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Polar Challenges / UK / Expeditions / Arctic / Spring 2004 polar challenges
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Maps of Compaq Pole II TransArctic Belgian Expedition (Spring 2002)
(click on each map for display)
   - Homepage map and animation
   - Compare Arctic crossings
   - Icemap (received from Leningrad)
   - General map of the route New Siberian Islands - Ward Hunt
   - Map of the departure zone
   - Map of the first progression zone
   - Map of the second progression zone
   - Pick up operation map
   - Satellite map of Arctic ice pack
   - Map of the travel Brussels - Starting zone

Comparative map of 11 Arctic Expeditions (Spring 2002)
Just by clicking on the expedition's names, one can display their positions and compared their positions : this map has been drawned to be able to follow the different Arctic/spring 2002 expeditions at a glance.

Presentation of Arctic Expeditions - Spring 2002
Not less than twelve professionnal expeditions are scheduled to trek on Arctic ice pack during spring 2002 : 5 are leaving from Ward Hunt, one from the Pole (Frenchman Jean-Louis Etienne), one from New Siberian Islands (Belgians team Hubert-Dansercoer) and 4 from Cape Arktichewski (Siberia).

North East Passage with Vagabond (Summer 2002)
North East Passage aboard Vagabond : Frenchman Eric Brossier, together with 6 companions is following the same route as Swedish Explorer Adolf E. Nordenskjöld in 1878-79. Leaving in May and planning to reach Pacific Ocean in October.

Frenchman Gilles Elkaim TransSiberian Odyssey
Three summers and winters to cross, with kayak and sledge, the Eurasian Continent from the Cape North to the Bering Strait. This is the original adventure attempted by the Frenchman Gilles Elkaim whose ambition is to relive the great migrations of the peoples of the Siberian Arctic.

One Antarctic Expedition (Austral Summer 2001-2002)
The Poles Wearables Expedition 2001/02 : American pair Thomas and Tina Sjogren try to reach both South and North pole, one after the other. Unsupported. Last year, they went for the same project. After 60 days on the ice, they had to abandon.

Seven Arctic Expeditions (Season spring 2001)
1/ The Extreme North : Singapourian Khoo Swee Chiow is attempting to reach North pole from Ward Hunt. He plans to be resupplied twice en route. german guide Armin Wirth is going with him.
2/ Danish Explorer Bettina Aller is attempting for the second time the crossing of Arctic pack. She is following the same Itinerary as Borge Ousland, but with resupply en route.
3/ The Polar Orchid Challenge : Britain Ben Saunders wants to be the youngest man to reach North Pole, unsupported. He has engaged british professional polar guide Pen Hadow to help him in this challenge.
4/ Japanese explorer Hyoichi Kohno, 43, left North Pole on March 26th for a 15 000 km journey.. He wants to reach South Japan skying and kayaking. A six years journey.
5/ North Pole 2001 : British couple Mike et Fiona Thornewill want to be the first couple to reach both Souht and North Pole, skying. With two resupplies scheduled ; they are guided by professionnal P. Landry. Catherine Hartley is part of the group
6/ Ousland Arctic Expedition: Norwegian Explorer Borge Ousland is trying the Arctic Traverse between Siberia (Arktichevsky Cape) to Canada (Ward Hunt). Solo and unsupported.
7/ Solo Expedition 2001 : For the second time, Scotsman Dave Mill is trying to reach North Pole leaving from Ward Hunt. Solo and unsupported. Last year, he left WH on April 9th and had to give up after 33 days of expedition.

Hioichi Kohno's Journey (Spring 2001)
A small map showing the route Japanese explorer planed to follow for his six years journey before his fatal accident in Arctic Ocean during his spring 2002 Expedition.

The Wall in Antarctica (International Climbing Expedition in
Queen Maud Land (Austral summer 2000-2001)

Several small maps have been designed for this climbing expedition ; one concerns the Queen Maud Land itself and the other is zooming on the related glaciers surrounding the expedition climb zone.

Five small Antarctica Traverses / Patriot Hills (Hercules Inlet) - South Pole (Austral Summer 2000-2001)
1/ Sasquatch Expedition : two dutchmen Wilco van Rooijen and Marc Cornelissen trying the trek Patriot Hills - South Pole and back, supported.
2/ Challenging Horizons : Britain blindman Miles Hilton Barber (50), accompanied by Jonathon Cook, is trying the route Patriot - Sout Pole, supported.
3/ Danish South Pole Expedition : Danes Kristian Joos and Gregers Gjersoe are travelling from Hercules Inlet to South Pole.
4/ The Poles Wearables Expedirion : Swedish pair Thomas & Tina Sjogren are tryning one pole after another. First, the trek Hercules Inlet - South Pole, unsupported.
5/ Pole to Pole 2000 : Team of youngsters, coming from all over the world, is travelling from North to South Pole. A 33 000 km journey, on foot, skying, cylcing and kayaking also, etc. During the travel they will take part in various humanitarian and developping projects.

Three Entire Antarctica Traverses (Austral Summer 2000-2001)
1/ American Ann Bancroft (45) and Norwegian Liv Arnesen (47) plan to be the first women ever to achieve an entire crossing of Antarctica.
2/ Team of four Norwegians has wintered in a norwegian base (Troll) during 10 months. Two of them, Rolf Bae (25) and Eirik Sønneland (same age), left Troll end October for a trek to South Pole. They've continued to McMurdo.
3/ Slovenian skier Stane Klemenc (50) wants to attempt a solo traverse of 6th Continent Blue One - McMurdo.

Shackleton's Steps (Antarctica, Austral Summer 2000-2001)
Three adventurers, Duncan Nicoll, Jock Wishart and Jonathan Chastrey, are stepping back 84 years in time to recreate for television part of Shackleton's journey, that has become one of the most heroic survival stories
of all time.

Four Arctic Expeditions (spring 2000)
Frenchmen Arnaud Tortel & Rodolphe André trying an unsupported crossing departing from Arktichewski / Norwegian pair Rune Geldjes and Torry Larsen achieving a world premiere by crossing entire Arctic Ocean, from Arktichewski to Ward Hunt, unsupported / Scotsman Dave Mill heading from Ward hunt for an attempt to be the first men walking unsupported to North Pole / Icelanders Haraldur Örn Ôlafsson and Ingbor Bjarnason trying the route Wrad Hunt - North Pole, supported.