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Posts from the Boston Legal Category at TV Squad
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Giveaway Monday: Boston Legal season four

boston legalGood morning, everyone! This time we've got three copies of Boston Legal - Season Four on DVD for three lucky, random commenters. The DVD is available in stores starting tomorrow.

To enter, leave a comment below before 5:00PM Eastern, Friday, September 26 simply telling us why you'd like to own this DVD set. As always, we'll randomly choose three winners amongst the eligible entries. Some other details:
  • To enter, leave a confirmed comment below stating why you'd like to own the Boston Legal season four DVD set.
  • The comment must be left before September 26, 2008 at 5:00PM Eastern Time.
  • You may enter only once.
  • Three winners will be selected in a random drawing.
  • Three winners will receive a Boston Legal - Season Four DVD (valued at $59.98).
  • Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 and older.
Click here for complete Official Rules.

Rate Denny Crane's performance as a lawyer

Denny Crane's professional conduct is outstanding. According to avoo.comI have a problem. Well, I actually have many problems, but none of them pertaining to this site. What I am talking about is an issue I have with a rating given to Denny Crane in his duties as a lawyer. Okay, I see you're confused (don't ask me how I can see you. It's just one of my superpowers), so let me pontificate further.

Over at Avvo.com, which allows users to search for and rate real-life lawyers, there is a profile of Boston Legal's Denny Crane. Smack dab in the middle of this profile is the rating given to Denny for his experience and professional conduct. For experience he is given three points out of five. This seems weird, considering he's been an attorney since the late 1950s. Yet, it's reasonable given his most recent cases. What really bothers me is his professional conduct rating: five points out of five.

Continue reading Rate Denny Crane's performance as a lawyer

TV Squad presents the 2008-09 fall schedule

The cast of Fringe, the new FOX drama premiering in SeptemberIt's coming. The table is set, the players are on the field, the sails are raised, and the pretty maids are all in a row. Of course, I speak of the 2008-09 television schedule. In just a few short weeks viewers will be able to dine on a number of favorite and new dishes that are being served by the networks as well as the increasing number of cable channels who are delving into original programming.

While other fall seasons have come and gone with nary a whimper, this season may be different. Due to the prolonged Writers Strike many shows ended their seasons quite early. Programs like Life, Private Practice, Pushing Daisies, and Heroes haven't aired original episodes since the end of 2007. Heck, there hasn't been a new episode of The Shield since June of last year! So, the beginning of the 2008-09 season will be a second chance for some of these shows, particularly the ones that premiered last season, to show their worth to fans and the networks.

Continue reading TV Squad presents the 2008-09 fall schedule

Sarah Silverman: best comedy actress?

Sarah SilvermanAs the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences tries to whittle the submissions down to actual nominees, it's interesting to take a look at who has made it to the semifinals. It's not a nomination, but it's one step away. Today comes word of the finalists for best comedy actress and best supporting drama actor. There are some surprises.

Chief among those for me is Sarah Silverman. I honestly hadn't even considered her in the running. I'm not much of a fan, but I do like that she is being considered for the simple fact that the base the nominees are drawn from can always use some expansion. And if she is the most surprising inclusion, the most surprising snub just might be Teri Hatcher. Eva Longoria, Marcia Cross, and Felicity Huffman all made the cut, but not Hatcher. Ouch. The rest of the finalists, and the supporting actors from a drama, after the jump.

Continue reading Sarah Silverman: best comedy actress?

The cast of Boston Legal rides the Pony - VIDEO

My Little PonyThe cast of Boston Legal is now moving to children's toys. This only seems like a joke, but it's not. William Shatner, James Spader and Candice Bergen are among the celebrities and artists who will be designing new versions of "My Little Pony", the toy from the 1980's which launched an animated television series and movie.

(UPDATE: Stacey Luchs, a spokeswoman for the show, said Thursday that Shatner and Spader were unaware of the venture and would not participate.)

The special ponies will be auctioned off by Hasbro as a charity fundraiser. Other pony-designing celebrities include LeAnn Rimes, Debbie Gibson and Danny Aiello. Artists designing ponies include illustrator Catalina Estrada from Spain, New York graffiti artist-turned-designer Claw Money and Japanese manga artist Junko Mizuno.

Still, it beats having to redesign Planet Unicorn.

Continue reading The cast of Boston Legal rides the Pony - VIDEO

William Shatner says Captain Kirk was a good hero

KirkTo many people, William Shatner is a beloved TV icon. To others, he's a shameless self-promoter, a commercial pitchman for everything from margarine to hotel rooms. Few feel neutral about Shatner, so this story may come as something of a surprise. William Shatner rarely watches himself on TV and film. Like a lot of actors, when he works, he's in the moment and doesn't go back and study what he did and why. It's been working for him. As Denny Crane on Boston Legal, he's won two Emmys in the last three years.

Continue reading William Shatner says Captain Kirk was a good hero

David E. Kelley makes a move

David E. Kelley and the cast of Boston legalAfter more than twenty years at 20th Century Fox TV, Emmy-winning writer-producer David E. Kelley is packing his bags.

One of the longest and most succesful collaborations in television history is coming to an end as Kelley announced that he is entering into a three-year partnership with Warner Bros. TV.

Continue reading David E. Kelley makes a move

Boston Legal: Patriot Acts (season finale)

William Shatner(S04E20) "Shirley, it was good that we oppose." - Carl Sack leaving himself wide open.

Shatner and Spader's celebratory dance upon learning they were accepted into the Coast Guard may have been the best acting I have seen out of the two of them all season.

