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Analyst: how Nintendo saved Christmas - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090123133955/http://wii.qj.net:80/Analyst-how-Nintendo-saved-Christmas/pg/49/aid/127943
Posted Jan 13, 2009 at 09:09AM by Isaac C. Listed in: Opinions & Analysis Tags: Christmas, Sony, Nintendo, NPD, Jesse Divnich, EEDAR

EEDAR: Nintendo saved Christmas - Image 1Did you have yourself a Mario little Christmas? (I can hear you groaning.)

Analyst Jesse Divnich of EEDAR says that "Nintendo saved Christmas," with Wii sales on an all-time high for December, and Wii games accounting for half of all games sold during the month.

"Without these sales," he says, "the industry would have likely felt the full wrath of the recession. [...] Simply put, Nintendo saved Christmas." Dr. Seuss would be proud.

Sure, say all you want about the Wii's games, but they're the ones that kept the industry afloat. As for the rest of his predictions for December, Divnich forecasts that the Wii sold 3.2 million units, the Xbox 360 sold 1.5 million, and the PlayStation 3 clocked in at less than half that at 700,000 units.

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   by ISOHaven - 9 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!

"Wii games accounting for half of all games sold during the month."

I'm waiting for Mr. Douche Bag to explain the ZERO attachment rate of the Wii YET AGAIN to us all.

   Re: Mister Common Sense - 8 days ago
 » the explanation is simple for non Wii-Tards

Nintendo was hoarding Wii systems all year in the 'ol secret warehouse for sale during the holidays since they knew they would all sell out.

With the high number of Wii systems sold to date and the number of systems sold in the last month, HOPEFULLY, some games were selling for all those systems. With any new Wii system, you're going to need Wii Play even though it sucks for the free Wiimote. One "game" sale right there. Then the unknowing parent will toss another 2 or so crap Wii titles in the cart because crap makes up 95% of all Wii games. 3 game sales, 0 quality games. Not a great way to increase an attachment rate, but it works apparently.

While the attachment rate has indeed increased slightly in the last 2 years, it is most likely because of lowered expectations from Wii software that Wii owners must accept.

Depressed Wii owners, abandoned by Nintendo, sadly walk into the nearest Wal-Mart and choose the most bearable game out of an aisle of crap.

   Re: ISOHaven - 7 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!

So once again, ZERO facts and nothing but your BS opinion.

Gee, who would have EVER GUESSED!!!
   by hush404 - 9 days ago
 » ahh suddup

Mario ruined christmas Imo. There I said it yo. THat lil italin douche ruined christmas! he killed santa woO!

Why did the Wii sell 3mill? Ahh thats rite, cuz eveyone's grandma and 2 year old feels they need one. I dun know any gamers who actually enjoy the hell out of the wii.

   Re: Yamagushi - 9 days ago
 » yup

100% Agreed. Its a lame fad. I expected this to be the holiday season it wore off and nintendo bombed, but i guess not. Too many lame ass people out there who can't think for themselves are buying into the POS system.

   Re: ISOHaven - 9 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!

Actually, you do. You've been in MANY conversation with people on this site that do just that.

   Re: Anomaly - 9 days ago
 » Like it or not....

Whether you like the wii or not, numbers don't lie. The wii sold well during the recession. The wii selling well during the recession is good for the industry AS A WHOLE. Obviously not as great for MS and Sony as for Nintendo, but still good nonetheless.

If everyone and their grandma has one, well whoop de doo, why do you care? It's not like the Wii is detracting from the quality of your games, if your own arguments are to be believed. Why can't you be happy with your console's perceived superiority? If you see a paraplegic on the street, do you walk up to him, do some jumping jacks, then spit in his face? Just get over yourselves and suck it up.
   by lordoftheluis24 - 9 days ago
 » IsoHaven and I have to be the only intelligent people on this site -.-

Of course Hush404 and Yamagushi, lets take a look at something, shall we? In the last two years, we've recieved masterpieces for the Wii such as Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, and some nice third party titles. Xbox 360's only good games are Halo 3 and Gears of War 2. PS3's only good games are Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Metal Gear Solid 4. Do the math, idiots. -.-

   Re: D.Dark - 9 days ago
 » Re: Flame Wars

Everyone out there needs to realize that what you consider to be a "good" game is 100% subjective. You can find anyone on any system that can list a multitude of games that they consider to be "good". You all need to just grow up, enjoy the system you have, and stop whinning/complaining about which one is better. Your not getting any money from Sony/MS/Nintendo for whatever one "wins". So just let it go!!!

