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Holy Language Lexicon


Source: Home Study Dictionary, a resetting in larger type of Annandale's Concise English Dictionary. Published by Peter Haddock Ltd.

Key to Abbreviations

A. Sax. = Anglo Saxon
Cog. = Cognate, Cognate With
Comp. = Compare
Contr. = Contraction, Contracted
D. = Dutch
Dan. = Danish
Dat. = Dative
Dial. = Dialect
Dim. = Diminutive
E. = English
Fris. = Frisian
G. = German
Gael. = Gaelic
Icel. = Icelandic
Ir. = Irish
L. = Latin
L.G. = Low German
L.L. = Late Latin
Lit. = Literally
Lith. = Lithuanian
M.H.G. = Middle High German
Mod. = Modern
O.D. = Old Dutch
O.E. = Old English
O.H.G. = Old High German
O. Fr. = Old French
O. Fris. = Old Frisian
O. Sax = Old Saxon
O. Sw. = Old Swedish
Per. = Persian
Pl. = Plural
Pp = Past Particible
Pret. = Preterite
Pron. = Pronunciation, Pronounced
Prov. = Provincial
Sc. = Scandinavian
Scan = Scandinavian
Slav. = Slavonic, Slavic
Superl. = Superlative
Sw = Swedish
W. = Welsh

Babble From ba, a sound uttered by an infant: D. and G. babbeln, Icel. babbla, Dan. bable, Fr. babiller.

Back A. Sax bæc. Icel. Sw. and L.G. bak.

Backgammon Dan. bakke, a tray, gammen, mirth.

Badge L.L. bagia, a sign, probably from O.Sax. bág, A. Sax.beág, Icel. baugr, a bracelet, ring, garland.

Bag Icel. baggi, böggr, a bag, a bundle; comp. O. Fr. bague, a bundle, Gael. bag, a bag.

Bairn A. Sax. bearn, Icel. And Goth. barn; from bear, to bring forth.

Bait From Icel. beita, to make to eat, to feed, to bait a hook - a causative of bita, E. bite.

Bake A. Sax. bacan = Icel. and Sw. baka, Dan. bage, D. bakken, G. backen.

Bale A. Sax. bealu, O.Sax, balu, Icel. böl, calamity, sorrow.

Balk A. Sax. balca, a balk or ridge, a beam; Icel. bálkr, Sw. balk, a balk, a partition; Dan. bjelke, G. balken, a beam.

Ballast D. ballast, ballast, literally worthless load (being worthless in itself), from bal (akin to E. bale, mistery, bad, and last, a load) In Danish it was modified to baglast, lit. a back-load - bag, back, after, and last, load.

Ban A. Sax. ban, gebann, interdict, prolamation, edict; D. ban, excommunication; Icel. and Sw. bann, proclamation; Dan. band, a ban, bande, to curse.

Band A.Sax. bend, a band, from bindan, to bind; D. Icel. Sw. and G. band.

Bane A. Sax. bana, destruction, death, bane; Icel. bani, Dan. and Sw. bane, O.H.G. bana.

Bang Comp. Icel. bank, a knocking; G. bängel, a club, the clapper of a bell; D. bangel, a bell.

Bank A. Sax. banc, a hillock, also benc, a bench; Sw. and Dan. bank, bänk, Icel. bakki for (banki), D. and G. bank, a bank, a bench.

Bare A. Sax. bær, Icel. Ber, Sw. Dan. bar, D. baar, G. bar, baar, probably from root meaning shining seen in Skr. bhas, to shine.

Bark Dan. And Sw. bark, Icel. börkr, G. borke, bark. (Tree Bark)

Bark A. Sax. beorcan. (Dog)

Barley O.E. barlic, berlie, from A. Sax. bere, barley and leac, a plant (also a leek); comp. Garlic.

Barm A. Sax. beorma = Sw. bärma, Dan. bärme, L.G. barme, G. barme, barm; from root of brew. (Yeast)

Barn A. Sax. berern - bere, barley, and ern, a house.

Barrow A. Sax. berewe, a barrow, from beran, E. to bear, to carry; comp. bier.

Barrow A. Sax. beorg, beorh, berg, a hill or funeral mound; Dan. Sw. G. berg, a hill; allied to burgh.

Bash Scand. Dan. bask, a slap, baske, to slap; akin to box, to fight.

Bask Formerly to bathe, a word of Scandinavian origin = Icel batha sik, to bathe one's self - sik being the reflexive pronoun. Busk is a similar form.

Bass A corruption of barse, A. Sax. bærs, G. bars, D. baars, a perch. (Fish)

Bast A. Sax. bæst = Icel. Sw. D. Dan. and G. bast, bark, perhaps from root of bind. (The inner bark of exogenous trees, especially of the lime, consisting fo several layers of fibres, rope or matting made of this.)

