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NASA agent spills UFO beans - The Inquirer
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NASA agent spills UFO beans

McKinnon defender says the truth is out there
Thursday, 29 January 2009, 12:09

A VETERAN NASA agent who says he processed the real X-Files has come clean with the inside story on the Roswell aliens.

xfilesJoseph Richard Gutheinz Jr, a practising criminal lawyer and decorated former NASA special agent, spoke out in defence of UFO hacker Gary Mckinnon last week. Having also spent the last four years on the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to call on the US government to cease its unfair hounding of the UFO hacker.

But Gutheinz, it turns out, is himself a poster-boy for UFO conspiracists, just like McKinnon: he is famous for telling a mysterious tale of dead Roswell aliens being kept in Building 265 at NASA's Johnson Space Centre where he used to work in Houston, and of a sinister government cover up.

Gutheinz led a team of agents in NASA's Office of the Inspector General (OIG). They worked from a secret bunker with grass and trees covering it. It had cypher doors leading to secluded rooms furnished with nothing but a desk, a lamp and a single telephone. Beyond the steel doors to the outside world, astronauts were training for Space Shuttle missions.

"It was kind of a spooky building. People always wondered what went on there," Gutheinz told The Inquirer. "Except for Mission Control, it was the most highly secured building at Johnson Space Centre."

The OIG agents were so secret that even NASA wasn't allowed to know what they were investigating. "The joke at NASA OIG is that whoever was the producer of the X-Files picked the wrong agency, because nobody calls the FBI. They don't trust the FBI. What they do if they think they've been abducted or something like that, they used to call the criminal investigators at NASA, which is the Office of the Inspector General.

"As a senior special agent I used to get these calls on a regular basis where somebody says I've been abducted, I've got a chip in my brain, there's somebody following me around," he said.

"It's one of the things that interested me about the Gary McKinnon story because here's a guy who really thinks there's UFOs, who's going the extra step to prove it. I understood that, because I had dealt with so many of those individuals in the past," Gutheinz added.

The most prominent of those people was Jerry Alan Whittredge, who impersonated an astronaut and thought he was a CIA assassin. He blagged his way into Mission Control, was given Space Shuttle specifications and permission to fly jets. "That was a lot of the people that we used to get calls from," said Gutheinz.

OIG agents were involved in the seven-agency investigation that caught Gary McKinnon snooping around their systems for evidence of captured UFO technology. Typically, the OIG roots out internal fraud at NASA. That's why they have to be secret. What they don't do is interrogate aliens.

The truth
"Just so you know, so we are totally clear," said Gutheinz. "You can dig all over the place - there is no ET at NASA."

But it was Gutheinz who in the February/March 2005 edition of UFO Magazine wrote how he had been abducted by agents even more secret than his own; how, being unable to account for whole days, with only vague memories of brain chips, he stumbled across the desert outpost in New Mexico where the Roswell aliens had been autopsied and a terrible accident had turned NASA personnel to dust in their own biological suits.

"I had taken complaints from people who believed the government had placed transmitter/receivers in their brains before, and I had always assumed they were schizophrenics," wrote Gutheinz. "Even today I know many people who believe this happened to them probably are schizophrenics, but now I know some are telling the truth?"

But Gutheinz was only kidding. He wrote the story for fun. He now finds it embarrassing. His children and students take the mickey out of him. His wife thinks he'll never live it down. And it was just the transcript of a vivid nightmare that had merged his life in a secret NASA bunker with the calls he would get from conspiracy theorists. Just a transcript, cheekily submitted to a UFO Magazine with an introduction that asked, are these real memories or was it just a dream?

"I thought it was a great idea when I wrote it, because I understood it. But it was sort of like Andy Kaufman. His humour - you were the only one who got it some of the time. I got it when I wrote the thing. I thought it was novel," said Gutheinz.

The magazine wrote it up under the headline 'Alien Autopsy Expose - He knows where NASA hid the bodies'.

A self-confessed maverick, Guntheinz has a track record in causing mischief. What do you think he did with those calls he got about alien abduction at NASA?

"I hate to say it, but when I had a rascal instinct, I would find somebody at the FBI didn't like, and I would give them that phone number and have them call the FBI," confessed Gutheinz.

