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Giveaway Monday: Torchwood season two

torchwood dvd coverGood morning, everyone! This time we've got three copies of Torchwood - Season Two on DVD for three lucky, random commenters. The DVD is available in stores starting tomorrow.

To enter, leave a comment below before 5:00PM Eastern, Friday, September 19 simply telling us why you'd like to own this DVD set. As always, we'll randomly choose three winners amongst the eligible entries. Some other details:
  • To enter, leave a confirmed comment below stating why you'd like to own the Torchwood season two DVD set.
  • The comment must be left before September 19, 2008 at 5:00PM Eastern Time.
  • You may enter only once.
  • Three winners will be selected in a random drawing.
  • Three winners will receive a Torchwood - Season Two DVD (valued at $79.98).
  • Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 and older.
Click here for complete Official Rules.

Filming begins on the third (mini)season of Torchwood

Jack returns for series three of Torchwood. But, what about Mickey and Martha?On a regular basis, we get press releases sent to us here in the palatial penthouse suites of TV Squad. Most of them are your standard write-ups about a upcoming series or television event that can't be missed. Others, while they seem to print all of the necessary information, actually have an underlying subtext to them, arousing curiosity about what the networks and/or studios are not revealing.

Take the recent press release from BBC America that mentioned the beginning of filming on the newest series of Torchwood. The press release mentioned the subtitle of the series, Torchwood: Children of Earth, and that this newest series (actually, mini-series ... only five episodes) will focus on one single adventure that has the team battling for the future of the human race. The release also mentioned the return of John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness, Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper and Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones.

Continue reading Filming begins on the third (mini)season of Torchwood

Torchwood audio episode to air in September

TorchwoodDespite having a shortened upcoming third season, episodes of Torchwood continue to be made. This next one, however, will be on the radio rather than television. The episode is called "Lost Souls" and was written by Joseph Lidster.

The episode takes place after the season two finale "Exit Wounds." It will star the surviving members of that slaughter played by the actors John Barrowman, Eve Myles, and Gareth David-Lloyd. Freema Agyeman will also appear in the episode as former Doctor Who companion Martha Jones.

I managed to get my hands on a few of the Doctor Who audio adventures put out by Big Finish Productions and have enjoyed them tremendously (particularly since they give me a chance to hear what Paul McGann would have been like as the Doctor had he continued in the role). With that in mind, I'm looking forward to what an audio adventure of Torchwood has to offer.

The episode will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on September 10th.

Torchwood series three is a go - UPDATE - Comic-Con Report

torchwood panel
As part of the Torchwood panel, it was announced that a series three of Torchwood was given a greenlight just this morning. It will of course air first in the UK, then will come to the US shortly afterwards.

Check back for more news later on the Torchwood panel and more.

UPDATE: The real news is that it's been picked up by BBC America. Press release follows. Also, sonds like it's only five episodes.

Continue reading Torchwood series three is a go - UPDATE - Comic-Con Report

Comic-Con Countdown: The first day

What's going on during day one at ComicCon? LotsFor those of you attending Comic-Con in San Diego, my hat is off to you. After looking at the schedule for the opening day, Thursday, July 24th, it is a wonder that your eyes don't grow glassy and that vein on the side of your temple doesn't throb with all of the events listed for that day. For those of you not attending, you may be breathing a sigh of relief that you won't have to decide what to attend and what to miss.

Granted, we here at TV Squad are only going to Comic-Con to cover the television-related events. Still, there are quite a few of them going on Thursday, starting when the convention opens and ending as the next day creeps into the night. Panels cover the gamut: public television shows, show revivals, anniversary panels about shows that have been revived, and Robert Smigel. So, if you are going, bring some comfortable shoes, plenty of snacks, and a ton of questions.

If you are not going, but are still interested in seeing what's going on in San Diego, here is a list of TV-related events for the first day of the convention. If you are interested in the complete list of events you can go to Spout blog for Thursday's full Comic-Con schedule.

Continue reading Comic-Con Countdown: The first day

New York Times article on Russell T. Davies

Russell T. DaviesThe New York Times has an article up profiling Russell T. Davies, the man who brought Doctor Who back to television. Davies is openly homosexual and the article describes Davies' sexual orientation as it relates to Doctor Who and Torchwood, the Doctor Who spin-off he created. As a reminder, any gay-bashing comments will be removed.

The article goes on to discuss a situation in which he responds to some homophobic comments. It also discusses Captain Jack Harkness, one of his "omnisexual" characters from both Doctor Who and Torchwood.

Continue reading New York Times article on Russell T. Davies

Good news and bad news for Torchwood

TorchwoodTV Guide reports some good news and bad news for fans of the BBC series Torchwood.

The good: the series has been renewed and John Barrowman will be back to play the role of Captain Jack Harkness.

The bad: so far, the BBC has only authorized five episodes for next year so it may play more like a mini-series than a full season.

Continue reading Good news and bad news for Torchwood

Torchwood: Exit Wounds (season finale)

Torchwood(S02E13) Well, despite some ups and downs throughout the season, to say that this second run went out with a bang, both literally and emotionally, would be an understatement. Definitely, this ranks as one of the best episodes of the series so far and so amazingly surpasses the first season finale in every way. Where that was a silly overblown giant monster romp, this one existed on a much more intimate level within the lives of our cast of characters.