Baste Allied to Icel. beysta, to strike, to beat, Dan. boste, to beat. (To beat with a stick.)

Bat Corruption of O.E. back, bak; Sc. bak, bakie-bird, a bat, Dan. bakke (in aften-bakke, a bat, lit. evening-bird), the word having lost an l, seen in Icel. lethr-blaka, 'leather-flapper', a bat, from blaka, to flutter.

Bath A. Sax. bæth, a bath = Icel. bath, Dan. D. G. bad; from root of bake; bask is akin.

Batten Icel. batna, to grow better, from root bat, bet in better.

Be One of the three verbal roots required in the conjugation of the substantive verb, the others being am and was. A. Sax. beó, I am, beón to be; G. bin, I am; allied to L. fui, I was, Skr. Bhu, to be.

Be- From A. Sax. be-, bi-, from bí, big = E. by. Has various meanings, by or near, or denoting locality, as in beside, beneath, below; with a causative or intensive force, as in benumb, besprinkle, bemire; with a privative force, in behead; upon or against, as in befall.

Beach Origin doubtful; comp. Icel. bakki, Sw. backe, Dan. bakke, a bank, the shore; or from old bealch, to belch, alluding to the washing up of pebbles, &c.

Beacon A.Sax. bécn, beácen, a beacon; hence beck, beckon.

Bead A. Sax. bed, bead, a pravery, from biddan, to pray.

Beadle A. Sax. bydel, a herald, a beadle, from beódan, to bid.

Beaker Icel. bikarr, D. beker, G. becher, from L.L. bicarium, a cup, from Gr. bikos, a wine-jar.

Beam A. Sax. beám, a beam, a post, a tree, a ray of light; D. boom, G. baum, a tree.

Bean A. Sax. beán, = Icel. baun, Sw. bona, Dan. bonne, D. boon, G. bohne.

Bear A. Sax. beran = Icel. bera, Dan. bære, to bear, to carry, to bring forth; D. barren, G. (ge)bären, to bring forth; cog. L. ferre, Gr. pherein, Skr. bhri, to bear, to support. Akin are birth, burden, bairn, barrow.

Bear A. Sax. bera, a bear = D. beer, G. bär, Icel. bera.

Beard A. Sax. beard, a beard = D. baard, G. bart

Beat A. Sax. beátan = Icel. bauta, bjáta, O.H.G. pózan, to beat; akin butt, abut, beetle (a mallet).

Beck Icel. bekkr, Dan. bæk, Sw. bäck, D. beek, G. bach, a brook.

Beckon A. Sax. bedenian, bécnian, to beckon, from beácn, bécn, a beacon.

Become A. Sax. becuman, bicuman, to arrive, happen, turn out - prefix be = by, and cuman, to come, to happen.

Bed A. Sax. bed = D. bed, bedde, Dan. bed, Goth. badi, G. bett.

Bee A. Sax. beó, bi = Icel. bý, Sw. Dan. bi, D. bij, bije, O. and Prov. G. beie.

Beech A. Sax. béce, from bóc, a beech, a book = Icel. bók, Dan. bög, D. beuk, G. buche, a beech.

Beer A. Sax. beór = D. and G. bier, origin doubtful.

Beestings A. Sax. býsting, byst, beost, D. biest. biestemelk, G. biestmilch. (The first milk given by a cow after calving).

Beet A. Sax. béte, D. biet, G. beete, from L. beta, beet.

Beetle A. Sax. bytl, bitel, a mallet from bedtan, to beat; L.G. betel, bötel.

Beetle A. Sax. bítel, from bítan, to bite. (Insect).

Beetle From A. Sax. bítel, sharp, hence prominent, from bítan, to bite. (To be prominent).

Befall A. Sax. befeallan - prefix be, and feallan, to fall.

Before A. Sax. beforan - prefix be, and foran, fore.

Beg Contr. It is believed from A. Sax. bedegian or bedecian, to beg; from stem of bid, A. Sax. biddan, to beg, to ask; comp. Goth. bidagwa, a beggar, from same root.

Beget A. Sax. begitan, bigitan - prefix be, and gitan, to get.

Begin A. Sax. beginnan, to begin - prefix be, and ginnan, to begin.

Begird A. Sax. begurdan

Behest A. Sax. behaes

Behind A. Sax. behindan, behind - prefix be, and hindan, behind.

Behold A. Sax. behealdan - prefix be, and healdan, to hold.

Behoof A. Sax. behóf = D. behoef, G. behuf - prefix be, and word equivalent to Icel. hóf, measure, moderation.

