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Russian Federation

Strasbourg moves to Brussels temporarily

In front | NEWS
Of parliaments and roofs (Photo: Pizza del Barr/ Flickr)

Those in favour of the European parliament remaining in Brussels will be happy in September. The latest weekly news from Brussels

by Fernando Navarro Sordo // 01/09/08

Not your typical Russian tourist in the Georgian town of Gori this summer (Image: Antonis SHEN/ Flickr)

Russia-Georgia: another summer war

When Georgia attacks South Ossetia, Russia attacks Georgia. Since the four-day conflict, Russia has 'recognised' the latter's two breakaway provinces. A historical summit follows up the EU's peace plan on 1 September. Diplomatic reactions, interviews with Abkhaz-Georgian politicians, plus a blogosphere roundup

What the Okhta Centre will look like in the district (Image: Evgeny Gerashchenko/ Wikipedia)

G8 summit: whilst Brown meets Medvedev, the British build Russia

As the British and Russian prime ministers meet for the first time since the latter's March election in Japan between 7 – 9 July, a look at the foundations of a new renaissance in British-Russian relations

by Ed Saunders / Tatiana Shramchenko // 07/07/08

Get yourself used to seeing Russia in the biggest world competitions (Photo: nojich/ Flickr)

Euro 2008 semi-final: Spain vs rising Russians

On 26 June Russia square up to Spain in the second Euro 2008 semi-final, after Germany kicked Turkey out in Vienna the night before. How did Russia become European favourites?

by n- ost // 26/06/08

Italian merchant Giovanni Arnolfini (in Jan van Eyck’s 1434 portrait)'s resemblance to Putin has been much marked in the international media (Photo: geekulr/ Flickr)

Putin did not pull a Sarkozy love story

On 21 April, ‘Moskovsky Korrespondent’ apologised after reporting that Putin was to marry athlete Alina Kabaeva, 24. A look back at a story he termed as ‘snotty noses and erotic fantasies’

by Ulrich Heyden // 21/04/08


Roland Lipp on Moscow, the dirtiest city in Europe

The German engineer from Brandenburg plans roads which run along house roofs. He is trying to save the metropolis from gridlock. The inventor of these ‘street houses’ is holding talks with German firms, who should be joining him on the project

by Simone Schlindwein // 15/04/08


Videos: Putin, Sarkozy, Blair and Schröder

Putin pouts, schnip schnap Schröder, Blair sings and Sarkozy and opposition leader Ségolène snuggle

by Tomáš Ruta // 05/04/08

(Photo: ZS)

Zhenya Strigalev: 'London's jazz scene is more open than Moscow's'

At 28, the prodigious composer and late-night jam-session organiser is the only Russian alto-sax player active on the London scene. We catch him at the launch of his new fusion set ‘Findamorale’ at the London jazz festival

by Alison Micklem // 22/03/08

Russian workers smoke as they wait for the moving truck (Photos: Tatiana Schramchenko)

UK, Russia: a new Iron curtain?

Two out of three British Council offices were deemed 'illegal' and closed down in Russia in January. A reflection on ties between the Kremlin and London

by Tatiana Schramchenko // 14/03/08

Babchenko cites the German Erich Maria Remarque as his favourite writer (Photo: AB)

Arkady Babchenko: ‘Russia is the Germany of 1934’

Sent to the Chechen front at 18, the Russian ‘Novaya Gazeta’ columnist and colleague of murdered journalist Anna Politkovskaya, 31, lays bare the nightmares he endured in his semi-autobiographical 'One Soldier's War in Chechnya'

by Agnès Baritou // 28/02/08

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latest babelblog posts

Moscow 2009: A Eurovision Boycott?

As yet another Eurovision comes and goes, the next day analysis here in the UK is as predictable as the sequins, feathers and glitter that accompany the song contest each year. Once again there is collective hand wringing over what the contest has become, and questioning over whether the UK ...

by gulfstreamblues // 26/05/08


Red Statues – Position in Negotiations

The 9th of May is the day of victory in the Second World War for Russia. For Lithuania, as well as for other Baltic countries, this date means something totally different. That is the beginning of the occupation. Occupation, which itself is a negative action, because the nation loses its ...

by Indre // 21/05/08


May event guide for Vilnius

May welcomes us with long holidays, which are devoted to Workers' day. Of course, we can' forget Mother's Day, then - Europe's day. On these days tickets to opera or ballet, concert or theater can create festive mood - it's a great opportunity before the cultural season is over ...

by Indre // 30/04/08
