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11-year-old Sonic fan faced court to legalize hedgehogs in Kansas - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090124001325/http://wii.qj.net:80/11-year-old-Sonic-fan-faced-court-to-legalize-hedgehogs-in-Kansas/pg/49/aid/127678
Posted Jan 04, 2009 at 11:26AM by Isaac C. Listed in: Off Topic Tags: Christmas, Sonic, Sega, Kansas, CNN

11-year-old Sonic fan faced court to legalize hedgehogs in Kansas - Image 1How far would you go for your favorite video game character? This kid went all the way to court.

11-year-old Judson King was such a Sonic the Hedgehog fan that he decided he wanted the real thing - only to find out that hedgehogs were illegal in his city of Lawrence, in Kansas.

What's a boy to do but convince the court that hedgehogs are fudgy-wudgy creatures and not a danger to civilization as we know it? After three years of work, he finally built up his case enough that when he finally got his day in court, it was "no contest."

The court found no real reason to maintain the ban, and the woodland critter was legalized. Judson finally got his first hedgehog last Christmas. Now let's hope he won't paint his new pet blue and throw it through rings.

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   by Navani - 2009-01-04
 » LOL

I thought it was a nice article, better than that crap the media puts on front pages about people dying and being raped and trying to instill fear into people's lives. But haha, the last sentence made me laugh hard

   by BULL3TPR00F - 2009-01-04
 » lol

its nice to see young kids making an impact on society :)

congrats to the kid

   by cizzar - 2009-01-04
 » Nice but

let's hope Jack Thompson doesn't turn him to the dark side and makes a video game hater out of him when he's older ...

   by Catseye - 2009-01-04
 » Where's The Rest of the crew?

You can't just stop at Sonic, I'll bet for the next bunch of christmas' and birthdays this kid gets Tails (the Fox with 2 tails) Shadow (A Reeeeally mean hedgehog) knuckles, (an angry hedgehog), Amy (look out sonic, she aint nutered[If thats how you spell it :D]) And also those other guys and that weird crocodile. Now let's just hope this is sonic from an earlier game, and not the Dark Chronicles one Lol.

   Re: Genotype - 2009-01-04
 » you forgot...

A fat scientist, every kid needs a fat scientist.

   Re: JOshISPoser - 2009-01-04
 » ummm....

they weren't all hedgehogs. i know knuckles was a chinchilla or however it's spelled...
this is a good article though and a big lolz at the last sentence

   Re: rollypoly - 2009-01-04
 » knuckles

was an echidna

i've wanted one for a long time, they are endangered however...


but isn't that just damn cute...

   Re: JOshISPoser - 2009-01-04
 » that's it

i knew there was a chi in it and chinchilla was the first to mind

   Re: PS3_Geek - 2009-01-08
 » For future reference

Sonic, Shadow and Amy - Hedgehogs
Tails - Fox
Knuckles - Echidna
Vector - Crocodile
Espio - Chameleon
Charmy - Bee

Do your bloody research
   by ganstream1 - 2009-01-04
 » wow

now that is die-hard....

   by akhmer101 - 2009-01-04
 » :)

i liked this article one of the best things i've read on this site for awhile.

   by HIDEO KOJIMA - 2009-01-04
 » !

The kid is just gonna end up killing a hedgehog or 4 when he decides to dip them in blue, red, black, and or silver paint. He might even be be using it as a baseball. Hell, he might even have two foxes, one with the tail cut off.

   by sesa - 2009-01-04
 » Hedgehog as a pet

I don't know much about Hedgehog but aren't they supposed to be unsuitable as a pet?

   Re: Achooist - 2009-01-05
 » If your's has a squeaky wheel, yes.

I used to have one, it was a lot of fun....


So, they are a lot of fun, expensive, and nocturnal. Amazing pets.
   by Dremth - 2009-01-04
 » good for him

im glad we have some people who are willing to go through all the legal troubles to challenge retarded laws like this one. next stop: saying the pledge in california?

   Re: xkiraisgodx - 2009-01-05
 » agreed

yeah ive said it soo many times for the past 13 something years of my life and honestly, thats the part of the day i dont remember doing. saying the pledge is fine but imo it wastes time in school +P lol
   by Mister Common Sense - 2009-01-04
 » .

He should have just broken the law. It has become all the rage with dumbass laws that make no sense.

   by pizzaman2893 - 2009-01-04
 » cool

aint that some *****. Way to go kid have fun with your new pet :)

   by Xis - 2009-01-04
 » I had one

I named it Sonic who'd a thought ??

Hell I didnt give FCK if it was Illegal in NY oh well

   by Beansta - 2009-01-05
 » lol

would be quite funny if that kid dressed his hedgehog with red sneakers with the white stripe :P

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