Belabour Prefix be, and labour; comp. G. bearbeiten, to labour, and to beat soundly - prefix be, and arbeit, work.

Belch O.E. belken, belke, A. Sax. bealcian, to belch.

Believe O.E. bileve, beleve, from A. Sax. gelyfan, geléfan, to believe, the initial particle being changed; -lieve is akin to lief and leave, n.

Bell A. Sax. belle; allied to bellan, to bellow, E. to bell, as a deer; akin bellow and G. bellen, to bark.

Bell A. Sax. bellan, Icel. belja, to bellow.

Bellow A. Sax. bylgean, to bellow, allied to bellan, to bell, Icel. belja, to bellow.

Bellows Really a plural form of the word belly, A. Sax. bælg, belg, bælig, a bag, a belly, bellows.

Belly A. Sax. bælg, belg, bælig, bag, belly = Icel. belgr, D. balg, Dan. bælg, G. balg, the belly; akin to bulge; comp. Gael. And Ir. bolg, balg, the belly, a bag, bellows. Bellows is a plural form of this word.

Belong Prefix be, and O.E. long, to belong (to extend in length to), from the adjective long; comp. D. and G. belangen, to concern, from lang, long.

Belt A. Sax. belt = Dan. bælt, Icel. belti, a belt, a girdle, from L. balteus, a belt. Comp. Ir. and Geal. balt, a border, a welt.

Bench A. Sax. benc, a bench = Dan. bænk, a parallel form with bank.

Bend A. Sax. bendan, to bend, lit. to bend and keep bent by the string, from bend, a band.

Beneath A. Sax. beneoth, beneothan, - prefix be, and neothan, below.

Bequeath A. Sax. becwethan - prefix be, and cwethan, to say.

Bere A. Sax. bere, barley.

Bereave Prefix be and reave; A. Sax. bereáfian.

Berg A. Sax. and G. berg, a hill.

Berry A. Sax. berie, a berry; Icel. ber, Sw. and D. bär, G. beere, Goth. basi; root seen in Skr. bhas, to eat.

Berserk Icel. berserkr, lit. 'bear-sark', or bear-shirt.

Beseech O.E. beseke, biseke - prefix be, and seek.

Beset A. Sax. besettan, to set near, to surround - prefix be, and settan, to set.

Besom A. Sax. besema, besma, a besom = D. bezem, G. besem, besen: root unknown.

Best A. Sax. betest, betst, best, serving as the superl. Of gód, good = D. and G. best, Dan. beste, Icel. bestr, Sw. bästa. The root is bat, bet, seen also in better, Goth. batista, best.

Betide Prefix be, and tide, from A. Sax. tidan, to happen.

Better A. Sax. betera, betra, with corresponding forms in the other Teutonic languages.

Between A. Sax. betweónum, betweónan - prefix be, and dat. pl. of tweón, twain, from twá, two; akin twain, twin.

Betwixt A. Sax. betweox, betweohs - prefix be, and tweoh, from twá, two.

Bewray Prefix be, and A. Sax. wrégan, to disclose, accuse.

Beyond A. Sax. begeond, begeondan - prefix be, and geond, yond, yonder.

Bid Partly from A. Sax. biddan, to pray, ask, declare, command = Icel. bidja, G. bitten, Goth. bleten, to offer, command.

Bide A. Sax. bidan = Icel. bida, D. beiden, Goth. beidan. Hence abide.

Big Etymology doubtful; perhaps connected with Sc. or North. E. to big, Icel. byggja, Dan. bygge, to build.

Bigg Icel. bygg, Dan. byg, barley.

Bight A. Sax. byht, from bigan, bugan, to bow or bend = L.G. Dan. Icel. bugt, a bending, a bay.

Bilberry Dan. böllebær, bilberry - bölle, of doubtful meaning, and bær, a berry.

Bill A. Sax. bile, a beak.

Bill A. Sax. bil, bill, a bill, a sword, &c.; D. and G. bille, a pick; Dan. biil, D. bijl, G. beil, a hatchet; root in Skr. bhil, to split.

Billow Icel. bylgja, Dan. bölge, Sw. bölja, a swell, a billow, from root of bulge, belly, bellows.

Bin A. Sax. bindan, pret. band, pp. bunden = Icel. Sw. binda, Dan. binde, D. and G. binden, same root as Skr. bandh, to bind.

Bing Dan. binge, Icel. bingr, a heap.

Birch A. Sax. byrc, beorc = Icel. and Sw. björk Dan. and Sc. birk (comp. Sc. kirk, E. church), D. berk, G. birke, Rus. Bereza, Lith. Berzas, Skr. bhurja - a birch.

