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Climate Connections : NPR
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Climate Connections

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National Geographic


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Climate Connections: A Global Voyage »

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Timber Industry: Cutting Down Trees Helps Environment

By aggressively managing forests, the U.S. would soak up carbon dioxide, the theory goes.


Abu Dhabi Aims to Build First Carbon-Neutral City

Planners hope Masdar City will be powered by renewable energy and will recycle even human waste.


In Cairo Slum, the Poor Spark Environmental Change

A local school funded by Procter & Gamble teaches the urban poor how to recycle plastics.


Video: It's All About Carbon »

Robert Krulwich presents an animated cartoon series on the atom at the heart of global warming: carbon.


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Nations Jostle for a Share of the Arctic

Nations and corporations are jostling for a share of the Arctic — a seemingly barren region.


To Slow Amazon Fires, Scientists Light Their Own

A team of scientists sets a fire in the Amazon to see how these burns are affecting climate change.


With Climate Swing, a Culture Bloomed in Americas

5,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers moved inland, creating one of the Americas' first cultures.


Chinese Family Takes Carbon Challenge

They emit more carbon doxide than most Chinese families, but score pretty well against Americans.


Atlanta Family Slashes Carbon Footprint

Malaika Taylor got green by moving from the suburbs to a loft in the city.


Life in the 'Burbs: Heavy Costs for Families, Climate

Millions of Americans have moved to the suburbs, many not anticipating the impact of their choice.


Antarctica's March of the Tourists

Visits by thousands of tourists each year could damage the world's most unspoiled continent.


In Iceland, Unintended Witnesses to Climate Change

An annual camping trek to a glacier in the center of Iceland turns bittersweet.


Greenland's Mysterious Holes Speed Ice Flow to Sea

Most of the lakes formed by melting ice drain through passages called moulins to bedrock below.


Trees Lost to Katrina May Present Climate Challenge

Forests destroyed by Hurricane Katrina have drastically changed their carbon footprint.


With Climate Change Comes Floods

Climate change is disturbing the delicate balancing act that people have with water. Find out why.


In Texas, Climate Creeping onto Agenda

High consumption and tough lobbyists make changing climate policy in Texas a difficult task.


Your Questions

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Young Indians Abroad Return to Help Better Country

Environmentalists are building a better India and, along the way, a cross-cultural community.


World Traveler Learns Climate Complexities

Juan Hoffmaister's travels have complicated his views on coping with climate change.


Young Alaskan Sees Changing Way of Life

Matthew Gilbert lives in Alaska's Arctic Village, where elders point to evidence of climate warming.


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