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Disney making new TRON game? - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090204144813/http://wii.qj.net:80/Disney-making-new-TRON-game-/pg/49/aid/128575
Posted Feb 01, 2009 at 10:36AM by Isaac C. Listed in: Rumors Tags: Disney, Kingdom Hearts, Tron, Disney Interactive Studios

Rumour: Disney starting on new Tron game - Image 1 

A scrambled message from Master Control. Disney Interactive Studios is rumored to be working on a new TRON game, to be based on the upcoming film. End of line.

Not really surprising, despite the rumor arriving at the heels of the news that Disney's video game studios laid off some 50 of their employees. But what's a TRON movie without a TRON game right? No details for the game came with the rumors, but I'm hoping for some souped-up Kingdom Hearts II-type racing going on.

If the rumor is true, we can probably assume the game will be released in 2011, alongside the release of the TRON film sequel, TR2N.

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   by mike_jmg - 2 days ago
 » weeeeeeee

more crap

   by Hekynn - 2 days ago
 » nice

nice I still have the UMD version of the first Tron its a good movie but I think this gen will make it look a hell of alot better. :)

   by m3rox - 2 days ago
 » ..

Why is this in PSP news? There's not one mention of this being for the PSP, not even in any of the source links.

   Re: Foolmonkey - 2 days ago
 » Yea

I've noticed A LOT of articles aren't PSP related.

   Re: jacobian91 - 2 days ago
 » well

seeing as there is no where near as many things going on for the PSP as there are for other things, you should be happy. You don't want the PSP section to be as barren as the DS section do you?

And it doesn't say that it isn't on PSP, so there's a chance that it is...
   by genesiscopy - 2 days ago
 » tr2n

with the return of sora as cameo

   by ValiX - 2 days ago
 » "but I'm hoping for some souped-up Kingdom Hearts II-type racing going on."

What? Riding around dodging and smacking Heartless with the Keyblade?
I'm all for that :D

   by dragon92 - 2 days ago
 » ...

I loved the Tron 2.0 PC game!I still play it from time to time.So Tron 3.0 sounds great :) And it will be best if it is released for the PSP as well!

   Re: Tashy P - 1 day ago
 » Cool

Yeah, sweet. The movies called Tron 2.0 now though, so maybe it'll based on the cool PC and Xbox game. A Tron.03 or something would be great though.
   by RSX46 - 1 day ago
 » Cool

I always loved the movie Tron. I just hated that they didn't have the tech back then to make it look really good. I hope this new one will be good?

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