October 7, 2008 - With a freshly redesigned iPod nano and iPod touch models, and one of the most popular smart phones in the world in its stable or products, the Apple juggernaut shows no signs of slowing. The 3G iPhone has been,without a doubt, one of the highest selling mobile phones of the year, and each day Apple gains countless new users. As it turns out, a significant chunk of Apple's newest iPhone customers have dropped their existing carriers for AT&T.; In a report published by analysts at the NPD Group, nearly 30% of new iPhone buyers dropped their previous carriers. The report also states that of that 30%, 47% of the users came from Verizon, another 24% came from T-Mobile, and 19% came from Sprint. While the intrinsically appealing nature of Apple's marketing and design undoubtedly drove sales, the analysts at NPD also cited the superior network speeds of the 3G iPhone.

"While the original iPhone also helped win customers for AT&T;, the faster network speeds of the iPhone 3G (have) proven more appealing to customers that already had access to a 3G network," said Ross Rubin, Director of industry analysis for NPD. Apple's grip on the smartphone market has been propelled by the launch of the 3G iPhone, which has risen from 11% of the total smartphone market to 17% in 2008 alone.

What about you? Would you break up with your carrier of a year and a half for a younger, hotter 3G iPhone? Poll below.