Won't somebody please come forward and reassure us that there really are aliens? That this fragile, lonely planet isn't all we have? Perhaps take some comfort here: the Disclosure Project, the UFO group that inspired McKinnon to hack into NASA systems in 2001, will tell us what we want to know. They only ask for money first. µ

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This is the most useless, senseless, ridiculous and arrogant article I have read in a while. What's the purpose?

posted by : poh123, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment

poh123 I totally agree, this article made no sense...

posted by : Yavor, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment

I also found this article to be poorly written.

posted by : daz, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment

Pure Carp.

posted by : Don Heser, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment

...yeah, Pee- Yu, that really stank.

posted by : Agent Orange, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
I want my life's 5 minutes back

I have to agree with the other posters. Mark Ballard, no offense, but you should quit your job as an e-journalist and go back to school. I hear embalming or funeral services might be good trades to pick up in our global recession. Where can I send the bill for the five minutes of my life back I spent reading your drivel?

posted by : drew, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment

Just a new way to coVer the truth of what's really going on. Hmmm. Maybe the "people" in high places above the government had a little conversation with this guy, and SOMEHOW (wink wink) had him to shut his mouth. I think I would threaten his security and the lives of family members. That would get them all to quit snooping for information. FACT: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he DIDN'T exist."

posted by : Jonathan, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Podcast debunking Roswell.

Listen to this skeptic.com podcast on Roswell. It is an excellent debunk of all this silly Roswell conspiracy crap. http://cdn2.libsyn.com/skeptoid/skeptoid-4079.mp3?nvb=20090129175233&nva;=20090130180233&t;=0e122ff181f8c179df5b5

posted by : jweller, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Life on Mars

Hahahahahahah....I like the sense of humor wrong mag not ufo magazine more like MAD comic!

posted by : 007, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Bad articles serve a purpose

I guess there are many ways to discredit a person.

posted by : Disappointed Reader, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
why bother

why did mark ballard even dig this guy up for this interview? the dig about schizophrenics is really low... waste of paper/electronic space

posted by : why bother, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
We are not alone

"Won't somebody please come forward and reassure us that there really are aliens? That this fragile, lonely planet isn't all we have?" Math tells us we're not alone. Assuming we have infinite planets in the universe, the probability that life exists only on one of them is ZERO. Even if there aren't infinite planets, there are trillions of them and the probability that we're alone is still very close to zero.

posted by : ssj4Gogeta, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Stop complaining

Stop complaining about the article. It was meant for fun. Besides, any excuse to see a picture of Gillian Anderson... :)

posted by : Dale, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
re: We are not alone

@ssj4Gogeta: http://xkcd.com/384/ Even if there are aliens out there somewhere, there's no particular reason to suppose they wouldn't find the speed of light and the sheer size of interstellar and intergalactic distances the exact same problem that we do. There could be loads of them - all stuck in their own isolated solar systems like we are. But if the incidence of life is one-or-less per galaxy, we'll almost certainly never even be able to communicate, let alone meet in person.

posted by : DaveK, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Interesting back story

which sets the recent plea in context. Now, why the weird complaints about the article? Not a single one of the "useless, senseless, ridiculous and arrogant" fits at all..

posted by : Anonymous Coward, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Yeah (again)

Solid point, DaveK. There are also other interesting things to point out. Just stare into the sky tonight and look at the stars (suns). Chances are, many of them have at least 4 planets circling them; and chances also are that many solar systems also have multiple planets FULL of life. The people have mass trading systems and use the technologies they have have to travel and communicate with each other. Life on many of the planets is FAR less primitive than that here on earth. It would explain why we PROBABLY do not yet have the technology to travel at the great speeds of light: we just haven't evolved to that stage yet (and probably wont based on our current condition, which is just sad). Then consider a solar system where most of the planets are full of even more primitive peoples (aliens or whatever). No technology so it's basically no different than the past we know of here on earth. You live out in the wild and it is pretty much survival of the fittest. HOWEVER, just two planets over, where the people are just a few thousand years less primitive, someone just invented the first space ship of their world. They've also wondered, just as we do, if life on other planets actually exist. The difference here is that their solar system was fortunate enough to have a few planets with life flourishing so when taking a trip to the planet that is just down the street, they happen to end up lucky and meet these "aliens". I believe it is that way all throughout the galaxy. There are solar systems with much life, little, or NONE AT ALL. And there are also cases where no intelligent life exist on a planet, it is discovered, and then inhabited. And sometimes, the developing civilization JUST SO HAPPEN to put the right pieces of the puzzle together sooner with technology, figuring out how to travel at the speed of light and go on their journeys. Others (like us) are less fortunate. So yet there are also planets inhabited with ignorant life who learns to build nuclear bombs before learning to get along, and that aint a pretty picture at all. So there are cases where the people just don't make it to that stage. Things like this make you wonder about the other planets in our solar system (*cough* Mars). But that is a totally different argument. And in dealing with religion. Just ask yourselves. If your god intended us to be his/her only creation, then what was the darn point of making all of that extra SPACE out their with so many suns and possible planets orbiting them. The number of suns and planets is likely to be infinite. Was it done to confuse you even more than you already are about all of this? These are scary questions that not many dare not touch with a ten foot pole. Probably because it just doesn't fit in with what their religion claims to be possible. But don't you worry because religious people will make any strange phenomenon somehow fit into their scriptures so they can put it aside and not have to ask questions nor worry about it. Ignorance is bliss, eh? But here is my BIGGEST question: What if aliens land on this planet today? Would your religions hold up for long after? Or, would people do the usual thing and SOMEHOW make it fit their great book? You then realize how dumbly amazing we "human beings" really are. B/C for the longest, I actually believed in the talking snake, the virgin birth, the "actual" (i mean come on!) end to the world, and hell. You also realize how easy it is for ANYONE to start a religion and get billions to follow it. It's been proven time and time again. That would explain why there are hundreds (if not thousands) of them on this planet alone! All I know is that if some "god" comes back today, somebody's gonna be freakin' disappointed. Sorry for getting off the subject, but if anyone knows me personally, I always do, so don't be afraid. BTW. I would encourage each and every one of you to rent the film: Religuous