When I read the synopsis of the season finale I really didn't know what to think. At first glance, of course, the idea of one city seceding from the United States seems ridiculous. However, this being Boston Legal I knew there had to be more to it.

Gallery: Boston Legal Finale

Continue reading Boston Legal: Patriot Acts (season finale)

Boston Legal: The Gods Must Be Crazy

Shatner on BL(S04E19) It wasn't until I saw George Segal that I realized how much I missed seeing him on TV. It made me long for the days when he and Finch made me laugh out loud and lament the fact that David Spade hasn't done anything funny since.

While the thought of Denny Crane being President of the United States is certainly funny, the idea that he would be chosen for his electability is ludicrous. Aside from the more obvious problems, the Republicans would never nominate a single man with multiple divorces and an embarrassing arrest record. Let's be honest.

Continue reading Boston Legal: The Gods Must Be Crazy

Dollhouse to midseason... and other network news

Eliza DushkuOk, it is after midnight here in the Jet City, and as I sit down to bang this post out on my beloved Model M it would appear that my tasty glass of juice is half empty. Maybe I'm just not in the right frame of mind to spin this news in a positive direction that will lead to a 2009 full of Dollhouse win.

Tucked away in a report on various network goings on over at Hollywood Reporter is a little line that says "Dollhouse is expected to launch mid-season." This is me shaking my fist in the general direction of Fox and screaming "Khaaaaan!" Just, because. Doesn't this seem like a road that has been traveled before? It's one that usually leads to a pretty disappointing destination. We haven't seen the finished fall schedule yet, but I would wager that most of us could easily find three or four hours where the network would be better served by inserting Dollhouse. Highlights of what the networks have planned are available after the jump.

Continue reading Dollhouse to midseason... and other network news

It's finale time again! No, really.

The end is near for our favoirite showsHoly frik! We've only just started to embrace the return of our shows after a shortened strike season. Now, they are almost over. In the next few weeks all of our network favorites will say good-bye for the summer to be replaced with reality shows, reality game shows, reality soap operas, and Regis on primetime (again).

Needless to say, I'm a bit depressed. As I am sure you are as well. But, we will do our duty and press on. Thusly, we here at the sprawling lakefront offices of TV Squad (you choose the lakefront) have compiled list of when your favorite, and not so favorite, shows will be saying good-bye for their summer vacation. As usual, taking the fickleness of the networks, these times and days can change at a moment's notices. We will try to update you of those changes as quickly as our little fingers can type it out.

So, with a leaden heart, here are your season and series finales.

Continue reading It's finale time again! No, really.

Expect the networks to renew more shows than usual

Old ChristineThe reverberations caused by the writers' strike continue to affect how the networks are doing business. Case in point: according to The Hollywood Reporter's James Hibberd, the networks may be more generous with renewals than they have in the past, due to the fact that even hit shows have been returning to diminished ratings. My guess is that, after a three-month break, most people realized they didn't give two craps about things like Meredith and McDreamy's latest breakup. But it may just be that the weather's nice outside.

Anyway, Hibberd goes on to mention the current status of some of the most prominent "bubble" shows. The good news: Reaper, Old Christine, and HIMYM and Moonlight have shifted over towards the "likely to certain" end of the spectrum, and Boston Legal will likely survive for another year. The bad news: Shark, Men In Trees (which is already gone, according to reports), Cashmere Mafia, and October Road are likely gone. And there's still no real feel for what's going to happen with Eli Stone or Women's Murder Club.

Boston Legal: Indecent Proposals

(S04E19) "No more soda pop!" - Judge Clark Brown

Remember last week, when Alan and Denny made the joke about moving to Wednesdays? Remember how much I loved it? Well, I feel exactly the opposite about this week's version. Last week, the joke was so quick , it could have easily been missed. This week it was about as subtle as Denny Crane himself, Plus, it had the added bonus of already being done.

I don't know what was more underwhelming, the guest appearance of Christine Ebersole or her lame cloned meat case. For a show that has had awesome guest actresses like Missi Pyle, Gail O' Grady and Betty White, the star of Rachel Gunn RN is not an impressive get.

Continue reading Boston Legal: Indecent Proposals

Boston Legal: The Court Supreme

Two of the best things on television(S04E17) I don't want to seem like I'm not happy for Jerry but did we really need to know so much about him losing his virginity and by "so much" I mean anything at all? More importantly, I have to call BS on Jerry's glowing review of his opening night performance. In my many years of "intimacy," some experiences have certainly been better than others but none of them have ever made me nostalgic for my first time. Not that I don't remember it fondly, it's just not something I would brag about and I really doubt that anyone involved would describe me as caring, respectful or wonderful.

I must admit, Mr. Kelley had me at "THE United States Supreme Court." This was a real test for Alan. On one hand, how does he justify defending a man convicted of raping a child? On the other hand, how will his huge ego be able to pass up the opportunity to argue in front of the highest court in the country?

Continue reading Boston Legal: The Court Supreme

Boston Legal: The Mighty Rogues

John Larroquette(S04E16) "During the strike, I fell in love." Jerry Espenson

I think I have finally figured out how Crane, Poole & Schmidt can justify keeping so many nutcases on staff. It's because there isn't one sane person on the entire payroll. In fact, it seems that the higher you rise in the firm, the nuttier you become. Think about it, one named partner is legally insane and another is famous for his dementia. I don't know why Carl Sack hasn't figured this out yet.

In Shirley's case, I suppose she still has a few things keeping her grounded. Although having a father who is losing his battle with Alzheimer's is certainly enough to send anyone over the edge.

Continue reading Boston Legal: The Mighty Rogues

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