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Activision-Blizzard: CoD4: Modern Warfare 2 out by Holidays - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
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Posted Feb 11, 2009 at 07:58PM by Mabie A. Listed in: News, Games Tags: Infinity Ward, Activision Blizzard

Happy Holidays - Image 1 

Now we've got a release window for the next iteration in the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 2. Activision Blizzard has revealed, in their fourth quarter financial conference call on Wednesday, that the game will be due this holiday season.

Infinity Ward is on the reins for Modern Warfare, and from what's come out so far, it appears like this one's gonna be a direct sequel to the previous title. ActiBlizz also reported that they actually earned in profits this year, unlike many other companies out there hurting from the recession bug.

As to which platform Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be on remains to be a mystery.

Related Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Articles:

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   by Justingraziano - 1 day ago
 » ...


   Re: Matt-N - 1 day ago
 » Still...

... there's always real life to fall back on. isn't there?


   Re: Twenty-Se7en - 1 day ago
 » I understand...

But there are much better ways to protest the belief structure of a software developer, is there not?

I'm all for equal rights but people fighting for rights should take a calm, intelligent disposition. How many activists that have resorted to name calling or violence have truly won their battle?

   Re: BigGulps - 1 day ago
 » The bible tells ALL

Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

   Re: Justingraziano - 1 day ago
 » RE: BigGulps

That is why I burn Lible's and hope all churches burn down.

   Re: emcp - 1 day ago
 » mm

"A man who lies with another man should be stoned! It helps, thats all i'm saying"-- From da mahn himself, Franky bolye

   Re: Justingraziano - 20 hours ago
 » RE: Twenty-Se7en

Your right but Blizzard has been preaching it's Christian views for too long. They need to be shut down.
   by Matt-N - 1 day ago

I can't wait!

   by lee123 - 1 day ago
 » As to which platform Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be on remains to be a mystery

it will defo be on ps3, 360 and PC

as its infinity ward im not sure on a wii or PS2 version, wii maybe as waw on wii sold quite well

as for handhelds DS maybe, doubt a psp version, which is a shame

   Re: Twenty-Se7en - 1 day ago
 » In all honesty, think about this.

In a time when many video game creators are hurting very, very hard, don't you believe that games developed for their respective systems would be the wiser choice. PC + 360, practically the same thing hardware wise, so it is cost effective. PS3 holds a large audience for these types of games as well. Playstation 2 is one hell of a resilient system but simply porting isn't a solution as it usually results in poor frame rates and bugs galore. Wii has a target audience and its control scheme warrants a much more innovative title. Also, anyone who owns a psp can say they that ports are a crime. It's a handheld and these systems really need to be developed for in specific not just a copy of the console versions. The controls never match and often have the feel of a poor quality game. DS again, like the wii, really benefits when its hardware and interface is created from scratch.

If I was in the software development business right now I would only release the top end product developed properly for the target system. Things are too iffy in the economy right now to be able to simply span the same title over all platforms.

Food for thought, if nothing else.

   Re: Shatterdome - 1 day ago
 » Controls...

The main thing is controls....and ps3/360, PC, wii, psp, DS all have very different control schemes...

are far as FPS goes, wii hasn't gotten it's control scheme down....but maybe with WaW they have decided on something and will tweak it.

PC is of course the definitive control scheme for FPS....

PS3/360 have evolved and with dual analog can manage FPS very solidly.....this was a natural evolution from the dreamcast controller...

The PSP....is a dreamcast controller....it can funtion for FPS but is not ideal by any means (especially with a nub for an analog)

DS fares even worse...it has a virtual analog, which is usually more of a pain in the ass to control than it's worth...but when it works it works well.....
   by Master Chef - 1 day ago
 » Sweet

COD is the one series I will never knock for releasing titles quickly (cough Madden cough). Can't get enough COD. COD2, COD4, and WaW are three of my favorites this gen

But please, PLEASE get rid of the infinite enemies

   by khloudstrife - 1 day ago
 » Hooray!

I think we should all be happy that INFINITY WARD is back on this again. No more of this Al-Qaeda Zombie Mode!

   by Shatterdome - 1 day ago
 » ...

The numbering on this game is almost wackier than the numbering on SF games....

   Re: Matt-N - 1 day ago
 » !

I wonder what Super Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 3 Turbo Plus Alpha Champion Edition will be like :op
   by afterdawn - 1 day ago
 » When?

When is this going to be released? It says this holiday season but what months are those?

   by housy1011 - 1 day ago
 » autumn

autumn e.g. october november time

   Re: BigGulps - 1 day ago
 » Release date

Call of Duty: Finest Hour (Nov 16, 2004)
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (Nov 1, 2005)
Call of Duty 2 (Nov 17, 2005)
Call of Duty 3 (Nov 7, 2006)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nov 5, 2007)
Call of Duty: World at War (Nov 10, 2008)

Anybody else thinking early November 09? Yeah, me too. It's gonna kick CoD:WaW in the fleshy patch where their nuts used to be.
   by papakep - 20 hours ago
 » .

i love call of duty so much i wanna take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant

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