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Dissidia is win: current champion for overall January sales in Japan - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090205140100/http://wii.qj.net:80/Dissidia-is-win-current-champion-for-overall-January-sales-in-Japan/pg/49/aid/128626
Posted Feb 03, 2009 at 11:40AM by Gino D. Listed in: News, Games Tags: Japan, Square Enix, Nintendo, Tetsuya Nomura, Enterbrain

Japanese Charts: PSP Surges on Dissidia Launch, DS Still On Top - Image 1

For the second month counting, Square Enix's Dissidia is on top of the food chain once more. Tetsuya Nomura should be happy - here's hoping this nudges him further into resurrecting plans for a sequel.

From the period of December 29 to January 25, Dissidia: FInal Fantasy has managed to sell 186,352 units in Japan. To date, the PSP RPG-brawler has now sold a little less than a million - woot! -  specifically, 846,614.

Dissidia's even beaten Monster Hunter Portable 2ng G (the re-released edition under the "PSP Best" banner), which is on 6th place, and the still-going-strong DS title, Wagamama Fashion Girls Mode on 3rd place.

Enterbrain's monthly report is mostly littered with Nintendo titles all around, but Sony's still going strong. Nice to see White Knight there - it barely made it to the list, but hey, that's a good sign too. Full list for January overall sales:
  1. Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP) - 186,352
  2. Rhythm Heaven (DS) - 169,567
  3. Wagamama Fashion Girls Mode (DS) - 158,103
  4. Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii) - 148,702
  5. Hoshi no Kirby: Ultra Super Deluxe (DS) - 146,700
  6. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP) - 143,782
  7. Wii Fit (Wii) - 141,902
  8. Pokemon Platinum (DS) - 119,482
  9. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 119,440
  10. White Knight Chronicles (PS3) - 112,904

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   by jimftr - 1 day ago
 » yay

this proves that the psp is not dead and is still selling great.

   by blackthorn - 1 day ago
 » lol

No, this proves that a select game in a very narrow market is doing well. Even then, there's only 2 PSP games on the top 10 list in total. Snapshot it again in another 3 weeks and the PSP title will be relegated to a minority standing at best.

bias market snapshot is bias.

Take PSP sales across the globe and you'll see that the PSP is in very average shape across the board and any top selling PSP game is as much about the fact good PSP games are very few and far between (which in itself will skew figures) as a true representation of actual quality in the product.

It's not about being pessimistic about the situation as much as employing a little healthy skeptisism and realising that most market 'information' you're fed is bias bull***** with a simple bottom line agenda - to increase sales.

   Re: sony_player - 1 day ago
 » ^

Dude, what the hell is your problem? The ds only has 4 titles in the top 10, so it's not like it's completely dominating. Need i remind you that the best selling title in japan last year was a psp game? We don't need you spreading your cynical BS so just go away

   Re: sony_player - 1 day ago
 » And another thing

You endorse piracy in one article and then you go and complain about the lack of psp titles now? hypocrisy much?

   Re: TheLastGuitarHero - 1 day ago
 » ...

OHHH, ***** throw down! ***** is going down! Someone's getting served!


   Re: blackthorn - 1 day ago
 » lol...

@ sony_player :

The DS sales are destroying the PSP world wide in both game sales and units sold, so pull your head out of your ass fanboy and look at the stats overall before you beat me down.

As for your piracy quote l2fknread!!!!

I *never* ENDORSED piracy you illiterate moron, I was providing a viewpoint in order to show understanding at how it comes about. There's a difference.

There's nothing wrong with being a little cynical in a capitalist world you consumerist's wet dream, as long as you look at the whole picture for what it is and not what you want it to be.

I'm no more a NDS fan than I am a PSP one, I take each on it's own merits and look at the stats as they come by and form conclusions on that. It's the bias reporting that annoys me as much as the idiot fanbase who swallow it without question. People like you.

@ TheLastGuitarHero :

Hardly getting served you bandwagon jumping *****master. The guy was not only making assumptions, but can't read and lives in a state of denial about his precious platform of choice.

Only in the eyes of illiterate and uninformed little conformists like yourself does he seem to have a spine, something I'd point out you don't seem to possess yourself.

He might be stupid, but at least he had the balls to speak his mind first. Unlike yourself...

   Re: TheLastGuitarHero - 1 day ago
 » ...

Welp, for starters I THINK you're taking this too seriously and should calm down before you hurt yourself.

Also, you have a horrible taste in sarcasm, just throwing that out there.