   Re: rollypoly - 9 days ago
 » um not so

most of the titles you mentioned are rehashes of games that have been around for a very long time...

masterpieces indeed, because they've had decades to get them right...

nintendo knows how to capitalize on their IPs, and they know how to make good games for the wii. very few others seem to be able to make a game worth a damn on wii...

all the consoles have their strong suits and weaknesses, for the 360 it's hardware, for the ps3 it's software, for the wii it's an odd combination (to a lesser extent) of both...

my faves (in the last 2 years):
mass effect, saints row 2, fable 2, mirror's edge...

others love (again the last 2 years):
gta4, fallout3, LBP, etc...

   Re: trigger - 9 days ago
 » @d.dark

" Everyone out there needs to realize that what you consider to be a "good" game is 100% subjective. You can find anyone on any system that can list a multitude of games that they consider to be "good". You all need to just grow up, enjoy the system you have, and stop whinning/complaining about which one is better. Your not getting any money from Sony/MS/Nintendo for whatever one "wins". So just let it go!!!"

well said, buddy. ;-) 100% agree with everything you said. one of the best comments i've ever read here in a long while.

   Re: ISOHaven - 9 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!

PC stomps all your pathetic consoles!!!!


   Re: genesiscopy - 8 days ago
 » but i must play vesperia

my wish for vesperia to be multiplatform is lost since vesperia is just xbox 360 exclusive... no....!!1

   Re: genesiscopy - 8 days ago
 » sorry for the random subject change

i'm no fanboy. heck i dont even own any of the next gen consoles, since im such a cheapskate anyway... lol.. just finished tales of abyss on ps2 and realized that the next good tales game is just xbox 360 exclusive is quite heart-rending....

   Re: ISOHaven - 8 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!

I couldn't disagree more with rollypoly. All 3rd party vendors make GOOD games. None of them are buggy and they all work. You are mistaking the ability to MAKE a game with being a decent story teller.

Sure game mechanics can make or break a game but unless you can TELL A STORY you aren't going to get anywhere. Nintendo just happens to have some damn good authors under their sleeve.

   Re: rollypoly - 8 days ago
 » @ISO

i'm not referring to story at all...

i was talking controls. the only good games i've played on the wii are casual party style.. aside from first party titles.

any traditional game ported to wii is harder to control than it is with a normal controller. if more devs supported the classic controller in their games this would be a non issue, and i would have nothing bad to say about wii games (aside from the obvious graphics).

if a game is cross-platform i don't even bother with the wii version, as i've tried and it just frustrates me.

motion sensing is inherently inaccurate when compared to analog sticks.

i stood in freezing temps for hours to get a wii on launch date, i'm not a wii hater...

i have a lot of fun playing the wii, but it is not god's gift to gamers...

   Re: ISOHaven - 8 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!

So according to you then, controls is the only thing that makes a game GOOD.

I doubt the average person will agree with you, but ok.
   by Owneddmuch - 9 days ago
 » I agree

PC Is the best. PC FTW.

   Re: Anomaly - 9 days ago
 » Not really.

All the PC has gotten recently is rehashes and crappy ports. When SC2 comes out, we can once again claim gaming superiority in general. As it stands the only thing the PC dominates at are RTS, and if you dislike FPS with a control stick, those too.

   Re: rollypoly - 9 days ago
 » don't forget MMOs

really the only popular genre that is still PC exclusive...
   by Shazman1984 - 9 days ago
 » The Wii...

Everyone seems to be hating on it these days, but its clear the industry would burn this generation without it. Haha, Microsoft and Sony fanboys are pissed they're being dominated by an inferior machine.

P.S. if you capitalize on wii.... its WII(world war 2) ahhhhhh!!!

   Re: ISOHaven - 8 days ago
 » WTF!?!?!?!?!


The true Wii-tards are the haters. They are Wii-inept!

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