it means they didn't touch them enough. Molitva touched many people so they voted for it.
Angel by Chiara the same...and I could tell you many ballads with not particularly impressive shows that did get many votes...and impressive shows that didn't get high.
Norway for example was 5th this year....Azerbaijan (with more neighbours and a definitely more impressive show) was 8th.
I don't disagree that a good show impresses people but the song always counts...not the good voice..the song, the music...how much it touches people.
I hope I explained myself better this time :D

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 01:59:34

about the best song: either you did nt really got my point r you wouldn't like to get it..i was talking about what counts most when casting a vote for the ESC: is it the show and the appearance, or the song itself? of course taste differs, but there are songs which are beautifully sung, everybody thinks they are good, but a few people vote for them..like Portugal 2008, Albania 2008, Cyprus 2006 and some others..I mean when we vote, i am sure 90% of us vote not the best song even for his/her ears but the best show

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sun 13 Jul 2008 01:55:02

Mina, i totally disagree with you on both points: the singer of Romania, ESC 2006, did not look good, he was dressed awfully, and his dancers were moving up and down the stage without a coherent, nice choreography..my firm opinion is that "Tornero" was an excellent up tempo ESC entry, a winning tune, and it was the performance which spoiled it a bit...

Mina Carnation [51405]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 23:43:31

i definetely do not think that the best song wins this contest

That's the thing. There's not such a thing as THE BEST song, for everyone it's something different.

Mina Carnation [51405]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 23:14:04

the Romanian singers' appearance was fine, actually the guy was handsome. And it wasn't the lack of show, it was just a song that not many people liked and if they liked it (I liked it as well) they didn't like it enough to vote for it.

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 18:23:45

mina, sometimes i get also the impression that the show and the appearance of the artist plays a much bigger importance than the songs and the music..look, we almost all agree that Norway, Portugal and Albania were all really nice songs..but a few of us(of any) had ever seen these entries as possible winners..because we knew that they would offer less show than other entries. but somehow, it is not only about the shoow and the appearance of the artist after all..the best proff is "Molitva" and Marija.."Believe" happened to be also a "real", good song, but i think it won because of Dima Bilan and the "special" show on stage..i think the winning song has to be a good song AND an impressive show.i definetely do not think that the best song wins this contest

Mina Carnation [51405]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 16:00:00

Nico&Vlad didn't do well because the ESC is not a song contest anymore

Was esc still a song contest 2 years ago when Romania was 4th?
3 years ago when Romania was 3rd?
It really bothers me that people try to explain the failure of a song by the same old 'this is not a song contest'..yet, when a country does well ' it deserved it because it was a good song'.

drusus 1 [10652]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 15:06:27

Sure, Luminita and Mihai can win the ESC with the right song and performance...Nico&Vlad didn't do well because the ESC is not a song contest anymore.

As for changes of the NF....sure, there have to be big changes. First of all make sure there won't be foreign singers ( which means singers from one special country ) anymore and be careful with the composers too. Those delivering rejects from other NFs or mass productions shouldn't be appreciated. That's something Norway learned too - with a top 5 success as logical result. A ESC song and/or ESC performance has to be unique.

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 11:51:06

i must agre with Zohar..and ESC 2005 Luminita won the semi finals with many points ahead..and if it hadn't been the energetic and shining performance from Greece, i think she would have won..and i think "Tornero", ESC 2006 was by far the best up tempo song of the contest, but the show on stage was kind of casual and shubby and the voters of this night went for the sencentionalist, pseudo hard rock masquerade show from Finland

Zohar Rashit [10195]
Sat 12 Jul 2008 10:59:44

well, Luminita actually WON the 2005 semi fianls out of 25 countries, and Romania had already hosted the junior show!

So waht they braggin about ?

Willox Willox [32746]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 23:11:28

oooh she was the one who screamed trough her performances at the eurovision

Danniela . [47079]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 22:10:50

Romania could have won at 2006 with something shinning onstage cause the song was a HIT(i remember people singing and dancing in the arena while Mihai was performing BUT there was nothing catchy for the eyes...plus wrong stage appearance/choreography...).Luminita had a better stage appearance but not a better song IMO....anyway i liked Romania this year and cant anderstand why they did not do well....!

