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Wii homebrew - Fuse Snapshot 3 - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090203120019/http://wii.qj.net:80/Wii-homebrew-Fuse-Snapshot-3/pg/49/aid/128513
Posted Jan 29, 2009 at 03:31PM by Glenn M. Listed in: Homebrew Emulators Tags: joysticks, Unix, ZX Spectrum

Fuse screenshot - Image 1Feel like kickin' it oldschool? Fuse is the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator made by Philip Kendall back in the 80s, which is an emulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. It just got an update an it's yours for the downloading.

But before that, be sure to check out this changelog by developers Bjorn Giesler and the Fuse team.
  • Buttons 1, 2, A, B, Plus and Minus are now user defined. By default they are mapped to joystick fire. To define them go to menu Options/Joysticks/Joystick 1.../Button Mapping
  • Added ability to save settings: To manually save settings go to menu Options/Save. You can also set auto-saving settings to on in menu Options/General. Settings are automatically loaded on startup. They are located in sd:/apps/fuse/.fuserc. This is an unofficial patch.
To install, just unpack the archive to the root of your SD card and run it. For more info and thousands of games, follow this link to World of Spectrum.

Download: Fuse Snapshot 3

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