Bird A. Sax. brid, a young bird, from the root of brood, breed. Fowl was originally the word for bird in general.

Birth A. Sax. beorth, byrth, from beran, to bear; Goth. gabaurths, G. geburt.

Bison L. bison, Gr. bison, a name borrowed from the ancient Germans.

Bit From the verbal stem bite. In sense of piece it is the A. Sax. bita, bite, Icel. biti, a bite, a morsel; in sense of part of a bridle it corresponds to A. Sax. bitol, D. bit, Icel. bitill, G. gebiss.

Bitter A. Sax. biter, from bítan, to bite, from causing the tongue to smart = D. G. Dan. and Sw. bitter, Icel. bitr.

Black A. Sax. blæc, blac, black = Icel. blakkr, O.H.G. plak, black; comp. D. and L.G. blaken, to burn or scorch, Gr. phlego, to burn, the original meaning perhaps referring to blackness caused by fire.

Bladder A. Sax. blædr, blæddre, a bladder, pustule, blister = Icel. blathra, Sw. bläddra, L.G. bladere, bledder, O.H.G. plâtara, a bladder, G. blatter, a pustule; the root is probably in E. to blow.

Blade A. Sax. blæd, a leaf = D. Dan. Sw. blad, Icel. blath, G. blatt, a leaf; from root of to blow, and allied to bloom, blossom.

Blain A. Sax. blegen = D. blein, Dan. blegn, a blain, a blister; probably from root of to blow, and allied to bladder.

Blare Probably an imitative word; comp. D. blaren, L.G. blarren, blaren, G. blarren, blärren, to bellow, bleat, blare.

Blast A. Sax. blaest, a puff of wind, from blaesan, to blow = Icel. blástr, Dan. blæst, a blowing; Icel. blása, Dan. blæse, G. blasen, to blow; same root as E. blow, blase.

Blaze A. Sax. blæse, a blaze, a torch, from root of blow; comp. Icel. blys, Dan. blus, a torch; akin to blast.

Blaze A. Sax. blaesan, to blow = Icel. blása, Dan. blæse, G. blasen, to blow, to sound as a trumpet.

Blaze D. bles, Icel. blesi, Dan. blis, a white spot or streak on the forehead.

Bleach A. Sax. blaecan, from blaec, pale, white.

Bleak A. Sax. blaec = Icel. bleikr, D. bleek, G. bleich, pale, pallid, white; allied to A. Sax. blícan, Icel. blikja, G. blicken, to shine, to gleam, E. to blink. Bleach is from this word.

Blear L.G. blarr, bleer, blear; Sw. blira, Dan. blive, plire, to twinkle, to wink; Dan. pliiroiet, blear-eyed.

Bleat A. Sax. blaetan = D. blaten, bleeten, L.G. blaten, bleten, to bleat, probably an imitative word.

Bleed A. Sax. blédan, from blód, blood = D. blæden, Icel. blætha, Dan. blode, to bleed.

Blend A. Sax. blandan, to mix = Icel. and Sw. blanda, Dan. blande, to mix; allied to blind, originally turbid.

Bless A. Sax. bletsian, bledsian, to bless, from blod, blood; originally perhaps to consecrate by sprinkling blood.

Blind A. Sax. D. Icel. Sw. Dan. G. blind; originally meaning turbid or cloudy, and allied to blend, to mix.

Blink Same word as D. blinken, Dan. blinke, Sw. blinka, G. blinken, to shine, glance, twinkle; allied to A. Sax. blícan, to gleam, D. blikken, Dan. blikke, G. blicken, to glance, to glimpse. Akin blank, blench, bleach.

Bliss A. Sax. blis, bliss, joy, alacrity, exultation, from blithe, blithe.

Blithe A. Sax. blíthe, blithe, joyful; O. Sax. blíthi, clear, joyful; Goth. bleiths, merciful; Icel. blíthr, Dan. blíd, bland; D. blijde, blithe. Hence bliss.

Bloat Allied to Icel. blautr, soaked and soft; Sw. blot, soaked, blota, to soak, to cure fish by soaking.

Block Same word as D. and Dan. blok, G. and Sw. block, a block, a log, a lump; Ir. blog, a fragment.

Blond, Blonde Fr. Blond, blonde, a word of Teutonic origin; comp. D. and G. blond, fair, flaxen; A. Sax. blonden, grayish or grizzled; allied to blend.

Blood O.E. blod, blode, &c., A. Sax. blód = Goth. bloth, Icel blóth, Dan. Sw. blod, L.G. blood, D. bloed, G. blut; root probably seen in to blow (as a flower), bloom, from the frightness of its colour.