Jonny K [46883]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 16:07:23

Oh I didn't know Linda's career started by her impersonating aqua . . . . . I suppose I can imagine her doing that actually! :)

Marc X
I think Romania could host the contest, and Azerbaijan had an amazing national final this year, it was huge!! Although I don't know whether they could actually host the entire contest :S And as for Albania, I seriously doubt it! :)

LaBegonia : [36964]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 14:43:10

I can see why they would think they can achieve a better place with an impressive show, but I don't agree. I've always liked Romanian entries, but never because of the show. It's the song and the performance I like, the show doesn't matter to me. A good performance doesn't need to include some elaborate show to be able to affect people and to reach them.

My suggestion is to concentrate on finding the best song and not ruining it with a big focus on the show.

Stockholm calling [44413]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 11:56:38

marc x:

No, Linda just impersonated the singer Lene in Aqua in a sound-alike competition back in 2000.

Mina Carnation [51405]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 11:35:38

I am asking myself the question if countries like Romania, Azerbijan or Albania win the contest, what will happen ? Can they organise the contest, do they have hotel accomodation, a venue

I'm sure Romania will have something. I don't know about Azerbaijan. Albania, well, I guess we would help them out :)

marc x [47152]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 11:25:52


My friend, was Linda the singer of Aqua ? I didn't know that...
Those 3 other Swedish entries, I particulary loved Dr Frankenstein. So late seventies, eighties.... But that was totally ignored in Romania.

I am asking myself the question if countries like Romania, Azerbijan or Albania win the contest, what will happen ? Can they organise the contest, do they have hotel accomodation, a venue,....

Stockholm calling [44413]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 10:59:47

Yes, the situation in Athens must have been awkward.
Sandra is not the only Swedish artist whose career started in this sound-alike competition. Linda Bengtzing for instance appeared as the singer of Danish Aqua.
In the Romanian NF there were actually three Swedish entries, Shine, Railroad Railroad and Dr. Frankenstein.

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 10:15:50

i think you are a bit ujust with Luminita right now..the gimmic of Luminita were drums and percussions of all kind, which fitted the song, which are instruments and part of her very dynamic song..that's all with her.. no go-go dancers(i have nothing against them), no famous athletes(i did not like this gimmick, iagree on this with marc), and no dress-change on stage..just her powerfull voice, sistem, i.e the percussion group on stage..and she finished 1st in the semis way ahead from the rest and by being voted by all countries but Lithuania and Latvia i think..Hnestly i think if there hasn't been Helena Paparizou, this would have been the winning song and not the nice ballad from Malta

marc x [47152]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 08:26:18

If Luminita would come back next year, what will she pull onto the stage this time ? A crane so she can di sone bunji jumping... I think they should put a stop to that and go back to the songs... instead of a ice skater, a book, lightboxes, binns, gongs,.... I already read something that after Plushenko, Belgium wants to have Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin as backing dancers, playing a game of tennis.... LOL Well now you think about it, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. Let me write to the Belgian broadcaster... Both girls were numer 1 in women's tennis. Thanks to Henin's early retirement dat Russian Barbie Doll Sharapova became number 1 for a few weeks...

So in a few words, I couldn't stand Let me try. Of all the Romanian entries I only like 1, namely Tornero.

Vincent Barbarino [38148]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 01:58:41

i agree on this with you totally

Candyman's Combination [14078]
Fri 11 Jul 2008 01:34:30

Tornero was the best song in 2006 along with Lejla. But it lacked of show. The dancers weren't very good and their outfits were casual. Luminita was great but unlucky because Greece was the best and Malta had sent the best voice.

Euro Sheep [43597]
Thu 10 Jul 2008 23:41:55

@ Stockholm Calling
I think most of Sweden did the same thing as you and just didn't bother watching - it was probably just old folks who thought that she was enthusiastic that picked up the phone and voted :P it would explain her fading into obscurity and having to go to Estonia and Poland to do ESC!!!

@ Jonny K
:D I'll speak to you soon then, hopefully :P

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