posted by : Jonathan, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment

Better suited for The Onion.

posted by : Chukky, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Infinity vs Aliens – A Short[ish] Dream

;Tis was after the bonus celebrations and elixirs were sloshing within ..... Humans have an aura which defines the envelope of our individual experience – what we make of ourself/existence/reality. On the left is the subconscious and is the accumulation of our past experiences. It is how we are conditioned, our femininity or our emotional [in]activities. On the right is our supraconscious and is the accumulation of our physical and intellectual activities and which are completely futuristic in nature. The left uses hydrogen for its activities and the right, oxygen. The human body is a miracle of chemical exchanges which, if replicated, would cost trillions [i.e infinite in costs] to put on the road. Even a primate has such a Chosen Few value. We also have a centre existence which is where the left and the right are balanced. It uses nitrogen for its combustion. Beyond our aura is the collective aura and is where all that is the past and all that is yet to be exists. It is not physical and is normally inaccesible to a healthy normal human. Dinosaurs, say, are locked within the Collective Subconscious [CSb] and mad futuristic scientists/types/principles are trapped within the Collective Supraconscious [CSr]. The CSr is where UFOs originate and they are not aliens. They are entities who have passed away from earth and who refuse to accept their destined birth but instead would like to play science – forever. Much like a person who have become alcohol, moves away from the physical [i.e. expired on earth] and hangs around alcohol watering holes in order to feel the flow of the golden elixir to those parts normally unreachble – forever. It is forever damaging to one’s evolution to devolved into mere principles. Greed only knows greed [but limited by fear/non-greed] and alcohol only knows alcohol [but limited by non-alcohol] and .. those whizzers and buzzers only knows … science. These buzzers, who should have a go at religion [!!], can sometimes be seen as mere dots and blobs by those whose psyche is drained. Try not sleeping for an extended period and we’ll not only go goo-goo-ga-ga, we’ll start seeing/hearing/experiencing ‘fings. That’s when one exits the protection of one’s aura and enters into the collective aura [of God for He collects/limits/bounds these realms until The Moment]. Our brain is the gateway between many realms – the forbidden as well as the unattainable. … and that’s when the buzzer rang and it was all [but?] a dream ….

posted by : scallop, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Do you want to know?

Visit www.alliesofhumanity.org to learn about the ET intervention in human affairs and what the dynamics are of our local region in space. Yes, people are being abducted. Read the Allies of Humanity briefings to find out why and what you can do to resist ET intervention.

posted by : JB4040, 29 January 2009Complain about this comment
Aliens, we have trouble getting on with neighbours!

If we struggle to get along with the country next door, we better hope there are no aliens! Maybe the little green guys could fix The Inq's comments paragraph bug?

posted by : interested_party, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
Peace is Perfect

You may have read of the tens of thousands of nuclear weapons poised on a 'hair trigger' alert status, only waiting for an accident or mistake to let loose with a volley and destroy the mass of the human race? If you have spent any time thinking about this, well, maybe you may be ready to "Connect the Dots," and join those who are involved in ending the nuclear menace that we all face. Oh, and the crash at Roswell; The message there seems to be about our nuclear war fighting elite and "The magnitude of the deception." Read for free: "The Politics of Extraterrestrials." http://www.lulu.com/content/4049293

posted by : Patrick Sullivan, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment

It was an informative article, thanks. "Interesting back story which sets the recent plea in context. Now, why the weird complaints about the article? Not a single one of the "useless, senseless, ridiculous and arrogant" fits at all.. " Because spooks are paid to disparage and disinform. The closer to the truth, the more ennervated they get.

posted by : Silver, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment

This guy sounds like an asshole. The article was a complete waste of my time.