Bloom Same word as Icel. blóm, Sw. blomma, Dan. blomme, Goth. bloma, D. bloem, G. blume, a flower, from stem of blow, to blossom; akin blossom.

Bloom A. Sax. blóma, a mass or lump of metal.

Blossom A. Sax. blóstma, a blossom, from same root as bloom.

Blot Same word as Icel. blettr, Dan. plet, a blot; Dan. dial. blat, a drop, a spot of something wet.

Blow A. Sax. bláwan; allied to G. blähen, to blow, Icel. blása, Goth. blésan, G. blasen, to blow, to blow a wind-instrument; also to E. blow, to bloom, bladder, blast, &c. and L. flo, flare, to breathe or blow.

Blow A. Sax. blówan, to bloom or blossom; D. bloeijen, G. blühen; allied to the other verb to blow, and to L. florere, to bloom.

Blow Akin to O.D. blauwen, to strike; D. blouwen, to beat flax; G. bleuen, to cudgel; and perhaps also with blue.

Bludgeon Origin unknown; perhaps allied to G. blotzen, to strike, D. blutsen, to bruise.

Blue Same as Sc. blae, Icel. blár, livid; Dan. blaa, D. blaauw, G. blau, blue; connected with blow, a blow producing a blue colour. Akin blemish.

Bluff Perhaps from or allied to O.D. blaf, applied to a broad full face, also to a forehead rising straight up.

Blunder Allied to Icel. blunda, to doze, blundr, slumber, Dan. and Sw. blund, a nap, also to blind, blend.

Blunt Akin to Prov. G. bludde, a dull or blunt knife; Dan. blunde, Sw. and Icel. blunda, to doze, E. blunder.

Blush A. Sax. blísian, blysian, allide to Dan. blusse, to blaze, to blush, D. blos, a blush, blozen, to blush; akin blaze, blow.

Boar A. Sax. bár = D. beer, O.H.G. pér, M.H.G. ber, a boar; perhaps akin to bear (the animal).

Board A. Sax. bord, table, plank, deck or side of a ship = Icel. Dan. G. bord, Goth, baurd, D. boord; allied probably to verb bear. Border, broider, are akin.

Boat A. Sax. bát = Icel. bátr, D. L.G. and G. boot, a boat. Similar forms occur also in Celtic, as Ir. W. bad, Gael. bata.

Bode A. Sax. bodian, to announce, to proclaim, from bod, an edict, a message; Icel. botha, to proclaim; to bode; A. Sax. boda, D. bode, G. bote, a messenger; allied to bid.

Body A. Sax. bodig, a body - O.H.G. potach, later, botech, bodech, body; comp. Gael. bodhaig, the body.

Boil O.E. bile, byle, A. Sax. byl, a blotch, a sore; D. buil, G. beule, a boil; Icel. bóla, a blain or blister; Dan. byld, a boil.

Bold A. Sax. beald, bald, bold, courageous = Icel. ballr, D. bout, O.H.G. bald, bold.

Bole From Icel. bolr, bulr, Dan. bul, trunk, stem of a tree; probably of same root as bowl, bulge, &c.

Boll G. bolle, a seed-vessel fo flax, D. bol, a round body; same root as bole, a stem.

Bollard Allied to bole, the stem of a tree.

Bolster A. Sax. D. Dan. and Sw. bolster, Icel. bólstr, G. polster, a cushion, a bolster; root bol, bul, as in bulge, &c., and term. -ster, as in holster.

Bolt A. Sax. bolt, an arrow, a bolt; Dan. bolt, a bolt, an iron peg, a fetter, G. bolz, bolzen, an arrow, a bolt or large nail.

Bond A form of band.

Bone A. Sax. bán, a bone; cog. D. and Dan. been, Icel. and G. bein, a bone, the lower part of the leg.

Bonspiel Dan. bondespil, a rustic game, from bonde, a rustic (A. Sax. bonda), and spil, G. spiel, a game.

Book A. Sax. bóc, a book, originally a beech-tree; Icel. bók, a book, a beech; D. boek, a book, a beech; G. buch, a book, buche, a beech; Slav. bukva, a book, buk, a beech. The words book and beech are closely akin, beechen tablets or pieces of beech bark having probably formed early books.

Boom Akin to beam, from D. boom, a tree, a pole, a beam, Dan. bom, a rail or bar.

Boon Icel. bón, a request, a boon, Dan. and Sw. bon = A. Sax. bén, Icel. bæn, a prayer.

Boor A. Sax. (ge)búr, a countryman or farmer = D. boer, G. bauer; from A. Sax. buan, Icel búa, to dwell, to inhabit, to cultivate; D. bouwen, G. bauen, to cultivate.

