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DVR conflict: Chuck's improved... does HIMYM go?

Chuck vs. Tom SawyerI usually hate reruns. Hate 'em. You've built some momentum watching a show, especially when the season starts, then suddenly you're faced with an episode from last year that you already saw. That can be especially incongruous when you're a fan of a show like How I Met Your Mother, which ended last week's episode with a number of monumental character developments.

However, reruns allow you to explore shows that you've wanted to watch but never get a chance to, even in this day and age of DVRs and online viewing. Take Chuck, for instance. I DVR HIMYM just in case I miss something when I watched it live and want to include it in my review. So I don't even record Chuck, a show I enjoyed last year and I've heard has gotten even better in its second season.

Continue reading DVR conflict: Chuck's improved... does HIMYM go?

Ask Heroes stars Milo Ventimiglia and Masi Oka a question

Milo Ventimiglia and Masi OkaOn Heroes, Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia) and Hiro (Masi Oka) have been both allies and enemies as they fight to save the world ... even though sometimes, they have a hard enough time saving themselves. Or making intelligent decisions. BUT, that's a post for another day.

For AOL TV's new video series Outside the Box, Milo and Masi will be interviewing each other on October 29 using fan questions. Got something you're dying to ask -- about future Peter, current Peter, time travel, the bromance that is Hiro and Ando, or anything other burning issues? (Heck, you can even ask about Gilmore Girls if you want to.)

Submit your own question in the comments section below, and Masi and Peter might use it on the air when we launch the interview on November 17. Be sure to include your first name and where you live.

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NBC returns to iTunes, in HD

Heroes in HD on iTunesIf you have been playing along with the home game, you'll no doubt remember last August when Apple and NBC had a little squabble over pricing. That led to NBC content being removed from the iTunes store, and lots of he said/she said over who was at fault. It would appear that time, and potential revenue, really does heal all wounds. NBC is returning to iTunes, and an HD option is being added.

The new deal was announced at the "Let's Rock" event, where Apple unveiled updated iPods. You'll also find shows from ABC, Showtime, USA, and Sci Fi in the HD mix. The shows are already available and have returned at the $1.99 per episode price for SD. The new HD option comes in at $2.99 per episode. Prices for seasons are a little less consistent. Upgrading to HD for season two of Heroes will cost you an extra $10. $12 more for season four of Lost. And apparently, medical shows are really awesome in HD, as Grey's Anatomy adds $15 to the season four price, and season four of House jumps $16 to $47.84.

Continue reading NBC returns to iTunes, in HD

Cat Deeley's crazy outfits

Cat Deeley in her tuxReasons why I tune in to So You Think You Can Dance on both Wednesday and Thursday nights...

1. The dancing. I want to see who got what style and if he / she can pull it off.

2. The judges. Sans Mary's screams and stupid fake-outs, I find the judges rather informative in their critique. Unlike some other shows... *cough* Idol.

3. Cat Deeley and her outfits. Cat is a refreshing host: truly concerned for the SYTYCD hopefuls, genuinely excited for the guest performers, and always ready to engage with the judges.

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It's Friday and there's no Galactica. What will we do?!

bsg earth
Get ready for many, many Friday nights of having to find something better to do than sit in front of television to watch Battlestar Galactica. You could always dig into your past-season DVDs to reminisce on what's happened before ("and will happen again?") or simply watch BSG online. There's also the unimaginable: spending time with friends and loved ones, stepping out of the house or, gods forbid, getting some extra sleep.

While we all think of what to do with that extra hour we have every week, let's go over a few things going on since last week's mid-season finale.

Continue reading It's Friday and there's no Galactica. What will we do?!

The new Match Game celebrity panel

Bob Einstein as Super DaveIt certainly won't be the only factor, but the choices made for just who makes up the celebrity panel will go a long way in deciding the fate of this latest incarnation of the classic show. With that in mind, here is the celebrity panel from the recently taped pilot: Sarah Silverman, Norm MacDonald, Bob Einstein (Super Dave!), Scott Thompson (Kids In The Hall), Rashida Jones (The Office), and Niecy Nash (Reno 911). Andrew Daly (Crossballs) is the host.

How does that lineup grab ya? To me, it's not bad. The Reuters article asks if Sarah Silverman is the new Brett Somers or Norm MacDonald is the new Richard Dawson. In a word, no. You just can't fight that kind of nostalgia. So many of us have seen the classic episodes so many times, and have such fond memories of them, that I don't think there is anything they could possibly do to begin to live up to the original.

Continue reading The new Match Game celebrity panel

What is the appropriate amount of time you should wait before talking about spoilers?

I'm sorry if you haven't seen Citizen Kane yet. Not for spoiling it, just that, you know, you haven't seen it!There was some controversy today in our Top Chef winner's post. We revealed who the winner was before the jump (and without spoiler warnings). Our commenters -- usually shy and unwilling to criticize our site (ahem) -- let us know exactly what they thought of that decision (hint: they were not happy).

It occurred to me that the idea of television spoilers is a relatively new one. I mean, after all, it's only been about 20 years or so that the majority of us had the power to watch our shows whenever we wanted to. In our parents' day, you talked about what happened on TV the night before without fear -- if anyone at the office missed the show, well, there was nothing they could do about it anyway.

What we need is a new etiquette. So, I figured I'd throw a post up and ask you guys: how long should you wait before it's okay to talk about spoilers?

Continue reading What is the appropriate amount of time you should wait before talking about spoilers?

TV Squad Poll: Who the heck watches According to Jim?

according to jimToday ABC revealed its 2008-2009 schedule, where many fan favorites were listed as returning, along with some disappointing cancellations. Every year, though, there's one show that stands out in that list of returning shows; a show that, nearly every time its name is uttered here, gets slammed and ridiculed, boggling minds as to why, oh why, is it getting yet another season. That show is, of course, According to Jim.