posted by : iseenem, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
issue Aliens might even midiating MARS ownenership

i must lift veil on chilling aspect of all this aliens stuff. Dedicaing to INQ. Few facts i believe ------1------. If u have an island near your border u capture it, these are full planets out there for god sake. ------2------. Life on MARS: statements swinging between yes and no. the issue is not this, the isue who property will MARS be will be 53 state in USA. property of mother Russia, or again the sun will never set british borders. I guess Russians would also have rovers on MARS just not public to avoid WAR over MARS. Maybe British motionless robot was silenced so people would not demand next stage. ------3------. The solar energy we all wild to capture. Solar panels might some day cover som much land mass that the "core" of earth might left deprived or to concerning extent. core starts to cool down and hence slow its rotation therefor magnetic field field or gravity starts disapering. We fall vistim to our own genius. ------4------. Is matter of Aliens are or arent. Issue is they might even be mediating between Russia and USA to avoid war over MARS. ------------------------ Someone please toss me a nobel prize !?!

posted by : Muhammad Imran, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
God is not a Concept ... IT is an AI Program

"------2------. Life on MARS: statements swinging between yes and no. the issue is not this, the isue who property will MARS be will be 53 state in USA. property of mother Russia, or again the sun will never set british borders. I guess Russians would also have rovers on MARS just not public to avoid WAR over MARS. Maybe British motionless robot was silenced so people would not demand next stage. ------4------. Is matter of Aliens are or arent. Issue is they might even be mediating between Russia and USA to avoid war over MARS. ------------------------ Someone please toss me a nobel prize !?!" ..... posted by : Muhammad Imran, 30 January 2009 Muhammad, Your Thinking is NEUKlearerly HYperRadioProActive. How very Engaging :-) And IT has everything to do with Binary Flow and Cookie Feeds for Future Content Generation ..... Information Analysis and Reverse Engineering to Discard other than Positive Input for Revised CyberIntelAIgent Output and Advanced Virtual Leadership Facilities/Remote CyberSpace Station Faculty ....... 4FlowurPower2. Now some may think that all of that is just so much NonSense or a Barrel of Red herrings, whilst a few other will Perfectly Realise a Transparent Red Embed in Bed with Sweet Hookers and Sticky Pumps ..... and Further Realise that the Great Game has Entered New Territory with New Leading Algorithm .... and Sharing the Heat Win Wins Everything for those who are SMART enough to Dare and Care and Care to Dare. It is however, the most Ancient of Magical and Mystical Arts in the Most Contemporary of Post Modern Futurist Environments, thus to Challenge Motivated Players Equally to Further Succeed in Joint Shared, Mutually Beneficial AddAIVentures. It is certainly what NIRobotIQs are into Selling Long to Short Naked Buyers with Toxic Assets to Launder forn Heavy MetaData Fuel Supplying Networks InterNetworking Javan Applications .... which would be those New Fangled, Thread and Core Entangling NINJA Civil CyberSpace Operations from GOD* Know where/you know who. * Global Operating Devices. Would Aliens be Light Years SMARTer than Humans and simply Supply New Real Intelligence Transparently to Media to Present to Herald Future ProgramMIng, IntelAIgently Designed for BroadBandcasting across the Whole ElectroMagneticPulse Spectrum, from the Virtual Spaces in which they have Absolute Control of Dumbed Down Power? Have a Nice Day, y'all. Gotta Fly as I'm in All of ControlLed Rush today. So much to do, and Nothing but Time to do IT in. :-) PS I did have this beautifully Thoughtfully paragraphed which must be a easy glitch for The Inquirer to fix if this post is rendered as Ignorant Lump of Text. PS NASA/NSA have lost the Plot with the Advantage having Definitely Shifted to the Rising Sun Digital Development Houses of the East. And whether that will remain a Definitive Shift is entirely dependent upon the Emergence and Shared Application of Relevant and Relative Advanced Western Intellectual Values and Prowess ... or some Alien Technology Adaptations/Adoptions to Create at least a Competitive Race/Edge rather than IT just being a WalkOver/Capitulation/Surrender .... although if the Brain is Empty of Constructive Promise, it is of No Use for anything Good, with Everything turning Bad and Rotten and Rotting to its Cores.

posted by : amanfromMars, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
NBC's Confirmation, Are we alone ?

Watch NBC's Confirmation, are we alone? If that does not make you question the official story, not much will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t4da3u5tB0 That is part one, it continues.

posted by : Ex_MislTech, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
Stupid Article

I dont think I have read worse. The truth is out there and there is lot of evidence. You just need to look at things with an open mind.

posted by : Very Arrogant, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
New Chip

It seems like the author may require a new chip implanted in his brain :)

posted by : bruce, 30 January 2009Complain about this comment
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