And finally, I don't have balls because I didn't read this post until 8 hours after it was posted and decided to agree with someone despite the fact that it was a reply you? Wow, I think you need to get Your head out of Your ass, killer. You're really not that important, if not for good humor. That's what's awesome about you, you're so horrible at detecting sarcasm and you cry about it, that it's awesome to laugh at! I'm not taking a side one way or the other, but you talk about that dude making assumptions when that's all you did with me, lol nice one, slugger. Please do a little proof reading, your name calling is pointless and it looks like you're trying to sound tough to get your point across on a QJ article.

   Re: Techni - 22 hours ago
 » The DS sales are destroying the PSP world wide

Quality wise, PSP is destroying DS both hardware and software wise.

"good PSP games are very few and far between"

That is an outright lie. PSP has tons of great games, I own 40.

bias market snapshot is bias, applies to you more than anybody

   Re: Genotype - 22 hours ago
 » to Techni

I agree, the ds just saturates the market with crappy games. If you compared the number of good ds games to good psp games, the number would probably be very close.

   Re: blackthorn - 17 hours ago
 » well...

@ TheLastGuitarHero - If you want to have a crack at me ***** you better bring your best game. No point in holding up hands in supplication if you're gonna take a snipe. Either play the game or gtfo.

I never said I was important, you're making further assumptions you *****wad - I just have an opinion and unlike you soft*****s, I'm not scared to stand up and give it. QQ moar if you don't like it because trying to shut me up with your kiddie bandwagon approach just doesn't work. Do you actually think I WANT to be part of your moronic little community? Give me a break you clown, the 'oh you're not cool enough to hang with us' routine works in kiddie school, not the real world.

@ Techni - If you honestly think that the PSP has 40 'great games' then you're an idiot. I don't need to defend anything after that because you're a deluded moron. 40 Great games for the PSP? Oh please.... name them all and put beyond doubt how laughable that statement truly is for all the world to see!

@ Genotype : It's not a question of gaming quality here, but sales. A few morons before you decided to misconstrue what I'd said into a completely different assumption and that's where you're basing your thoughts. For the record, I agree with you - the PSP's 'quality' titles are something that the DS cannot achieve, but that hardly matters in the context of this discussion.

   Re: TheLastGuitarHero - 7 hours ago
 » ...

Yeesh kid you're still trying way to hard, make sure you swear more in your name-calling to get your point across, makes you look more tough. Let's break down your horrible comment..

"I never said I was important, you're making further assumptions you *****wad - I just have an opinion and unlike you soft*****s, I'm not scared to stand up and give it."

-I never said you said you were important, I was simply telling you, can't you read? You're the one that talks about reading comprehension. And what is there to be scared of giving your opinion about, dude? You act like you should be up on this pedestal for giving your opinion when that's what everyone does, whoopty doo.

"QQ moar if you don't like it because trying to shut me up with your kiddie bandwagon approach just doesn't work. Do you actually think I WANT to be part of your moronic little community?"

-What are you even talking about? Kiddie bandwagon approach?? See, everyone used to say Freeplay was an *****, and although is he, he is smart and contributes.. most people just find you an *****/retard. Kind of like an asstard, I guess. So what community do you speak of? QJ? Homebrew in general? If so, why are you even around? If you mean something wasteful like "Community of idiots lololol," then this argument is over and you lost, if you haven't already.

"Give me a break you clown, the 'oh you're not cool enough to hang with us' routine works in kiddie school, not the real world.

-... Okay? So?
   by DarkXCloud - 1 day ago
 » This shows

This shows that not everybody pirates PSP games.

   by jmak0 - 1 day ago
 » poor psp

I feel for it, but on the other hand, it needs some improvements like a better analogue stick. I wish noone had ever learned to pirate it because then it would have been a lot more successful. However, these sales are good news, heres hoping they do make a psp 2 and that it has all the stuff I dream of such as dual analogue and R2 and L2, in-game XMB, full speed WiFi , youtube and native playstation store. Also, I would like to be able to play Little big planet levels I've made on my ps3, on my psp.

   by Echo12 - 1 day ago
 » An ***** named BLACKTHORN..

This Blackthorn is really pissing me off. First he's criticizing Daedalus and now the PSP as a whole. I'm starting to think that he's a Nintendo Junky trying to mess up the PSP. Hey freak-O just shut the HELL up will ya? Get a a dildo and use it on yourself. Freak!

   Re: blackthorn - 16 hours ago
 » lol!

Oh have a cry you little sook!

The critique of the Daedalus's 'we proved you all wrong' tactic was well justified you moron.