Boot A. Sax. bót, reparation, amends; Icel. bót, remedy, amends; same root as in better.

Booth Icel. búth, Dan. and Sw. bod, G. bude, a booth; allied to Gael. buth, Slav., bauda, buda, Lith. Buda, a booth, a hut.

Booty Same as Icel. byti, Dan. bytte, exchange, barter, booty, from byta, to divide into portions, to deal out.

Bore A. Sax. borian; Icel. bora, Sw. borra, Dan. bore, D. boren, G. bohren, to bore; of same root with L. foro, to bore.

Bore Icel. bára, a wave or swell.

Borough A. Sax. burg, burh, a fort, town, city; Icel. Sw. Dan. borg, Goth. baurgo, G. D. burg; root in A. Sax. beorgan, Goth. bairgan, G. bergen, to protect. From same root are bury, borrow, burrow, barrow (grave mound), &c.

Borrow A. Sax. borgian, properly to take on security, from borg, borh, security, from beorgan, to protect; G. and D. borgen, to borrow.

Bosom A. Sax. bósm, D. boezem, G. busen, probably from root of bow, meaning literally a swelling or protruding part.

Both A Scandinavian word = Icel. báthir, bæthi, Sc. baith, Dan. baade, Goth. bajoths, G. beide, both. The first element is seen in A. Sax. bátwá, both-two, both, Goth. bai, both, L. ambo, G. ampho, Skr. ubha, both.

Bottom A. Sax. botm, bottom = D. bodem, Icel. botn, O.H.G. podam, Mod. G. boden, from same root as L. fundus, Gr. pythmen, base, bottom.

Bough A. Sax. bóg, bóh, an arm, a shoulder, a bough; Icel. bógr, Dan. boug, bov, the shoulder, a vessel's bow; allied to Gr. pechys, the fore-arm, Skr. bahus, the arm. Bow (of a ship) is the same word.

Boulder From Dan. buldre, E. dial. bolder, Sw. bullra, to make a loud noise, to thunder; Sw. dial bullersten (sten = stone), a large pebble; lit. a stone that makes a thundering noise.

Bounce O.E. bounsen, bunsen, to strike suddenly; L.G. bunsen, to knock; D. bonzen, to strike, bounce; bons, a bounce; imitative of the noise of a blow.

Bourn Prov. E. and Sc. burn, A. Sax. burna, a stream = D. born, Icel. brunnr, Sw. brunn, Goth. brunna, G. brunnen, a spring, a well.

Bow A. Sax. búgan, to bend (trans. And intrans.) = D. buigen, Dan. boie, Goth. biugan, G. beugen; cog. L. fugio, Gr. phengo, to flee; Skr. bhuj, to bend. From same stem are bow (for arrows), bight, bout.

Bow Icel. bógr, Dan. bov, boug, a shoulder, the bow of a vessel; same word as bough.

Bow A. Sax. boga, Icel. boji, Dan. bue, D. boog; from root of verb to bow. (for arrows).

Bower A. Sax. búr, a chamber, from búan, to dwell; Icel. búr, a chamber, from búa, to live; akin boor, bound (ready).

Bowl O.E. bolle, A. Sax. bolla, a bowl; Icle. bolli, M.H.G. bolle, a bowl; allied to ball.

Box Corresponding by metathesis to Dan. bask, a slap, baske, to beat; akin bash.

Boy Fris. boi, boy, a boy; allied to D. boef, G. bube, Sw. bue, a boy.

Bracken A Scandinavian word; same as Sw. bräken, Dan. bregne, fern; closely allied to brake.

Brackish D. and L.G. brak, G. brack, brackish.

Brad Same word as Icel. broddr, a spike, a nail; Dan. brodde, a frost-nail; A. Sax. brord, a prick, a spire of grass; comp. Gael. and Ir. brod, goad, sting.

Braid A. Sax. bredan, bregdan, to weave, to braid; Icel. bregtha, to braid, bragth, a sudden movement; O.H.G. brettan, to braid.

Brain A. Sax. brægen, bregen, D. and O. Fris, brein.

Brake A. Sax. bracce, fern, bracken; L.G. brake, brushwood; allied to D. braak, Dan. brak, G. brach, fallow.

Brake From the verb to break; comp. L.G. brake, G. breche, an instrument for breaking flax; O. D. brake, a fetter for the neck, braake, an instrument for holding an animal by the nose.

Bramble A. Sax. bremel, brembel, from stem bram, brem (seen also in broom), el being simply a termination and b instered as in number, &c. comp. L.G. brummelbeere, Dan. brambär, G brombeere, Sw. brom-bär, a blackberry.