Once again, According to Jim gets to continue on ABC for another season. If you read the comments here, though, it's not as though anyone is particularly happy about it. "WTF" and "you've got to be kidding me" are common reactions to this news. So, I have to wonder: if so many people seem to hate this show, despise it so much as to make it the brunt of many TV-related jokes, and to be shocked -- SHOCKED, I tell you -- that the network could continue to allow such an atrocity to linger on, then who is watching it?

Joel asked this question before, but now I want to know. After the jump I've put a poll in place to get some idea of who's behind the ratings that keep breathing life into Jim Belushi's career.

Continue reading TV Squad Poll: Who the heck watches According to Jim?

Big Brother face off: Adam vs. Ryan

Big BrotherI've been an avid fan of Big Brother since it first premiered on CBS. I watched all seasons but one so far (I was away for one summer with no access to a TV) and started reading up on the live feeds last summer. One of the things I like to do when watching is trying to predict who'll be evicted next. So even if Jackie put a "Who will have the jury votes to win Big Brother 9?" in her review of Wednesday's episode, I decided to chime in and give my two cents about both players and make my own prediction. Is my vote the same as yours? Read on!

Continue reading Big Brother face off: Adam vs. Ryan

Reasons why I think ABC should renew Miss Guided

Judy Greer
TV Squadder Paul Goebel reviewed the series premiere of the ABC comedy Miss Guided. He wasn't sure what to make of the show after the first airing and I must admit that I also had my doubts about this new comedy. Judy Greer is a joy to watch as guidance counselor Becky Freeley but the comedy was predictable and the cast way too beautiful to portray a real high school. However, I decided to stick with it and ended up enjoying the show's storylines and characters as well as the interview-like tidbits.

The series aired its season finale last week and is now awaiting ABC's upfronts to know if it'll come back next season or have to close the books. To help ABC make its decision, here are some reasons why Miss Guided should be renewed.

Continue reading Reasons why I think ABC should renew Miss Guided

Major NCIS shake up

Late last night, TV Guide's Michael Ausiello put in print words that NCIS fans didn't want to see: "NCIS Star Goes AWOL!" As soon as the news hit the Internet, my inbox was flooded with emails asking if I knew who was set to leave the show at the end of the season. I poked my spoilers sources but no answers yet.

NCIS fans will remember that around the same time last year, we heard that Mark Harmon wanted out because of creator Donald P. Bellisario. The latter accepted to reduce his involvement on the show so that Harmon would stay. So who is it this time? Could it be Harmon? Let's analyze the situation and make our predictions.

Continue reading Major NCIS shake up

Las Vegas: the series that was

Las Vegas"This place is cursed." - Danny McCoy during the Las Vegas season series finale.

Danny couldn't be more right. Over the years, Las Vegas switched timeslots so many times that I've lost counts. It also went through as many casino owners as timeslots! No matter, the show was an entertaining one. It's the type of show I enjoyed watching on Friday nights (or in most cases Saturday afternoon thanks to my old VCR) because of its lightness. I didn't have to think much while watching the gang try to catch the bad guys, Delinda put her foot in her mouth and Sam try to please her whales so they would lose big bucks on the tables.

A few days after a cliffhanger season finale, NBC decided that fans would have to do without the Montecito crew from now on; Las Vegas was canceled.

Continue reading Las Vegas: the series that was

Did you get Amne$ia?

AmnesiaYet another game show premiered last night. This time, it was NBC's Amne$ia hosted by Dennis Miller. This show has a similar premise than FOX's The Moment of Truth: contestants reveal secrets and facts about themselves in order to win money. The main difference between the two: Amne$ia does it tastefully while Moment goes for the ugliest and dirtiest secrets and somewhat doesn't care that your relationships go awry after the airings.

Continue reading Did you get Amne$ia?

Cashmere Mafia: Dog Eat Dog

Lucy Liu (S01E07) "Good night, Jason." --Mia

And I think that's the last we'll see of the Chinese brain surgeon. What a catch he was though. Smart (well, obviously). Sweet. Attractive. Sleepy. Okay, that last one didn't go over too well. How could anyone, tired from neurosurgery or not, fall asleep on Lucy Liu's abs? She looked downright hot in that lingerie. It reminded me of the Desperate Housewives episode when Brie went to Rex's motel room and whipped off her fur coat to reveal a red lace bra and panties. (Of course that was Marcia Cross's body before the twins.) Then Brie ruined the sexy mood by obsessing about a burrito about to fall and stain the motel carpet.

More on last night's Cashmere Mafia (and no more on Desperate Housewives, I promise) after the jump...

Continue reading Cashmere Mafia: Dog Eat Dog

Celebrity Apprentice: Piers Vs. Omarosa - VIDEOS

Lipstick JungleA few words to describe the celebrity version of NBC's The Apprentice: drama, tempers, egos, backstabbing, bitching, arguing, egos and... more egos! This week, the bruised egos are those of America's Got Talent's Piers Morgan and of The Apprentice (Season 1) Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth. Since the beginning of the season, both have been strong and opinionated players on their respective teams. Even if they didn't have to work together, Piers and Omarosa were pretty vocal about what they thought of each other. This week, hell broke lose when Trump decided to mix up the teams and the enemies ended up, you guessed it, on the same team!

Gallery: Omarosa and Piers? True Love?

Omarosa Manigault-StallworthPiers MorganOmarosa Manigault-StallworthPiers MorganOmarosa Manigault-Stallworth

Continue reading Celebrity Apprentice: Piers Vs. Omarosa - VIDEOS

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