The cast and crew spent all season really fleshing out this team for us and making us learn to love and care for each of them; all of it leading to this stunning finale. Now the events herein could really resonate. Now you might be asking why such a generic Torchwood picture for such a key episode? I see it as a tribute. To what? Well, if you've seen the episode, maybe you know what. If not, what the hell are you doing here? Go watch it already.

Continue reading Torchwood: Exit Wounds (season finale)

Torchwood: Fragments

Torchwood - Fragments(S02E12) The penultimate episode of the second season delivers in a big way, both setting up the season finale as a major event with huge stakes for Captain Jack as well as delivering some great looks back at what brought each member of Torchwood to the team. Using the framing sequence of a massive explosion, we spend the majority of the episode in Lost-like flashbacks.

What's so brilliant about the stories we get is that in most cases the back-stories are nothing like I would have expected for that character, and yet at the same time it so perfectly serves the personality and drives of each individual on the team. Suddenly, Tosh's meekness, Ianto's eagerness and Owen's boorishness make perfect sense in the context of their past experiences. Even Jack's cavalier behavior and obsessive dedication to Torchwood make sense considering his own history with it. What they've managed is to add more depth to our relationship with each of the individual Torchwood members just in time for all hell to break loose in the finale.

Continue reading Torchwood: Fragments

Torchwood: Adrift

Torchwood: Adrift
"Always room for one more. We could have used you an hour ago for naked hide-and-seek." Jack to Gwen after she walked in on him and Ianto having an intimate moment

Well, it was a vast improvement over last week's episode. And it actually revealed some significant information about the rift and its activities, but that's not to say the episode was without some logistical problems and "conveniences." As seems to be par for the course on Torchwood, there was at least one ridiculously convenient coincidence that the emotional hook of the episode hinged on.

Speaking of that emotional hook, you know how you can tell this is a British television show? Because it didn't get all wrapped up in the end in a nice, easy bow. This is a mainstream show in the UK. How many mainstream shows in the US would allow the whole show to get wrapped up in misery and shame and leave us there? Torchwood has always been the darker, more mature cousin of Doctor Who, and this episode lived up to that title.

Continue reading Torchwood: Adrift

Torchwood: From Out of the Rain

Torchwood(S02E10) I guess everyone at Torchwood Creative was still exhausted from the Owen three-parter, because this episode was even more of a letdown than the previous one. While the notion of these "night travelers" somehow being able to step out of old film and into the real world is interesting enough, it seems a better fit for a show like Supernatural than Torchwood, which tries to explain everything away with the Cardiff rifts and space aliens.

It was cool to think of Jack exploiting his immortality by performing as "The Man Who Could Not Die" in a traveling freak show a hundred years ago or so. It would make perfect sense that he'd go into that line of work. But then we learned that he did so while investigating the "night travelers," but he wouldn't say for whom and why he was investigating. Another layer of the Captain Jack onion almost peeled.

Continue reading Torchwood: From Out of the Rain

Torchwood: Something Borrowed

Torchwood(S02E09) Gwen Cooper finds her career intruding on her home life when she is impregnated by an alien shapeshifting carnivore on her wedding day. And you thought your wedding day had problems.

This was more of a comic-relief episode than any of the season's previous ones. It was a welcome respite from the heavy life-and-death episode about Owen from last week.

On a side note, I'm amazed Owen, since he died and was resurrected, still doesn't have the craving for human flesh that the shapeshifter from this episode had. In all other aspects he's pretty much become a zombie. Maybe that bit happens later.

Continue reading Torchwood: Something Borrowed

Torchwood: A Day in the Death Of...

Torchwood - A Day in the Death Of...
) "You get to live forever. I get to die forever." -Owen comparing his situation to Jack's immortality.

This was a very different Torchwood episode. There were no aliens to battle and no major action sequences. In fact, Team Torchwood was mostly inactive. Instead, we got to take an episode to look deep into the psyche and situation of Dr. Owen Harper. Everything from the music to the way the various scenes were shot lent itself perfectly to the melancholy and hopelessness of the character. Burn Gorman showed tremendous depth in his portrayal of Owen this installment, and it looks like we may finally be looking at some major growth for Owen. Not that he still doesn't have some very serious issues to deal with.

Continue reading Torchwood: A Day in the Death Of...

Torchwood: Dead Man Walking

(S02E07) The death of Owen Harper trilogy continued. But does death mean the same thing in the world of Torchwood as it does in our world? Do you really need to ask? Aside from an incredibly hokey introductory sequence in which Jack stormed into the above scene, struck a very theatrical pose and said "Nobody touches him until I return!" before abruptly disappearing again, this was a pretty solid episode. I do have to say that the point of Martha's continuing involvement is escaping me as she didn't really have anything to add to this installment.

Continue reading Torchwood: Dead Man Walking

Torchwood: Reset

Torchwood with Martha Jones(S02E06) "Let's say we were under the same Doctor." Martha Jones explaining to Owen how she knows Jack.

This was probably the most anticipated episode of the season for die-hard Doctor Who fans. It marked the arrival of The Doctor's most recent companion, Martha Jones, for an extended run on the series. As fans of that series know, Jack met up with Martha during his most recent bout with The Doctor on Doctor Who. At the end of that show's fourth season, Martha made the decision to leave The Doctor and stay behind on Earth. As such, it makes perfect sense that she would be available now to appear on the spin-off. And she fit in pretty seamlessly with the gang, even serving to lighten up Jack a lot.

Continue reading Torchwood: Reset

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