Brand A. Sax. brand, a burning, a sword = Icel. brandr, fire-brand, sword; Dan. D. and G. brand, a burning. The sword is so called from its gleaming. Akin to verb burn.

Brass A. Sax. bræs, brass = Icel. bras, solder; from verbal stem seen in Icel. brasa, to harden by fire; Sw. brasa, to blaze; Dan. brase, to fry (whence Fr. braise, live embers, braser, to braze, braiser, to braise).

Breach From A. Sax. brece, brice, a breach or breaking, from brecan, to break; partly also from Fr. brèche, a breach, from the same stem, but directly from the German.

Bread A. Sax. breád = D. brood. Sw. and Dan. bröd, G. brod, brot. Root doubtful; perhaps brew.

Breadth O.E. brede, with th added, from A. Sax. braedu, breadth, from brád, broad; comp. length, width.

Break A. Sax. brecan, to break, weaken, vanquish, &c. = D. breken, Dan. brække, G. brechen, Goth. brikan, to break, to crush, &c.; Icel. braka, to creak; same root as L. frango, Gr. (f)regnymi, to break.

Breast A. Sax. breóst = Icel. brjóst, Sw. bröst, Dan. bryst, D. borst, Goth. brusts, G. brust; allied to E. burst, and primarily signifying a protuberance, a swelling.
Breath A. Sax. braeth, odour, scent, breath; allied to G. bradem, brodem, steam, vapour, breath, brod, vapour, a bubble; same root as E. broth and brew.

Breed A. Sax. brédan, to nourish, cherish, keep warm; allied to D. broeden, G. brüten, to brood, hatch, and to E. brew, W. brwd, warm.

Breeze-fly A. Sax. briosa, breosa, a gadfly; comp. A. Sax. brimse, a gadfly, a horsefly; D. brems, G. bremse; O.H.G. bremen, to hum.

Bretwalda A. Sax. bret-walda, bryten-walda - bret, bryten, wide, powerful, and walda, ruler.

Brew A. Sax. breówan, to brew; D. brouwen, Icel. brugga, Dan. brygge, G. brauen, to brew; akin broth.

Bride A. Sax. brýd, bríd; cog. D. bruid, Icel. brúthr, Dan. brud, Goth. bruths, G. braut - a bride.

Bridge O.E. brig, brigge, Sc. brig, A. Sax. bricg, brycg, Icel. bryggja, Dan. brygge, a pier, D. brug, G. brücke, a bridge; akin to Ice. bru, Dan. bro, a bridge.

Bridle A. Sax. bridel, a bridle = D. bridel, O.H.G. bridel. Probably from A. Sax. bredan, to braid.

Bright A. Sax. beorht, bryht, clear, shining = Goth. bairhts, O.H.G. berht, bright; same root as L. flagro (anciently fragro), to flame, flamma (flagma), flame, Skr. bhraj, to shine.

Brim A. Sax. brim, the surf, the sea = Icel. brim, the surf; akin Dan. bræmme, G. bräme, the edge, border; from root seen in L. fremere, to roar, Skr. bhram, to whirl, bhrimi, a whirlpool, brim being thus the part where the surf roars or rages.

Brine A. Sax. bryne, brine, so called from its burning taste = A. Sax. bryne, a burning.

Bring A. Sax. bringan, brang, brungen, later, brengan, brohte, broht = D. brengen, Goth. briggan (pron. bringan), G. bringen; same root as bear, to carry.

Bristle A diminutive from A. Sax. byrst, a bristle = D. borstel, a bristle; akin Icel. burst, Dan. börste, G. borste, a bristle.

Brittle O.E. britel, from A. Sax. brytan, breótan, to break = Icel. brjóta, Dan. bryde, to break.

Broad A. Sax. brád = D. breed, Icel. breithr, Dan. and Sw. bred, Goth. braids, G. breit, broad; root unknown.

Brock A. Sax. broc = Dan. brok, Ir. and Gael. broc, W. broch, a badger, from the white-streaked face of the animal; comp. Gael. brocach, speckled; Dan. broget, Sw. brokug, party-coloured.

Brood A. Sax. bród, a brood = D. broed, G. brut, a brood; from root of breed.

Brook A. Sax. bróc, a spring, a brook, from brecan, to burst forth; comp. D. brock, G. bruch, a marsh. A brook is a breaking forth of water; comp. spring.

Brook A. Sax. brúcan, to use, enjoy = D. gebruiken, Icel. bruka, Goth. brukjan, to use; allied to L. frui, to enjoy (whence fruition).

Broom A. Sax. bróm = L.G. brâm, D. brem, broom; allied to bramble.

Broth A. Sax. broth, from root of brew.

