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Reports: Chicago Schools Chief to be Tapped as Ed Secretary


Reports say Arne Duncan is Obama's choice to lead the Department of Education.

Formal announcement expected Tuesday.

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Obama: Fitzgerald Asks for Delay on Blago Report


The president-elect says his team has finished its review of contacts with the Illinois governor's office over his Senate replacement, but the U.S. Attorney's office has asked them to wait a week to release it.

Says it shows no contact that was "in any way inappropriate."

"I would ask for your patience because I do not want to interfere with an ongoing investigation..."

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Obama Introduces Energy, Environment Team


The president-elect announces his latest Cabinet, White House staff picks during a news conference at Chicago's Drake Hotel Monday.

Names Steven Chu as energy secretary, Lisa Jackson as EPA chief, Carol Browner to lead policy council and Nancy Sutley as head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Details on the announcements here.

Adds he'll name his interior secretary later this week. Obama's full remarks here.

Plus: Obama will hold another presser Tuesday at 11:45 am ET at the Dodge Renaissance Academy in Chicago.

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Cheney: Obama Will Maintain Executive Power


The outgoing VP tells Rush Limbaugh he believes Obama will not cede executive power to Congress.

"I think they'll find that given a challenge they face, they'll need all the authority they can muster."

Also says he'll "let history handle" the response to 9/11 and war on terror-- read more here.

Biden TIME


Outgoing newsmag bureau chief Jay Carney to be assistant to the vice president and his director of communications. Permalink

Blagojevich Picks Veteran Chicago Defense Attorney


Chicago Tribune: The embattled Illinois Governor has hired Edward Genson to represent him. Permalink

Obama Finally Elected President


The Associated Press reports that Obama has tallied more than the required 270 electoral votes and is officially the president-elect

Electors gather Monday in each of the 50 state capitals and D.C. to formally cast votes.

Obama should receive 365 to McCain's 173, according to state-by-state tallies of the popular vote. Permalink

Leahy Pushes Back Holder Hearings


The Senate Judiciary Chair says in a statement Monday that he'll delay the confirmation hearings for Obama's attorney general pick until Jan. 15.

Says the rescheduling is to “accommodate” the requests of committee Republicans who say they needed more time to learn about Holder.

Read full statement here. Permalink



Transition team says they'll wait until the week of Dec. 22 to make their staff report on Blago contact public by request from the U.S. Attorney's office.

And/But: Insists the review confirms Obama had no contact and his staff wasn't involved in “inappropriate discussions” with Blagojevich, his aides.

Full statement here. Permalink

Paterson: Kennedy Can Make Her Case Like Everyone Else


The New York Gov. sidesteps questions about the dynastic nature of Caroline Kennedy's Senate bid, says he's spoken with several people who want the job.

Says Kennedy called him Monday, adding: "It's not a campaign. She'd like at some point to sit down."

Comes after NY Times reports Kennedy wants to be considered for the position.

Plus: Politico: Rev. Sharpton releases a statement touting Kennedy's credentials after she calls him to express her intentions. Also calls Schumer. Permalink

Schakowsky: "I Want That Seat"


Speaking on MSNBC Monday, the Chicago Congresswoman says she would run in a potential special election for Obama's Senate seat.

But says she wouldn't want to be appointed to the seat under a plan floated by Lt. Gov Quinn, as the appointee would not be expected to stay.

"I want that seat through an election." Permalink

Pelosi Vouches for Emanuel, Jackson

The House Speaker says Monday she thinks the two Illinois Democrats haven't done anything wrong in their dealings with Blagojevich.

Adds she doesn't know all the specifics of case, but says “they're both people who are very honorable and served in Congress with great integrity.” Permalink

Ill. Lawmakers Forming Impeachment Committee


Illinois House Speaker Madigan announces the committee, comprising 12 Democrats and nine Republicans, to investigate the possible impeachment of Gov. Blagojevich.

They'll begin work Tuesday and continue daily "until they have rendered a judgment."

Madigan: "He's declined to take this opportunity to resign. I think it's time to move forward." Permalink

Report: Salazar Poised to Head Interior


Denver Post: Two sources confirm Colorado's senior senator is said to be a leading contender for the Cabinet post. Permalink

The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Monday, December 15

    • 4:00 pm
    • Illinois legislators hold a special session in Springfield to consider stripping Gov. Blagojevich of his ability to appoint Obama's U.S. Senate successor
    • 5:00 pm
    • Barack Obama holds a press conference to discuss his energy and environmental agenda in Chicago, Illinois
    • 5:30 pm
    • President Bush makes remarks at a Hanukkah reception in the Grand Foyer at the White House

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