What's more, I own all the major platforms in the market and take them all on their own merits unlike many of you die hard Sony fanboys.

I give credit where it's due you little hardcore wanna-be and if you can't see beyond the 'Oh he's dissin' my PSP' angle, then you can join the other sheeple in Sony's fanbase.

Fact is, the PSP is a top quality handheld with a truckload of potential that was squandered in a lame effort to maximise profit. I resent the attitude of Sony corp concerning the product and I'm not afraid to speak out about it.

People are more concerned with hype, self acclaim and stroking each other's ***** in this community than they are about the quality of the product. The PSP doesn't need to be 'sold'. Good brew doesn't need to be 'sold'. It all sells on it's own merit and I'm one of the few who actually have the balls to step up to the plate and actually applaud the good work as much as piss on the lame efforts.

Fact is, you idiots are just happy with whatever s*****fed ***** that's served up to you because you strongly believe that ANYTHING you get is better than nothing at all. This is how communities die because at the end of the day a hell of a lot of the crap that's released on this platform (both brew and commercial) is just sloppy ***** created either for a quick buck, or for ego stroking.

Well ***** that and ***** any of you who stand up for 2nd class bull*****.

Don't like my attitude? TOUGH! Look past the rhetoric and aggro you shallow morons and realise that what I dare to say I do so for the greater good of the system overall.

I call a spade a spade and ***** brew, ***** brew - that's just how it is.

Rest assured, when QUALITY hits the table either on the commercial or brew front I'm one of the first to stand up and applaud - but if you come at me with half baked ***** and try and convince me it's something that it's clearly not, I'll not hesitate to call you down for it.
   by Echo12 - 14 hours ago
 » FU..

Oh please!! Quit your blabbing!! You talk too much!!

Have a cry? Now that's quite a remark. FOR A GIRL!!!

Go back and suck *****ies you piece of junk!!

   Re: blackthorn - 13 hours ago
 » lame

You can do better than that, surely?

I spit on your sissy response!

If you're going to cross verbal swords here, at least bring it with a little more style and panache!

I might ramble, but at least it's got a point and constructive content...
   by Galduke - 12 hours ago
 » lol fanboism

I have to agree with blackthorn here on the whole DS>PSP sales thing, it's a simple matter of numbers people and no amount of passion or kicking and biting can change it. The DS also has more good titles than the PSP as well as more crap do to sheer numbers. While Dissidia is only proof of Final Fantasy's fanatical fanbase and not of the PSP's liveliness, the PSP is far from dead. Just think of the DS as the PS2 and the PSP as the Xbox.

   by Rayn389 - 10 hours ago
 » Well not for nothing but

I own all the next gen consoles and handhelds and nothing more has kept me enticed then the PSP...The DS doesnt have the kind of power the psp has and Sony has so much going for it. Like other people said the DS has maybe a few good ones. to name a few;Mario Kart,Sonic dark chronicles,and the pokemon games...

But PSP has so much more possibilities yet to be discovered. Lets see, we already know its a powerful console enough to run N64,i also seen in the works display of Dreamcast games on the horizon.We already know ps1 games work on it. It has internet not GREAT internet. But enough to run AIM,YOUTUBE,check your email and other things.A great movie player. Hi-res display screen. A music player better then iPOD matches that of the zune. Also even has the option (with a big enough memory stick) to have an operating system. I seen a windows 95 psp. It was quite amazing.

In short... I'm by no means a FANBOY of any kind cause i own a 360 a ps3 a wii a DS and PSP and play them all equally. When something comes out good i buy it. really the only reason i bought my wii was for super smash. Just because Sonic was in it..Mario deserved it...Now when sega suprises you all with a NEXT next gen console ill be a sega maniac again. Sonic will once again be only for that system running circles around the competition. Its below the radar but the new sega system IS in the works......now to get back on topic... PSP has way more GREAT games then crappy ones. Dissidia of course,Twisted metal,Syphon Filter,GTA's,Tekken,Crisis Core,God of War,Force Unleashed,Sonic Rivals,Manhunt 2,Splinter cell... well the list continues but im not so impressed with the DS... =/ oh well enough of my ranting...

   by Echo12 - 8 hours ago
 » Pathetic..

Oh yeah Mrs. Blackthorn become the stylish one. Do you need style to say that your being an *****? Sounds like gay to me.

Oh and if you are browsing the site there is something called like the DS section. There you can post all of your "Stylish Comments".

One more thing, the only thing you spit is your own cum *****.

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