Brother A. Sax. bróthor = D. broeder, Icel. bróthir, Dan. and Sw. broder, Goth. brothar, G. bruder, Ir. and Gael. brathair, W. brawd, Rus. brat', Bohem. bratr, L. frater, Gr. phrater, Skr. bhratr, brother; the root meaning of the word is unknown.

Brow A. Sax. brú, the eyebrow = D. braauw, Icel. brún, G. braue, the eyebrow; cog. With Gr. ophrys, Per. abru, Skr. bhrû, the eyebrow.

Brown A. Sax. brún = Icel. brunn, Dan. bruun, Sw. brun, D. bruin, G. braun, brown; lit. of a burnt colour, from root of burn, bronze, &c.

Buck A. Sax. bucca, a he-goat, a buck = D. bok, Icel. bokkr, a he-goat; Dan. buk, a buck, a he-goat, a ram; G. bock, a he-goat, a buck; W. bwch., a buck, Ir. boc, a he-goat.

Bucket A. Sax. buc, a bucket, a flagon, a pitcher, with dim. term added. Probably allied to back, a vessel.

Build Of obscure origin, but connected with A. Sax. bold, a house, a building; Icel. ból, Dan. bol, a house, a dwelling, from same root as Icel. búa, to dwell, G. bauen, to build or cultivate.

Bulge From the Scandinavia; O. Sw. bulgja, to swell; Icel. bólginn, swollen; the same word as A. Sax. belgan, to swell, in sense of be angry; akin, belly, bellows, bowl, billow, bulk, &c. Bilge is another spelling.

Bulk Same root as bulge; Icel. bulki, a heap, the freight of a vessel; Dan. bulk, a lump, a clod; O. Sw. bolk, a crowd, a mass.

Bull A. Sax. bull (only found in dim. bulluca, a bullock); L.G. bulle, bolle, D. bul, Icel. boli, a bull. The root may be in A. Sax. bellan, to bellow.

Bunch From O. Sw. and Dan. bunke, Icel. bunki, a heap.

Bundle A dim. form bind; equivalent to D. bondel, G. bündel, bundle.

Bung Allied to D. bom, O.D. bonne, a bung; Ir. buinne, a tap, a pigot; W. bwng, a bung-hole.

Bunk Sw. bunke, a wooden vessel, a coop, in O. Sw. also part of a vessel's deck.

Burr A. Sax. burr, a bur, a burdock; Dan. borre, Sw. kardborre, a burdock; the root is probably seen in Ir. borr, a knob, borraim, to swell.

Burn A. Sax. bernan, byrnan, beornan, brinnan, to burn = Icel. brenna, Dan. brænde, O.D. bernen, Goth. brinnan, G. brennen, to burn. Brand, brown, brine, brimstone, &c. are akin.

Burn A. Sax. burna, a stream, a well; Icel. brunnr, D. born, Goth. brunna, G. brunnen, akin to verb to burn; comp. torrent, from L. torreo, to burn. A rivulet; a brook. Prov. E. and Sc.

Burrock A. Sax. burg, burh, a hill, and dim. -ock.

Burrow The same word with burgh, borough, from A. Sax. beorgan, to protect, shelter.

Burst A. Sax. berstan = Icel. bersta, Dan. briste, bröste, D. berste, O.G. bresten, Mod. G. berste, to burst; same root in Ir. frisaim, Gael. bris, brisd, to break.

Bury A. Sax. byrgan, byrigan, to bury; allied to beorgan, to protect, and thus to burgh, borough, burrow, barrow, &c.

Bush Scandinavian: Dan. busk, Sw. buske, a bush = D. bosch, a grove; G. busch, a bush. The word passed from the Teutonic into the Romance languages, and ambush, ambuscade, bosky, bouquet, &c., are akin.

Bush Parallel form of box, from D. bus, a box, a bush; G. büchse, a box, the bush of a wheel.

Busk From Icel. búask, to get one's self ready, a contraction of bua sik, from búa, to prepare, and sik (=G. sich), one's self. Bask is similarly formed. Bound, on the point of going, is from same verb.

Busy O.E. bisy, A. Sax. bysig, bisig = D. bezig, L.G. besig, busy; further affinites doubtful.

Buxom A. Sax. buhsom, compliant, obedient, from búgan, to bend, to bow, and term. -som, -some, as in blithesome, &c.; D. buigzaam, G. biegsam, flexible, tractable, are exactly similar.

Buy O.E. bygge, bugge, A. Sax. bicgan, bycgan, to buy; Goth. bugjan, to buy. Hence aby.

By A. Sax. bí, big, by;O. Sax. O. Fris. bi, D. bij, G. bei, Goth. bi. Often as a prefix in form be.

Byre A Scandinavian word = E. bower.


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